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ምኒስተር ምክልኻል ነበርን ኣባል ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኾነን ኣቶ መስፍን ሕጎስ ብዕለት 22 መጋቢት ኣብ ከተማ ፕሪቶሪያ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ክፉት ዝኾነ ሰሚናር ኣካይዱ።

"ዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጢ፡ ዘሎ ዕድላትን ብድሆታትን" መስፍን ሓጎስ ፕሪቶርያ: 22 መጋቢት 2014  ምኒስተር ምክልኻል ነበርን ኣባል ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኾነን ኣቶ መስፍን ሕጎስ ብዕለት 22 መጋቢት ኣብ ከተማ ፕሪቶሪያ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ክፉት ዝኾነ ሰሚናር ኣካይዱ። ኣቶ መስፍን ኣብ ኣስተምህሮኡ ፕለቲካዊ ናጽነት

ዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጢ፡ ዘሎ ዕድላትን ብድሆታትን

መስፍን ሓጎስ

ፕሪቶርያ: 22 መጋቢት 2014

 ምኒስተር ምክልኻል ነበርን ኣባል ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኾነን ኣቶ መስፍን ሕጎስ ብዕለት 22 መጋቢት ኣብ ከተማ ፕሪቶሪያ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ክፉት ዝኾነ ሰሚናር ኣካይዱ። ኣቶ መስፍን ኣብ ኣስተምህሮኡ ፕለቲካዊ ናጽነት ናይ መወዳእታ ዓላማ ገድሊ ኤርትራ ከመዘይነበረ እንታይ ድኣ ዲሞክራሲ ንምርግጋጽ ከምዝነበረ ሓቢሩ። ሕጂውን እንተኾነ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጢ ክረጋገጽ ልዑል ተክእሎ ኣሎ ብምባል ተስፋ ከይቆረጽና ምስ ኩሎም ደለይቲ ለውጢ ተሓባቢርና ክንሰርሕ ከምዘሎና ኣስሚርሉ፡፡ የግዳስ እዚ ቃልሲ ንዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጢ ብድሆታት ከምዘለዎ ብምግንዛብ፡ ነዞም ብድሆታት ብኸመይ ንሰግሮም ኣብ ዝብል ሸውዓተ ነጥቢታት ዝሓዘ መፍትሒታቶም ዘርዚሩ። ጽሟቅ ትሕዝቶ ሰሚናር ኣቶ መስፍን ሓጎስ እንሆ።

Review overview
  • Forto March 25, 2014

    It is time for all of us to sing the song of unity and the song of freedom. It is not about Hagos or Vagaro, it is about all of us. We all agreed that we have a bad Government and we need to change it Unless we are together we are not going to win.


    ክቡራት መንእሰያት ደቀይን ንኣሽቱ ኣሕዋተይን፣

    ንዓይ ዓጋመ ኢኻ ኢሉ ኣፈይ ዘትሕዘኒ የለን።ኣንኳይ ሎሚ ጎይተት ኮምፕዩተርን ፣ልዑል ትምህርትን ሶፊስቲኬትድ ፋብሪካታትን ኮይኖምሲ__ቀደም እኳ ሰብ ጥላምን ርሱዓት ድኻ መደኽደኽ ከለዉ እኳ ዓጋመ እንተበሉኒ__ኣየሕንኸኒ። ኣነ ከም ኤርትራዊ ዝሓሽኩን ዝበለጸ ባህርን ጌረ ንኤርትራውነተይ ይወስዳ ኔረ እምበር፣ናይ ትማሊ ታሪኽ__ሃጸይ ሚኒሊክ ዝኸፈሎ ህዝቢስ___ብኣብ ትሕቲ ዓርኮብኮባይ ኮይኖም ዝምሃዝዎ ታሪኽ ኣይዕሾን።ናይ ከበሳ ሓማሸን(ትግራዋይ)ምዃን ኤትኒካዊ መንነተይ እምበር ኢትዮጵያዊ ኣይገብረንን እዩ።
    ንዓይ እኮ ብደም ካብ ሓደ ዓፋር ናይ ቀይሕ ባሕሪ፣ሓደ ዓገመታይ ይቐርበኒ፣ወዲ ሃገረይ ግን እቲ ዓፋር ናይ ቀይሕ ባሕሪ እምበር፣እቲ ዓጋመታይ ኣይኮነን።
    ኣነስ እዚ ትማሊ ስርዓት ደርብይዎ ዝነበረ ዓጋመታይ ብተስፋን ነጻነትን እንዳነበረ፣ወዲ ሓወቦይ ግን ካብ ገሽናሽም ንደቂ ዘርኡ ክኸይድ ይሕለፍ ወረቐት ክሕተት ከሎ ደስ ይብለኒዶ ይመስለኩም፣ደቀይ ሃበርም።
    እቲ ኩናማን ዓፋርን መሬቱ ብደቂ ሓወቦይ ተገዲፉ፣ ንሱን ደቁን ጀኖሳይድ ስታይል ክህንኰቱ ከለዉ፣ እቶም ኩናማን ዓፋርን ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ግን ጀራዲኖም ብትራክተራት እናሓረሱ__ደስ ይብለኒ ይመስለኩም፧
    ደቀየ ፣እቲ ኣባና ኣብ ኣረገውቲ ዘሎ ዘየማሱ ባርያዊ ኣታሓሳስባ ስለ ዝወረስኩሞ የሕዝነኒ።
    ንኤርትራውያን ኣቦታትና ጣልያን ክሳዕ ራብዓይ ጥራይ ክምሃሩ እዩ ፈቒዱሎም።በጥ ኣቢሉ እናገረፈ፣____ጃንሆይ፣መንግስቱ ይኹኑ ወያነ ግና ክሳዕ እቲ ዝልዓለ ደረጃ የምህሩና ኔሮምን ኣለዉን።ብጃንሆይን መንግስቱን ግፍዒ ኣይተሰርሔን ዝበለ የለን። ነገራት ብተዛማዲ ኢኻ ትርእዮ እምበር፣ኢትዮጵያ ኣይገፍዓትናን ዝበለ የለን።ግን ኣብ ሃመማ ቁምቡላ እናደርበና፣ንሓርማዝ ግን ከም ዘይርኣናያ ከነምስል ነብሰ ወቓዒ እዩ።
    ኣነ ስለ ኢትዮጵያውያን፣ብሕልፊ ድማ ጽልኢ ዓጋመ ካባኻትኩም ከርሕቖ ዝደሊ ፣ንዕኦም ክሕሾም ኢለ ኣይኮንኩን፣እንታይ ድኣ ንኣኻትኩም፣ንዝበደለኩም ኣይትንሓፍዎ፣ንዝገበረልኩም ድማ ኣማስውዎ እየ ዝበልኩ።ምዕባለ ዓጋመ መመሊሰ ዘምጽኦ ድማ ንሳቶም ኣታሓሳስብኦም ስለ ዝቐየሩ እዮም ማዕቢሎም፣ጸላኢና ድኽነትን ድንቁርናን እምበር ኤርትራዊ ኣይኮነ ሶማልያዊ እናበሉ ነቲ ትማል ዝተገብረ ዕሽነት ይእርምዎን ሕውነት የርእዩን ኣለዉ።
    ንስኻትኩም ግና፣ ኤርትራዊ ዋላ ይዓምጸኒ ይግፍዓኒ ይሽጠኒ ጸላእየይ ዓጋመ ወይ ኢትዮጵያዊ እዩ ክሳዕ ዝበልኩም መፍትሒ ጥራይ ዘይከነስ ዘይትረኽቡስ፣እታ ኤርትራ እውን እናጠፍኤት እያ ክትከይድ
    ።ኣነ ኤርትራ ኣብ ሳላሳ ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ሰማንያ ይመቕላ ዝግድሰኒ እቲ ህዝቢ እዩ።ካብቲ ቀይሕ ባሕሪ፣ እቲ ብግዝኣት ትግርኛ ዝግፋዕን መሬቱ ዝዝመት ዘሎን ዓፋር ፣ካብቲ ሃብቲ መሬት ኩናማ፣እቲ ብሲስተም ዝቕተል ዘሎ ቆልዓ ኩናማ፣ ካብ ሰገነይቲ ፣እቲ ጸንዓድግለ መንካዕ ተባሂሉ ለይቲ ሓሪዶም ዝድርብይዎ ዘለዉ ወዱ ሰብ እዩ ዝዓጅበኒ።
    ደቀየ ከምቲ ጸላእትና ኣምሓራ ደልዎ ጨው ንርእስኻ ክትብል መቅር ወይ እምኒ ኢሎም ክድርብዩኻ እዮም ዝተባህለ _፡ንሕና ድማ ኣረኣእያና እዩ ጸላኢና።
    ሓንቲ ምኽሪ ብዛዕባ ክተት ስለ ዘላትኒ ንሳ ጽሒፈ ኣብ ልስልስ ዝበለ ጽሑፋት ክኣቱ እየ።
    ደቀየ ኣነስ ታፍ ላቭ ጌረ ክምህረኩም ኢለ እየ።

    ሓወቦኹም ስየ

    • asghedom March 26, 2014

      Dear Sye,
      what you ae saying is correct , but you are talking with stone or heavy rocks of Sahal, and the most laier gus of Asmara.
      Agame are the most close people to the Eritrean Kebesa, spescially to Hamasien Kebabi, and most of Akeleguzai and some part of Seraye. these people themselves they have Agame blood, but why they insult themselves I don”t know.
      Agame had historical problem, and they came to asmara to work, the half cast Gebeli, Italians, or those who don’t know their father from Asmara was insulting them, it was not the whole Eritreans Kebesa. if you count the number of these half castes are very few, but they have spread the hater age among people not only among people but among brothers who have helped each other against any enemy.
      you are right I think we like who bites us and Fra straight us than to respect us. The Kebesa are brothers of Rashaida , which are saling them like animals, I have never seen a Kebesa insulting them.
      if you ask yourself , why these kebesa people are insulting their brother , asking it is only ignorance .
      a people who work should not be insulted but should be admired , Eritreans are so stupide they can’t even understand what they are saying and writing.
      I appreciate your idea and understanding but you are fighting against stone and rocks , no one will understand you, in any case God helps you in your writing to illuminate the kebesas Stones and Rocks people.
      any good idea , against them, they will call you Agame, and I am sure the Agame people are the most proud people of their history, the prostitution of some kebesa people and Asmarino is always going deeper and deeper. they don’t even understand what life they are conducting of themselves. there are a lot of words insult these people , but Eritreans are very respected people and I would like to conclude these stupidest are not Eritreans, that is way they insult. wedi shermuta ( figlio puttana e Italian language Figlio di cane ( wed kelbi) Contro muro Italian Words , Tegebari( finochio ) Italian , ina Umeke Arabic , all are these ugly language are of the half casts of Asmara, the only word to insult in Tigrigna ( Bale ge ) . Dear brother Sye can understand how the clean people of Eritrea has been contaminated by this ignorant people.
      good luck

      • Eritreawit March 26, 2014


      • SAVING YOUNG ERITREANS March 26, 2014

        Respected Asghedom,

        You really understand the message I am trying to convey & my love to the young Eritreans. I have said what needs to be said ,the only thing I have left is watch my people learn the hard way.
        I am not giving up ,but what is the use of repeating the same thing for years ? I have no hidden agenda nor do I have an organization.

        Thanks for your valuable advice.

        Your uncle SYE

    • Gideon March 26, 2014

      Dear Uncle SYE
      Tserfi Nmen Ketele! Cheap and out dated character assassination of some should never put you off. Fostering hostilities among neighboring people’s is Isaias prime divisive implement for over staying in power. The future will not be handed to us the young generation on a platter. We must seize it and join the genuine change.

      • SAVING YOUNG ERITREANS March 26, 2014

        Respected Gideon ,

        I never quit be3cause of an insults..& to me when they deny me my Eritrean identity, it does not bother me..I am ,but times I remember the Amharic saying…”NO BEANS,NO FARTING”..I may gain more by not being Eritrean..but I am Eritrean & I feel sad about the new generation.
        Respected Gideon ,I am not giving up or scared of the nonsense insults..but ,what more could I say ??? I have tried to educated young people not to make the same mistakes we made..I did not succeed. But my conscience is clean.

        Your Uncle..


    • ngc March 26, 2014

      beketeta nab tsuhufey keatu
      tsehufkum azyu ntsurn meharn eyu emo ab kendi ab nay comment ab main page kewetsalu zekeel edel ente alo bezuh seb menbebon metemahrelun yebel .


    ዝኸበርኩም ደቀይን ን ኣሽቱ ኣሕዋተይን፣

    ርእይቶይ፣መን ይፈትዎ ወይ መን ይጸልኦ ከይበልኩ፣ተረፍ ሕርቃነይ እውን ዓሻ ቃላት ዝደርበኹሉ ጊዜ ኣይውሓደን።ብዝኾነ እቲ ዝብሃል ኩሉ ስለ ዝበልኩኹም፣ሓንቲ ናይ መጨረሻ ምኽሪ ኣላትኒ።ሓጻር እያ። ስርዓት ህግደፍ ባዕሉ ንባዕሉ ዘጢጡ ስለ ዝኾነ፣ይንዋሕ ይሕጸር ምውዳቑ ኣይተርፎን እዩ።ነዚ ዝትክእ ሓይሊ ስለ ዘየለ ብዙሕ የሻቕለኒ።
    ሎማ ቕነስርዓት ህግደፍ ንምውዳቕ ክተት ይብሃል ኣሎ።ብጸሎት ዝመጽእ ሓርነት ይኹን ለውጢ የለን፣ ብፖለቲካ ይኹንብውግእ ኢኻ ትቕይሮ። ህግደፍ ተማሳሲልካ ዝወድቕ ስርዓት ኣይኮነን፣ብህዝባዊ ዓመጽ እምበር።
    ግን ቅድሚ ምኽታትኩም ንሕና ኣቦታትኩምን ኣዴታትኩምን ዝገበርናዮ ኣብ ስምዒት ዝተመርኮሰ ከይከውን፣ህግደፍ ጸላኢ እዩ እሞ ኵውቃዕ ኣለዎ ብዝብል ምህንዳድ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ፣ንምንታይን ምስ መንን ኮይነ እየ፧ ናተይ መስዋእቲኸ ዝሓሸ ስርዓት ክፈጥር ድዩ ወይሲ ከምዚ ናጽነት ዝብሃል ባርነት ንብላሽ እየ ሂወተይ ከሕልፉ፧ ኢልኩም ንነብስኹም ሓቲትኩም ካብተን ዘለዋ ቀቢላዊ ይኹና ሃገራዊ 8 ኣቢለን ዝኾና ውድባት ኣብ ዝሓሸት ዝበልኩማ ኰንኩም ንስለፍ እንተልኩም መገዲ ጨርቂ ይግበረልኩም።ጻዕዳ ይጽናሕኩም።
    ደቀየ እቲ ውድባት ዘለውኦ መሬት ናይ ተጋሩ ስለ ዝኾነ ሞሊቑኩም እዘን ዓጋመ ከይትብኩ ኢለ ይፋነወኩም።

    ብሓቂ ዝሓልየልኩም
    ሓወቦኹም ስየ

    • Gideon March 26, 2014

      Kubur Uncle SYE,
      Thank you for all your positive contributions to our young generation. Please keep up the good job, don’t get distracted or put off by some cowards and irrelevant riffraff korakur. Your writing is very logical and exposes the illogical horrifying crimes of the regime/shifta higdef and the rest of their mafia businesses. To some the truth might be hard to swallow and might also be hurtful. However, sooner or later it has to be told in full and people have to face it head on. Take care Hawebo Mehretu Habte.

  • MightyEmbasoyra March 25, 2014

    ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ወርሒ ኢሳያስ ምስ ሓጎስ መስፍን ናይ ውሑዳት ደቓይቕ ርክብ ቴለፎን
    ኢሳያስ ፡ ቴለፎን ገለ ሓሙሽተ ግዜ ምስ ደወለት፣ የለን ድዩ ዝወድዛ ኢሉ ከወደአ
    መስፍን፥ ሄሎ
    ኢሳያስ፤ ኢሂታ ኮይኑካ ድቃስ ጥራይ፧
    መስፍን፥ መን ‘ኻ፧
    ኢሳያስ፥ ኣያኻ። መንደሎ’ዩ ከምዚ ጌሩ ድዛረበካ፧
    መስፍን፥ እእእ ኢስያስ ዲኻ
    ኢሳያስ፥ እንታይ ደኣ ገለ ደይትገብር። ኣብ ሓደ ኮፍ ኢልካ ቢራ ናይ ጀርመን ጥራይ ምግላል፧
    መስፍን፥ ኪርኪርኪር……መስተ ደኣ ጥዑም ዓዲ ከምስታይካ
    ኢሳያስ፥ መስተ ብዘይ ሓላፍነት። ነዓኻትኩም ደይጠዓሞ ንመን። በልስከ ፡ ምንቅስቓስ ጀምር። ከምዚ ወድዛ ካላ ዝገብሮ ደሎ ደይትገብር
    መስፍን፥ መን ወዲ ኻላ ደኣዩ ‘ዝኸኒ። ንኩሉ ሰብ’ኳ ጸሪፍካ ወዲእካዮ
    ኢሳያስ፥ ኣታ ጃዕባብ፣ ዘረበ ‘ሓልፈካሎ። ኣብዚ ኔርካ ‘ተትኸውን ጉንዲ እዝንኻ መራጽንኩኻ ኔረ። መን ደሎ’ዩ ብጀካ ‘ቲ ሓሳድ ወዲ ቫካሮ፧
    መስፍን፥ እእእእ…. ደሓን ደሓን ፣ ንሱ ጣቋ ‘ብሉን። ኣነ ድማ ናብ ሓደ ናብ ሓደ ምባል መዓስ ጠፊኡኒ። ዋላ በዚ ሳውዝ ኣፍሪካ ብጽሕ ክብል’የ።
    ኢሳያስ፥ እወ፣ ብጽሕ በል። ናብኡ ድማ መልእኽቲ ክስደልካ’የ ብሰብ።
    መስፍን፥ ኢሂ ደሓን፧
    ኢሳያስ፥ መምርሒ ክሰደልካየ።
    መስፍን፥ ሕጂ ዘይትነግረኒ፧
    ኢሳይስ፥ ካን ኮይኑካ ከምኣ ኢልካ ‘ለኻ፧ ኣነኳ’የ ሰብ ጌረኩም። ድጸናንጽኑ ስለ ደለዉ፣ መልእኽቲ ዲማ ረዚን ስለዝኾነ፣ ብሰብ ይሓይሽ
    መስፍን፥ እሞ……
    ኢሳያስ፥ እሞ ‘ንታይ። ሕጂኸ እንታይ ደሊኻ፧
    መስፍን፥ ገንዘብ። ካልእዶ ‘ታይ ኣሎዩ፧
    ኢሳያስ፥ ነቲ ሎቖታ ደውለሉ ክብሎ’የ
    መስፍን፥ መን ሎቖታ’ዩ ‘ዝኸ፧
    ኢሳያስ፥ ክላ ኩሉ ሓደ፣ ሎቖታ ዋላ ክሻ። ኪርኪርኪር….
    መስፊን፥ ሓቅኻ ሱስ። ስማዕባ፣ ከመይ ኣሎዉ ቶም ጂ-11፧
    ኢሳያስ፥ ፋኒ ፡ ጂ-11 ቀደም ጂ-4 ዋላ ጂ-3 ዝበጽሑ። ‘ስኻ ጠባይ ‘ተደይ ጌርካ መባዝሕቲ ከይትኸውን
    ኢሳያስ፥ ኢሂታ፣ ፈሪሕካ ዲኻ፧ ቦጅባጅ።
    ኢሳያስ፥ ኤኒወይ፣ በል ድኣምነካ’ኳ ‘ብልካን ግን ቁሩብ ከምትእመን ጌርካ ስበኽ። መጠንቀቕታ፣ ከም ቀደምካ፣ ሚስጥር ትበሃል ካብ ኣፍካ ከይተምሉቕ ጥንቅቕ በል። ጉድና ከይንወጽእ። ምዃን’ኳ እንታይ ተሪፉ ሎምስ ብሰንኪ በዓል እቲ ጎራሕ ኣማኑኤል ዲኻ ትብሎ። ባዕልና ቤትምህርቲ ሰውራ ኢልና ኣምሂርና ሕጂ ኣንጻርና ኮይኖም
    መስፍን፥ ኤእ ካብ ቀደምካ ኣይትፈትዎምን ኔርካ። ኣይተኣምኖምን ድማ።
    ኢሳያስ፥ ትም በል፣ ንዓኻስ መን’ዶ ኣምነካዩ
    ኢሳያስ፥ እቶም ሓደ ሓደ ሰባባት ርኢቶኦም ድጽሕፉ ‘ውን ደስ ኣይበሉንን። ብፍላይ ተረገማት ዝኾኑ፥ በዓልቲ ዳለይ ላማ ናይ ኤርትራ፣ መረጸ (ወረ እዚ ሰብዚ ሲ ብቐረባ እፈልጠኒ ከይ ከውን ተጠራጢረ)፣ ኣሕመድ (ዋላ ዘምድ ዝጉፉፍ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ወይድማ ሙስጣፋ እኸውን። ምዃንኳ ካብቶም ሓደ ዩ ዝመስል)፣ ገነት ዜሮ፣ ሰላማዊት ሸይጣን፣ ሕጂ ድም ረዘን ድብልዎ ከመይ መርዘን ትሓዞ፥ ወዘተረፈ (ማይቲ እምባሶይራ ስለ ዘይጸወዐ ባህ ኣይበለንን)
    መስፍን፥ ዳለይ ላማ፧ መንዩ ዝኸ፧ ገነት ዜሮ ድማ ኣይኮነን። ገነት-ኦ ‘ዩ።
    ኢሳያስ፥ ‘ቲ ፍጹም ድብልዎ። ተረገም’ዩ። ተጠንቀቐሉ። ‘ታ ቆቢዑ ግን ፎርማ’ለዋ። ናይ ገነት ግን ደሓን ስራሓ ከርእይ’የ። ጥራይ ናብ ኤርትራ ገጻ ትቀልቀል
    መስፍን፥ መሲናስ ድበሃል ባ ረሲዕካዮ፧
    ኢሳያስ፥ ንሱ ድማ ርኪቡ። ኣጠቕቕማ ቃላታት በርቲዑ። መን ዲክሽነሪ ከደሊ ክወዕል። ኣብ ምንጎ ምንባብ እገድፎ።
    መስፍን፥ ሙሽ ዩኒቨርስቲ ኣቲኻ ኔርካ ንሰምዕ ኔርና፧
    ኢሳያስ፥ ኣታ ጨጓር ዳንጋ፣ ዘረባ ኸደካ’ሎ፧
    መስፍን፥ በል ክድቅስ ሕጅስ። ንስኻ ድማ ናብ ስራሕካ ወይ ድማ ናብ ዊስክኻ። ኪርኪርኪር….
    ኢሳያስ፥ ጃዕባብ። ግብ ነዛ ቴለፎን
    መስፍን፥ ሸይጣን። ምስ ‘ዝጋኔን ዝተራኸብኩላ ሕማቕ ምዕልቲ፦

    • belay nega March 26, 2014

      Dear Mighty,

      እቲ ነብስኻን ብጾትካን ምንአድኳ አይጻላእኵዎን: ከመይሲ ኤርትራዊ ክንእደካ እንተተጸቢኻ ናእዳን ጥሮታን ብሐደ እየን ክመጻ
      ካብኡ ሓሊፉ ግን ትፈልጥዶ መስፍን ሓጎስ ብ1994 ኢሰያስ ከም አምላኽ ዝራአየሉ አብ ዝነበረ ግዜ ናይ መጀመርያ ተቃማዊኡ ከምዝነበረ?
      ተቃዋማይ ንኽትባሃልከ አታሓሳስባኻ ድዩስ ወይ ዝመጻእካሉ ቦታ እዩ አገዳሲ?

      • MightyEmbasoyra March 26, 2014

        Ato Belay,
        Actually, I was complaining that he didn’t mention me (ማይቲ እምባሶይራ ስለ ዘይጸወዐ ባህ ኣይበለንን). BTW, he did mention you, Dawit Meconnen, S. Salim, Kidane, tesfa-Kibtset, hidat, and L.T. I also wanted to let you know that out of all these, he puts you in a separate basket.
        For your second and important comment: what did he do in 1994 btw?
        Personally, I have few blurry items about M. Hagos that he should clarify to the people he is trying to lead. This is like going from one hell admin to another. BTW, I don’t buy his excuse about the revoked visa. Are you kidding me? If isayas think M. Hagos is a treat to him, would you in your right mind wanted to stay exiled? Why do you think he is spared the Era-Eiro hell on earth prison?

        • belay nega March 27, 2014

          Dear Mighty,

          “I also wanted to let you know that out of all these, he puts you in a separate basket.”

          He should,because I am the only person in this forum who recognize the ugliness of Eritrean issue,which means I am undermining what he spent half of his age for.

          In 1994 he[Mesfun] openly opposed Esaya’s interference in his job and resigned from a defense minister.

    • Yohannes March 26, 2014

      Mighty nabsi well done! Mesfin zeabi nabsika thehatheab. No one will listen you. You are outdated. Nowadays everyone knows who is who. First you know nothing, you are the most illiterate person on the Earth. We have connection in EDF …. ABEAT GAHRA.

      • MightyEmbasoyra March 26, 2014

        Thank you for your very kind of words 🙁

    • Gebez March 26, 2014

      COMMENT of the month!! lol

    • Genet-orginal March 26, 2014

      Your satire is as real as as it gets. I know, we are the worst migraine headache to the primitive dicator.
      Well done!

      • MightyEmbasoyra March 26, 2014

        Thank you both, Gebez and Genet-O!

    • Meretse Asmelash March 26, 2014

      Dear Mighty,
      How else can it be real? It is another way of communication, and fun to read.

    • yeahia March 26, 2014

      Eloquently written ; a full of truth of it & an excellent message as well; thank u Mr. M.E.

      • MightyEmbasoyra March 26, 2014

        Thank you for the compliment, Mr. yeahia!

  • Genet-orginal March 25, 2014

    Regarding Mesfun Hagos holding meeting, It would be fine if only showed some respect to the Eritrean people. From the tone of his message, he is still one of those egotistical EPLF/PFDJ’s leader. After saving himself, not once tried to apologized to the Eritrean people, for being part of the pack, who delivered a killer to our people. He doesn’t have to be a killer himself, to apologize to his people who are in deep SORROW, as the result of EPLF leaders’ failure to recognize one unstable man (Isayas).

    Mesfun Hagos said during his meeting, he doesn’t think, young Eritreans are doing enough to bring change from the current government. Really? Mr Mesfun Hagos, you want to go there? The 20,000+ Eritreans who perished in the Badem war, most of them were young. What about the young Eritreans who gave their lives for an independent Eritrea in thousands and thousands. How about the thousands and thousands young Eritreans who were killed in the hand of Isayas and his operatives. Their only crime probably was being young, popular, educated, confident and urban.

    Mesfun Hagos, I don’t think you have the slightest understanding of the devastation that have been unleashed on the Eritrean people and especially on young Eritreans. After Eritrean independent, young Eritreans aspiration was justice, liberty and the pursuit of Eritrean happiness. Instead, they have been facing misery of astronomical proportions. Mr Mesfun Hagos, you need to try to relate to the current Eritrean situation.

    The Eritrean people are not interested in your pity apology either. Show us you care. Show us you are concerned about the survival of our people. Before you tell us we have not done enough, tell us in your own word what went wrong. Don’t expect us to just trust you. Start telling us what happened in the 1970’s, 1980’s, like your former comrades did in the past. FYI, we are not your “gabar” Don’t treat us like your gabar. I support for everybody to participate to bring change for our country, but I have to question one’s motives. Especially the ones with high profile. Therefor, no body should have any problem with that.
    God please, save our People

    • Freeprisoners March 26, 2014

      what mesfen hagos has said is that, he did not mean the youth of Eritrea did not contribute to the struggle, but you need to understand with the current circumstance in Eritrea, yes he is correct, the youth did not made any activities so far. due of this we the ERitrean people are under the dictatorial regime, hence we the people are mostly leaving the country and we are a victims of different criminal activities, so all in all what he mean is, with the current circumstance in Eritrea, the youth should done something to change the current in Eritrea.
      so please don’t make things viral that wasn’t being said.

      • Genet-orginal March 26, 2014

        Well, Well, Remember, the current Eritrean young generations’ destiny, have been predetermined in the 1970s. Young Eritreans need reassurance from the older generations more than ever. Young Eritreans are demoralized by EPLF/PFDJ’s elites act. Do you know, Yong Eritreans are forced to build PFDJ elites homes, in the name of national service? Having said that, I am not saying Young Eritrean should not work hard, to change the current state of our country. But young Eritrean need the adult and old to support them with good faith. GOOD FAITH! Show me you have good intentions.
        God please safe our people

  • Meretse Asmelash March 25, 2014

    Forgiveness……forgiveness……..forgiveness can anyone tell me how many of us are ready to forgive Isseyas?

    • Hagherawi March 25, 2014

      Are you kidding ?

    • belay nega March 26, 2014

      Dear Meretse Asmelash,

      “Forgiveness……forgiveness……..forgiveness can anyone tell me how many of us are ready to forgive Isseyas?”

      Before you entitled yourself as forgiver or not,you should make sure you are a real challenger.

      • Genet-orginal March 26, 2014

        Hi Mr Nega
        Although I sill don’t know what you are trying to protect, I haven’t seen you standing up for the Eritrean people. Nor did I see you speaking for justice. At times, you grumble about Eritreans being arrogant. Yet you show your true color of world class arrogant PFDJness. You have no respect for the Eritrean people. Your comment to Meretse said it all. “before you entitled yourself as forgiver or not, you should make sure you are a real challenger” Who gave you the right to tell Eritreans they have no right?
        It is just sad. I know you care about something, but it is not the Eritrean people.

        • belay nega March 27, 2014

          Dear Genet-original,

          “Although I sill don’t know what you are trying to protect, I haven’t seen you standing up for the Eritrean people”

          You might support it or not,but my stand is being clear from day one. For long lasting solution we have to accept the deep root of Eritrea issue.Otherwise, sorry for my language, but Eritrean people cannot afford to move from shit to bloody shit, as the so called oppositions are trying to do.

      • Meretse Asmelash March 26, 2014

        Brother belay,
        መጀመርያ ካብቲ ከድካዮ ዝቀነካ መገሻ እንቛዕ ደሓን ተመለስካ።
        ብዝተረፈ ዝጽሓፍካዮ ሪኢቶ ኣይተረደኣንን- Before you entitled yourself as forgiver or not,you should make sure you are a real challenger.
        እንታይ ማለትካ እዩ?

        • belay nega March 27, 2014

          ሓው መረጸ

          “ብዝተረፈ ዝጽሓፍካዮ ሪኢቶ ኣይተረደኣንን- Before you entitled yourself as forgiver or not,you should make sure you are a real challenger.
          እንታይ ማለትካ እዩ?”

          ንመንግስቲ ኤርትራ ብፖለቲካ ይኹን ወታሃደራዊ ወጢሩ ሒዝዎ ዘሎ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ እዩ::ስለ ዝኾነ ከአ ይቅረታ ምግባርን ዘይምግባርን ንዑዑ ዝምልከት ይመስለኒ::
          ካብኡ ሓሊፉ ግን አብ ዘደቀስዎ ዝድቅስ ተቃዋሚ ኩሉ “መን እንተበልዎ መን ይብል?”

          ምስ ብዙሕ ሰላምታ!

    • abdu March 26, 2014

      You would for give & forget for some one who openly asks Apology; not for some one who stole swan or ostrich and trying to hide behind.

  • Abisho March 25, 2014

    Hi Eritrean people especially youth of Eritrean,i don’t want talk to much just i have a short message,please don’t believe for Mesfine Hagos,he was deceptive man i am tell you,he was the First one Enemy and killer of Eritrean people let you know. Mesfine Hagos Enough is Enough no more mock by Eritrean people,just shout your mouth Until we get our freedom then after that we will be turn to you okay let you know Eventually.
    thank you Eritrean For Eritrean.

  • Hagherawi March 26, 2014

    It’s good to see Mesfin Hagos preaching democracy and proposing ideas that can be part of a road map to that end.
    But the man is not an ordinary citizen, he is one of the architects of the brutal regime in Asmara. It’s very difficult for anyone to trust him unless he says at least a few words about how we got where we are now in the first place. Mesfin refuses to speak about the past, for obvious reasons. He speaks about transition period without mentioning transitional justice. It seems he want the criminals to be part of the upcoming system while the cries of victims fall on deaf ears.
    Lack of justice is what is bleeding Libya at the moment. The victims of Gadafi have no faith in officials who embraced the change for own safety, but frustrated every effort to bring to justice the criminals. The country is stuck in a long transition period, with no end in sight. That is the reason why many armed groups are operating through out the country.
    Without transitional justice Eritrea will be another failed State. There is no way you can ignore the fate of tens of thousands of missing people and extra judicial killings, for the sake of peace, because without justice there won’t be any peace.

  • semhar March 26, 2014

    መስፍን ሕጎስ
    ብርጋዴር አማኑኤል ሃይለ (ሃንጀማ)፤
    መብራህቱ ተኽለ (ቫይናክ)፤
    ደሱ ተስፋጺን:
    ብ/ጀነራል ውጩ:
    ንአቶ ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ:
    ንዓሊ ስዒድ ዓብደላ፡
    ሳልሕ መኪ፡
    ሕጂ ኣይኮኑን ሞይቶም ።
    ስንኩላን ኪርሸኑ ኢድካ ኣጣሚርካ ምርኣይ፣
    ዓበይቲ ዓድን መራሕቲ ሃይሞኖትን ኣብ እርጋኖም ኪሕየሩ፣
    ጥራይ ናባይ ኣይትምጻእ እናልካ፣ ርኢኻ ከምዘይረኣኻ ሰሚዕካ ከምዘይሰማዕካ ምጽማምን ምጽቓጥን ናይ ሞት ሞት እዩ።
    ሕድሪ ስውኣት ተጠሊሙ ሓደ ሰብ ንኤርትራ ከም ንብረት ናይ እንዳዓሎብኡ ፊን ከምዝበሎ ኪገላብጣ ከሎ መን ኢኻ? ካባናን ካብቶም እታ ክብርቲ ህይወቶም ዝወፈዩ ጀጋኑኸ እንታይ ሓለፋ ዚገብርካዮ ኣሎ? ኢሎም ኪምግቱ ትብዓትን ሕልናን ምስ ኣጥፍኡ ሽዓኡ እዮም ሞይቶም።

  • semere March 26, 2014

    I wish Mesfin Hagos did the same “ክፉት” seminar in Europe and North America. He will see our reactions. I have serious doubts of his intentions. Let him confess first his atrocities. We shall then forgive him and allow him to contribute. Besides, I don’t see Mesfin Hagos going beyond “ጋዘጣዊ መግለጺ”, “ኮኒኑ”, “ሰሚናር ኣካይዱ”, “ጸዊዑ”, etc. All these don’t bite. We need more actions. Enough with seminars and press releases!

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