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ሜጀር ጀነራል ገረዝጊሄር ዓንደማርያም (ውጩ) ብሕማም ክሳቐ ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ ዓሪፉ።

ኣብ ቃልሲ ንናጽነት ኤርትራ ካብ 1971 ኣትሒዙ ብተወፋይነት ዝተጋደለ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ገረዝጊሄር ዓንደማርያም (ውጩ) ብሕማም ክሳቐ ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ ዓሪፉ። እቲ ኣብ ግዜ ገድሊ ናጽነት ኤርትራ ምእንቲ ህዝቡ ሃገሩን ብጅግንነት ዝተዋግአን ዘዋግአን ውጩ፣ ከም መብዛሕትኦም ጀነራላት ኤርትራ፣

ኣብ ቃልሲ ንናጽነት ኤርትራ ካብ 1971 ኣትሒዙ ብተወፋይነት ዝተጋደለ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ገረዝጊሄር ዓንደማርያም (ውጩ) ብሕማም ክሳቐ ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ ዓሪፉ።

እቲ ኣብ ግዜ ገድሊ ናጽነት ኤርትራ ምእንቲ ህዝቡ ሃገሩን ብጅግንነት ዝተዋግአን ዘዋግአን ውጩ፣ ከም መብዛሕትኦም ጀነራላት ኤርትራ፣ እቲ ሓራ ዘውጽኦ ህዝቡ ብውልቀምልካዊ መራሒ ህግደፍ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ እናተጨፍጨፈን እናጠፍአን ከሎ ግን፣ ናይ ቀደም ጅግንነቱ ክደግም ኣይከኣለን፣ በንጻሩ ክሳብ ዕለተ ሞቱ መጋበርያ ምልኪ ኮይኑ እዩ ጸኒሑ።

ከምቲ ቅድሚ ሒደት መዓልታት ኣብ ዜና ኣሰና ዝጠጠቕሰ፣ ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ገረዝጊሄር ዓንደማርያም (ውጩ)፣ ብሕማም ተኻኢሉ ሎሚ ጽባሕ እናተባህለ ከሎ፣ ሒደት መዓልታት ቅድሚ ሞቱ ከም ሓለቓ ስታፍ ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ምሻሙ ኸኣ፣ ንምዉት ኣእምሮ ናይቲ ቀልቡ ስሒቱ ዘሎ ኢሳይያስ ዘመልክት፣ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራን ሓይልታት ምክልኻሉን ዘስተናዕቕ ጽዩፍ ተግባር እዩ።

Review overview
  • eritrea March 7, 2014

    Harbenga bisiga temote tetefeliyena menfesun hidrun kulu gzie misana alo jig na aynebrin eyu tariku eyu ziwires awet nahafash
    bimeninetina nikoreu hizbi kisen nibleka,
    eritrea nay jeganu tiray eya

  • sam March 7, 2014


    • kidane March 7, 2014

      Nisika keni bi hatsin dika teserihka made of iron.resaka ab tigrayka

  • Merhawit March 7, 2014

    Knight Wedi Itay of the Isaias Afewerqi Puppet Show, who blind-folded by the master-scoundrel had been moving from one error to the other, has abandoned the stage forever. The virtual mirror of Eritrean tragedy has served its time. The real, naked tragedy, however, is still persisting. Time for spectators to put an end to it.

  • MightyEmbasoyra March 7, 2014

    I am guessing now that isayas is celebrating of Wuchu’s death. He is probably saying “one down – next?”. Why? Because, any Eritrean death puts him to a festive mode. Can’t you see?

  • Wereket Taesa March 7, 2014

    The Butcher of Adi Abeito: let his soul burn in hell for eternity. Wuchu was a regionalist to the core. He was bold in stating that the position of governor in Asmara will be only from Hamasien.

    • MightyEmbasoyra March 7, 2014

      That means he either didn’t realized that his boss was from Tembien or he he thinks Tembien is located near Adi Amn or so. Since someone was mentioning that his highest achievement was 4th grade, that is understandable. Ignorance leads to hatred. If he had to read Eritrea’s anacessostors tree, he would have found out that he is tied probably to almost any region in Eritrea – and that would helped him to make peace with himself. It is true, ignorance is Very expensive.

      • Tesfu Kbrom March 8, 2014

        Wuchu never knew whre Tigrai or Sudan lie because he was illiterate. He never knew how to use acontour map so he only implemented what others designed for him. H used to think tht Akeleguzay and Seraye are in Tugrai until he came to serona and ate some fruits. He used to say Emasoira is the highest mountain of Ethiopia. He was so dumb that he thought people cn go to America anEurope on foot and Isayas exploited his dumbness.

    • kidane March 7, 2014

      Denkoro zey eritrawi.ziyada zitekalese siltan yirekib.mushmush sheyani

  • Mohammed March 7, 2014

    That is life. Now is too late to do good for your people because you have a heavy Wocho on you. You the rest of generals do some thing for the oppressed Eritrean people before you follow Wochu.

  • Elssa March 7, 2014

    It is true he was brave warrior like all other freedom fighters to free the land of Eritrea, but became like a rat to free his people.

  • filmon kahsay March 7, 2014

    Hero is Petros Solomon, okbe Abraha, Haile Duru, Mesfn Hagos. WUCHU did not stand up for the truth. The origional Hizbawi Ginbar did. Tarik will remember them not the isayas puppets

  • Truly Truly i say to you March 7, 2014

    Please all stop your ignorant emotion and try to rethink twice. There is a rummer wuchu as systematikally killed by Isayas for he start opposing the domination of Demhahit army over Eritrea. I know this to most of as it is beyond your imagination because you heared many negative defamation against wuchu. Do not know, Isayas when plan someone to excute as he using his 03 agents to spread defamation against the person. In my view Wuchu and Mesfin Hagos both are victems of Isayas´s hidden mission. Isyas because knows Mesfin Hagos and Wuchus popularity in armed strugle, he could not openly kill them like the others, because scares all the Hamasien region people not to stand against him. But belive or not Isyas is one who systematically inforced Mesfin Hagos to imigrate and he is also the one for the cause of Wuchus sikness and final death. Isayas because think Hamasiens are fool, he may will organize a big heroic funeral ceremony for wuchu as if he mourns for him, but everybody has to ask what was the cause for his illness. In my view the reason Isayas just recently apointed wuchu as the nation chief of staf is because knows as he die and from possible suspect to cover up his crime unknown it is. Please you people think twice if not that the case case, how could be the man who seriously ill could be as nation chief of staff appointed? Does it mean all Hamasiens are fool? So do not surprise if TV Ere as if like mourn if propagate positive about wuchu, but they have to investigate how he die.

    • Wedi Zere March 7, 2014

      I think it makes a lot of sense.

    • Asmerom March 7, 2014

      your assertion and speculation is baseless and it will never change the fact that this man, wichu was nothing but an ignorant subordinate of Issyas afe-worki.No excuse in the world is going to fix his ignorance when the whole nation is going down,he has been an observer,if not a part-taker in the process that degraded eritrean to subhuman level. Not him, not the dead PFDJ, nor the walking dead PFDJ will have a good excuse.Nothing will come to us, eritrean, nothing worse than our sister giving birth while she is on her last breath. WE will never forget that.

  • Mahta March 7, 2014

    Wuchu can`t be a hero, not for me anyway! like every tegadlay he might be a hero long time ago. but when a hero becomes a thief, he is not a hero anymore, he is a thief..but when a thief becomes a hero he is hero…we can only be judged by the end product. Therefore, for me he is someone who goes from hero to zero!

    • ተወልደመድህን March 7, 2014

      ኣየ ማሕታ ሃደሓደ ግዜስ ሓቂ ይሞልቆካ’ዩ።

    • Merhawit March 8, 2014

      Hi, Mahta,
      u made intelligent observation. History judges a person (and more so a leader) by his final deeds and accomplishments. Accordingly, history shall definitely judge Isaias and his underlings like Wuchu as the tormentors of Eritrea and their era will be remembered as the darkest age in the annals of our country’s history.

      • Mahta March 8, 2014

        Thank you Merhawit! Eri TV can say what ever it liked to say but the fact is Eritrea has many heroes and Wuchu is not one of
        them. A hero is someone who committed himself for his people, unfortunately Wuchu was committed himself to his whiscky rather than his people and that is too bad. I know muwet aykesesen iyu…I wouldn`t say that he has to go the hell..because that is God`s job, but his supporters should know that not everyone is agree with their TV!
        Teweldemedhen…I always believed in truth…when you are trying to far from it (like last time )I will remind you…so we are one but different ha ha

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