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መን’ዩ ወዲ ዓሊ?(መልሲ ንመድረኻዉያንን ተደናገጽቶምን)

" መን እዩ ወዲ ዓሊ?ወዲ  ዓሊ ንኤሪትራውያን ካብ ጭቖና   ህግደፍ ከድሕን ብሰማይ ዝወረደ ነብይ  ኣይኮነን።  ሐደ ካብቶም መኮንናት  ሰራዊት  ኤሪትራ ኢዩ ነይሩ።    ኣገልጋሊ ናይዚ ገባቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ከም ዝነበረ ማንም ሰብ ዝኽሕዶ የለን"(ጴጥሮስ ተስፋጊዮርጊስ

” መን እዩ ወዲ ዓሊ?ወዲ  ዓሊ ንኤሪትራውያን ካብ ጭቖና   ህግደፍ ከድሕን ብሰማይ ዝወረደ ነብይ  ኣይኮነን።  ሐደ ካብቶም መኮንናት  ሰራዊት  ኤሪትራ ኢዩ ነይሩ።    ኣገልጋሊ ናይዚ ገባቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ከም ዝነበረ ማንም ሰብ ዝኽሕዶ የለን”(ጴጥሮስ ተስፋጊዮርጊስ…. ወዲ በዓታይ)፡ ፡

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  • marsa February 14, 2014

    the ansower is we are not matured enough to bring change.

  • Merhawit February 14, 2014


    with all due respect i don’t apprrove of what u stated about an imaginary aplf. Just because of Weldu, no other innocent and patriotic countrymen and women should be thrown in into the same pot. i don’t also believe Weldu ever thought of a distinctively separate enclave consisting exclusively of his ancestral villages. Criticism welcome, but constructive on

    • Suleiman Salim February 15, 2014

      I like smart people like you even when I sometimes have to disagree with them.

  • Merhawit February 14, 2014

    … cont.

    but only constructive ones.

  • selam February 14, 2014

    ከንብባ ጀሚረስ ሱር ነቀል ትብል ጽሕፍቲ ምስ ነበብኩ ትግርኛ ተዛራባይ ከምዘይኮነ ኣሚታትለየ። ስለዝስ መን ክኮዉን ኣለዎ ኢለ ተሃንጥየ ስለዚ ከኣ ተቀዳዲመ ናብ መወዳኣታ ናይታ ጽሕፍቲ ክሪኣ ፈቲነ፣ ኣዝዩ ዘደንጹ ስም ከኣ ረኪበ ወልዱ ተክለ። ለካ ወልዱ ተክለ ብስም ኣኡራኢን ገልን ዝሕመስ ወዲ ሃገር ኣይኮነን ናብ ዝብልመደምደምታ ከኣ በጽኢሓ። ክቡራት ደቂ ሃገር ብስምና ዝንግዱ ሰባት ከምዘለዉ ኣይንዘንግዕ። ሱር ነቀል ንባዕላ ነቃሊት ኢያ፣ ወልዱ ተክለ መን ምኽናክ በሪሁልና፣ የቀንየልና ክሳብ ሕጂ ብዝገብርካዮ ፈላላይ ኣበርክቶ። ኣብ ደቅካ ርከቦ ጥራይ ኢየ ክብልካ ዝኽእል።

    • Metkel February 14, 2014

      If Weldu had said “Fundamental Change”, would you call him American? If I was the one who wrote that statement of yours, and re-read it again, I would ask an apology.

      • selam February 15, 2014


        I am not blaming him about fundamental change, i am talking his amharic word. He is not an Eritrean, there is no word in Tigrigna SUR NEKEL IT IS SUR BETEK EITHER MESERETAWI. hOPE YOU UNDERSTAND ME.

    • Suleiman Salim February 14, 2014

      ወልዱ ንዎያነ ከም ኣሕዋቱ ንሰረወታይን ሓማሴናይን ድማ ከም ጸላኢኡ ዝርእይ ሰብ እዩ። እቲ ዘሕዝን ኣብ እዚ ናይ ክፍኣት ተግባር ተዋፊሮም ብወያነ ተዓሲቦም ዝንቃሳቐሱ ዘለዉ ጽዩቓትን ፍሹላትን ደቂ ኣከለጉዛይ ኢና ባሃልቲ ብቑጽሮም ካብ ወልዱ ዝበዝሑ ምዃኖም እዩ። ወልዱ በይኑ ኣይኮነን። ኣብ መቐለ ዝዓስከሩ ከም ኮራክር ብ ኣጥባት ዎያነ ዝዕንገሉ ኣሕዋት ኣለውዎ።

      • Blocked February 14, 2014

        Sulie, esika keman kem Welfu felalayi eka. Kulkum Hade.

        • Suleiman Salim February 14, 2014

          Sorry if I disappointed you. ‘ntay kngebr ilkana: azaribom yezarbuKa::

      • Medber February 14, 2014

        You should be one of the blind supporters or have identity cruises or paid for that no Eritrean can say that dirty word, rember all Eritreans are one regardless our opinion,especially, we Seraye Akele and Hamma are ,CHALUK FALUK MALUK ,Brothers and sisters just one family.

        • Wedi Selansa February 15, 2014

          Brother Medber
          Although, your intention is noble and commendable the majority of Seraye people trace their ancestor
          to Adekeme & Melega who were twin brothers from the Zaguay dynacity based in Lalibela while Chaluk,Maluk and Faluk
          are the decedent of Meroni. Having said that,due to social migration and assimilation the afro mentioned hereditary predilection might be non existent.

          • MightyEmbasoyra February 15, 2014

            Medeber and Wedi Selansa,
            We need more of you who can tell us about Eritrean history. You know that Isayas doesn’t like to hear about this subject. For a big reason that is.
            If someone, an expert on this, would write the correct history, it would help us to Unite(except for those ignorant – deaf while ears are working normal, those people are “probably” unfixable).

      • MightyEmbasoyra February 14, 2014

        መን ካብ ጋብያ ፈቲሑዎ ነዚ ወያል ሱሌማን?

        • Suleiman Salim February 14, 2014

          እዛ ኩላ ሰራቒ ኣውራጃዊት ብጉልባብ ዲሞክራሲ ነቲ ምስ ዎያነ ኮይና ትገብሮ ዘላ ናይ ሕሱር ዕሱብ ስራሕ ረሲዓ ጽባሕ ንግሆ ፖሊስ ምስ ኮንኩ ክኣስረካ ክመጽእ እየ ክትብል ክትደፍር እንከላ ኣነ ከኣ እንታይ ኣምሲለ ሱቕ ዝብል።

  • ERITRAWIT February 14, 2014

    selam, sur nekel eu enber entay da delekey chera gdefka emo frkey srah eu HGDEF see kab suru da zhaftey.

    • Blocked February 14, 2014

      Sur-beteK wey dma sur-muHo ybehal. Wey kea bmeseretu.

      • MightyEmbasoyra February 15, 2014

        Most of these are directly translated from English. So, I would take Sur-Nekel, Sur-Mho as direct translation. Bmseretu is I think means Fundamantally. Sur-Betek is to cut rather than to remove it completely (including its roots). I would leave the literature experts (like brother Mesinas, blocked – you are not too shabby yourself). Having many vocabularies tells you how rich our language is – which is a good thing.

        You know that your name is also Amharic (as well as Tigrigna), if you are complaining about sur-nekel. There is another pure tigrigna word to replace your name. I will let you find out or ask for help from the experts (many of them are here in this forum).
        Also, I would like you to know, Tigre, Tigrigna, and Amharic are the direct derivative of Geez – means you will see many words intermingled.
        Listen and learn – best brain medicine!

        • ERITRAWIT February 15, 2014

          Uncle will be perfect for our history but I don’t think we will hear from him for next 3 month that is what he said.

          • belay nega February 15, 2014


            Uncle will be perfect for our history but I don’t think we will hear from him for next 3 month that is what he said.”

            ሓናፍጽ ጥልያን አብ አስመራ ክምዛ ንትግርኛ ጸይፎም ዘይዛረቡዋ
            አብ ኢታሊያ ክትረኽቦም ከለኻ መን ትግርኛ ተዛሪብዎ እዩ
            ብተመሳሳሊ አብ አስመራ ዝዓበዪ ተጋሩ አብ ዓዶም ምስ ከዱ [OVER REACT]ስለ ዝገብሩ ብደቂ ዓዶም ብዙሕ አይፍተውን እዮም
            ስለዚ ምዝማድ ምዝማዱ ምስቶም አብ ትግራይ ዝዓበዩ ንመንነቶም አብ ዕዳጋ ዘየውርዱ ተጋሩ ምዝማድ ይሓይሽ

          • Zufana February 16, 2014


            I absolutely agree with you about Uncle SYE being the perfect for our history. I also wish he would be back really soon.

  • Wereket Taesa February 14, 2014

    Brilliant article Wedi Weldu, thanks much

  • Amanuel February 14, 2014

    It is sad to hear that we Eritreans are going backwards in our thinking. We need to see who our enemies are first. Any one that thinks pdfj is doing good for the country is deluded. How about we first change our mind set and have respect for ourselves and fight the real enemy pdfj. instead of thinking as a separate entity which by the way is the tool being used by pdfj let’s unite and fight the enemy. The world is laughing at us. We are scattered everywhere and instead of finding a solution we try to ridicule the few that tired that is shame on us. Thanx weldu for the article

  • mesel February 14, 2014

    ሱሌማን ሳልም

    እቲ ሓቀኛ ስምካ ኮ ”ሰለሙን ሰላም” ክኸውን’ዩ ዝግበኦ። ኢዱ ኣይስኣን ሃጸይ ዮሃንስ ርእስኻ ኣባላሽዩ መረብ ኣስጊሩካ እንታይ ይበሃል ኮይኑ። ሕጂ ድማ ኣቦታትና መሲለሞ እንድዮም ”ሓደ ብዕራይ ዝሓወሰ ኣሓና ኣሓና ፥ ድቓላ ድማ ዓድና ዓድና” ይብሉ ይበሃል። ስለዝስ ካብ ዓድን ዓውድን ዘይብሉ’ሞ ኣብ ርስቲ ኣቦታተይ ብሓለዋ ኢሳይያስ ዝነብር፥ መሰረት ሃይማኖቱ ዘጥፍአ ፥ስሙ ካብ ሰለሙን ናብ ሱሌማን ዝቐየረ ብዱል ዳኣ’ሞ እንታይ ክጽበ።

    • aba chegora February 15, 2014


    • Kalighe February 15, 2014

      “ስሙ ካብ ሰለሙን ናብ ሱሌማን ዝቐየረ ብዱል ዳኣ’ሞ እንታይ ክጽበ”


      Religion is strictly personal and it should be kept always out of any political discourse.
      The only time it should be discussed as a political issue is when religious rights denied or people are discriminated
      due to their religious beliefs.

      By the way, just for your information, “ሱሌማን ሳልም” is a Christian.
      There are a few Higdefites out there who prefer to use Moslem names when they face a public
      mostly made of highlanders. At time they get into discussions that reveal their true identity.
      It’s not difficult to know why they resort to such tactics. They get inspiration from
      the old divide and rule tactic used by Hidgef.

      • Suleiman Salim February 15, 2014

        ንስኻ ድማ ኣይሁዳዊ ኢኻ ኣንታ ፍሹል!!

        • Kalighe February 15, 2014

          Sileman ???!!!

          You pass most of your the time here insulting anyone who opposes the government.
          You are posing as a Moslem who defends the government of Mr. Iseya and you are doing
          that by pure insults to a public made of mostly Christians.
          It’s the usual Hidgefite tactic to divide people along confessional fault lines,
          so there is nothing new in that.
          You are really stupid when you think there is anonymity on the net.
          If the webmaster looks into the metadata that your computer leaves behind on the web server
          whenever you connect to assenna website you will be exposed. You may not even know that
          using the same data an intruder can even search the hard disk of your computer for pictures, files
          and more personal information. If you happen to be one of those employed by Eritrean Embassies to
          track Eritreans on the net, you will expose all your colleagues to danger, because most probably
          you are sharing the same connection, and consequently it easy to get access to the rest of computers
          in the building.
          So, I advice you to stop playing dirty games on the net.

          • Suleiman Salim February 15, 2014

            You are a coward.

    • Suleiman Salim February 15, 2014

      ርስትስ መሊኡ፡ ገሊኡ ዝሕረስ ገሊኡ ገዛ ዝስራሕ። ንስኻ ኸ ኣብ ኤርትራ ርስቲ ዶ ኣለካ ዋላስ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዝተወልደ እሞ ናብ ትግራይ ዝገዓዘ ትግራዋይ ኢኻ ?

  • belay nega February 15, 2014

    ወልዶ ተኽለ ንኢትዮጵያውያን ፍርቂ መንገዲ አብጺሕካዮም
    ወዲ በዓታይ ክአ ነቲ ዝተረፈ እንተሳለዮም ዘይሐገዝ እዪ ዝኾነካ

  • Genet-orginal February 15, 2014

    Mr. Weldu
    Is this really about Wedi Ali? I expected to hear and learn more about this extraordinary Eritrean hero. But you used Wedi Ali as a topic, but you didn’t tell us anything but general information. I am just asking, why you wanted to use his name?

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