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መልሲ ነቲ ብስም “ዳግመ ርክብ ተጋደልቲ ተሓኤ ነበር” ዝወጸ መግለጺ

[gview file="ክብሮም-3.pdf"]

Review overview
  • Genet January 29, 2014

    I think, your priority is way off!

    • romay January 29, 2014

      Kibrom, you sound more Ethiopian than the Ethiopians

      • Rob January 29, 2014

        Romay don’t get prejudiced !!

  • rezene kidane January 29, 2014

    Sema’i zedlyo rezin zereba eyu.

  • Khalighe January 29, 2014

    I think it’s good to give chance to the new generation to organize themselves in a manner that fits the reality of today.
    ELF and EPLF have made history that our young should learn from. Front ‘type’ organization are too old and unsuitable for post-independence Eritrea. Veterans of both organization should desist from recreating fronts that could do more harm than good.
    Modern day Eritrea needs a liberal political culture that encourages diversity, openness and accommodation of it’s mosaic social fabric. In recent years we have learned the hard way that nation building is not an easy thing, it requires everybody’s contribution to realize a common dream.

  • berhe January 29, 2014

    ELE, EPLF is already history and nothing worth for the new generation. We do not want now to pass your diseases to the new generation. Live alone the new generation to decide what suits for him not for you old deaf politics. We are living in new world and needs fresh new politics.

    • Twida January 29, 2014

      When you say “We”, are you speaking on behalf of all the young people? If you do, have you talked to each and every one of the young Eritreans as to whether they have the same sentiment as yours?

  • Tes January 29, 2014

    Fair enough comments. Some times people step out of boundary and fall into uncharted territories beyond their authority. It could be a sheer lack of political skill co-pounded with ignorance. They seem to be they have no clue how their statement is read and received not by Eritreans but by the outsiders.

  • Mesfinmendefera January 29, 2014

    Dear X-ELF fighters, I fully support the initiative taken by the ELF members to get together. The writer you have the right to express his opinion, However the fundamental issue is to get together X_ELF members regardless what political, cultural or economical agenda that you have at present.

    The witter suggested X-ELF members who have the same program (agenda) currently to get together and involve in current issues in Eritrea. I believe this is a different call and the witter should make an invitation for this call.

    It is vey natural people to have different views and believes at any stage but this should not erase the past history, which the X-ELF members are establishing the network. We should also develop to accommodate other peoples views and opinion, this will create a platform for people to meet with different views and opinions.

    My suggestion to the witters is a realistic criticism is good but it is also harmful if you failed to keep the balance right. If the X-ELF fighters did not take the step to organise you would not be able to meet with your comrades and old friends. I would say let this group became strong uniting X-ELF members, the platform for political difference, criticism and sharing the same views will come at later stages. If you start from negative attitude will not be fretful. I want you to understand I am not saying you are wrong, but see things from different angle.

  • simon January 29, 2014

    wether negative of postive this is our histroy I my self from e-l-f from 1970 until 1979 and I proud I fighting Aganest the haile selasie and the derg regime.

    • Lilay January 29, 2014

      ብመጀመርታ ሰላም

      ተጋደልቲ ተሓኤ ከም ተጋደልቲን ከም ዝተጋልኩምን ኩሉ ይፈሊጥ እዩ። ኮይኑ ግና ታሪኽና ዶ ስእልና ዶ ክትብሉ ሃለውለው ኮይኑ ተሪፉ ዘረባኩም። ን ሙኻኑ መን ኢኹም ንሱኹም አዚ ሓዲሽ ወለዶ ጽቡቕ ገሩ ይፈልጠኩም አዩ። ንሱኹም ተግባርኩም ሃንካስ ስለ ዝነበረ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሓኺኹ ካብ መሬት ኤርትራ ሓኺኹ ሱዳን ጉሒፉኩም።

      1988 ራስ ገዝ ( ርእሰ ምምሕዳር ) ካብ ደርጊ ክትወስዱ ማእስኹም ጠቕሊልኩም ከረን ኣቲኹም። አዚ ከይኣኽለኩም መዓልቲ ረፈረንዱም ኣይነዲሚጽን አልኩም ገዛ ዚወኣልኩም ታሪኽኩም አዚ ኢዩ ኩላትና ንፈልጦ።

      • sarah January 29, 2014

        You need to be careful about what you say. ‘hzbi eritrea’ did not kick elf out. Eplf did. Few people in EPLF designed campaigned against their brothers and sisters in ELF with ill intentions. Do not present Eplf’s monstrous deeds as if they were Eritrean peoples’. The people of Eritrea begged both sides to make amends because they were both our sons and daughters. So do not try to put a wedge between Eritrean people and ELF. It is wrong and immoral.

        • Lilay January 29, 2014

          What shall I say then? Did Isseyas hiim self eradicated you?????? You were well eguiped, trained, organized and Power full from the early begining. You were 10 years old when EPLF was born in 1970s. So why the eritrean youngesters ( tegadelti) prefered to join EPLF than EPF. So what did it mean? Did esseyas manufactured people to fight with him to eradicated TPLF. Did’t the eritreean people did the mission. Those eradicated you were fighter from 70s. Fist they resisted and fought for their survival and then eradicated you. What do you want to say. Isseyas was nothing in 70s he was eating and driking in Semenawi BAHRI. Those who fought against were youngesters and the commanders were known that is some of them are alive and others were sucrified theier Lifes.

          I am very sory especially what ELF did in 1988. Just you joined the DERG and accepted the RES GEZ. I have seen by my naked Eyes. Don’t try to hide your ELF devastating horible history.

          Ok Bye for today!!!

          • sarah January 30, 2014

            Don’t ask me. You need to learn and know what was going on in ‘meda’ Eritrea at that time. All the conniving of the twisted minded few, Issayas and his followers,were doing. But put Eritrean people out of this. All the propaganda against ELF,resulted in most joining shabia. ELF had a lot of problems and Issayas used it. This doesn’t mean he solved it. In fact shabia had and still has worse problems.The difference is that in shabia people have no rights to solve them.Elf died because of leadership. One thing we all ned to remember is that the elf tegadelty are still our tegadelty as well.
            one issue that should be taken seriously is that some who were in leadership of elf are still messing our fight for democracy coming with their grudges and grievance and dream of power. We need to tell them their position in the democratic Eritrea is as informants to/ for historians. Nothing more.
            Finally please let us separate shabia and the people of Eritrea. They are not the same, their dreams are not the same!

          • Genet January 30, 2014

            Because they didn’t want to kill their own brother and sister. It is too bad we can’t say the same about EPLF.

        • Paradiso January 29, 2014

          nothing new here. The twisted Jebha liquidated to Haraka/mahber shewate, Falul, Kunama and the smarter shaebia kicked Jebha and others out of the political game.

          ed shanhit, tsenahit

      • Khalighe January 29, 2014

        “ተግባርኩም ሃንካስ ስለ ዝነበረ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሓኺኹ ካብ መሬት ኤርትራ ሓኺኹ ሱዳን ጉሒፉኩም።”


        Entay afleteka bzaaba geganu ELF, nisikha hade dirbay ikha ….

        • Lilay January 29, 2014

          Dirbay eyu dirbay zibil. You are dirbay and your gathering is also the gathering of DEREBIY.

        • Lilay January 30, 2014

          Why I learn Enlish? It is a must to learn Enlish?? You have learned English after you have migrated to US or England but I have not being out of Eritrea except to persue som studies. I am not Italien as well. What history do you want to tell?????????

          What history did JEBHA hade especially like you who make noise from an empty box. You are a black box you have nothing to tell. Whhat do you want to fabricate.

          Please don’t try to compare your history which EPLF. I am against Isseyas and his policy but not way and long live EPLF. Eritrean endependece struggle has started in 1970 ok for get your non sence 1961 – 1970.

          What did JEBHA did while Shaebia were liberating nakfa, afabet, keren and all the kebesa. Do you know how long they fought to liberate the Power full nakfa? But you were eating GEAT TESMI in Barka ok. What history do you have?

          Look and laern from all the EPLF fighters who are telling the truth about the EPLF but you defend and you consider JEBHA like a honest and democratic front. Who are you? go and say this to those who live in northen pole and did not Heard about eritrea.

          You called me for “dirbay” and you menstioned about quantum mechanics //physics// thank you for that but you have only heard about it.

          • sarah January 30, 2014

            When aircrafts crush expects look for the black box because it contains all the information. Eplf tegadelty do not tell the truth because they don’t know it themselves. Too late to defend eplf!

      • Simon G. January 29, 2014

        Lilay: ኢሳያስ ስልጣን ከይስእን ዝገበሮ ሓድሕድ ውግእ ምዃኑ ኣበይ ትፈልጦ። ቋሕማም ስለዝኾንካ, ካብዚ ንላዕሊ ብዙሕ መልሲ ኣይድልየካን። በርኔንተ።

        • Rob January 29, 2014

          Simon you sound ill raised or you seem to lack the knowledge
          of respecting others.

        • Lilay January 29, 2014

          BERNENTE is you and your self ok. We the new generation know you well. You hade very bad leaders but the most I woder is that you Believe still you have gd leaders. ABDELA EDRIS!!!!!!!!! The most criminal person you his servant is also second criminal.

          If you talk about Isseyas, he is criminal pre and post independence but Abdela Idris and his colleques too. But instead of throwing non sence and respectless Words you would Think twice. But you are BERNNTE the Power if infinity if you know har about mathematics!!!!!!

          • Simon G. January 29, 2014


          • Simon G. January 29, 2014

            Lilay: Does taking Fourier Transform class count as mathematics, unless you can waive for me by taking quantum mechanics. That was my limit. Sorry.

          • Khalighe January 29, 2014

            “But you are BERNNTE the Power if infinity if you know har about mathematics!!!!!!”


            Anta “dirbay” !!!

            Before throwing your shit on the screen, learn English. What have you done for your country, to insult those who have spent decades serving it ?. What is “BERNNTE” ???, are you trying to show us that you are Asmarino ???, I can show you that you are not. The Italian word seldom used in Asmara to say “for nothing”, is “Per niente”.
            Before opening your big mouth against ‘Tegadelti’ learn history and understand why they were fighting …
            Unless you are one of those rootless who hate also Eritrea, you should respect people who have lost parts of their body for the sake of their country. Shame on you !!

        • Lilay February 2, 2014

          This is your history you can read it. ANTA HADAMI.


      • SAVING YOUNG ERITREANS January 29, 2014

        Lilay ,

        Although I do not want to suede you from your strong believe that ELF was more evil than EPLF ,however ,I want you to know ELF was hit by 2 abbysinian (Ethiopian)fronts EPLF & TPLF . EPLF acted as a Christian power that hit “aslameyti Jebha”..The Woyane’s (TPLFs) have their own reason. The truth remains it was these 2 Abbysinian fronts that removed ELF from Meida.

        thank you

        • Lilay January 30, 2014

          Hi SavigYoung Eritreans,

          I am sorry but EPLF are Eritereans. Isseyas har learned all these evil things from JEBHA just from ABDELA IADRIS and the likes. JEBHA has killed thausands of innocent fihgters don’t miss it. Mekabir LIkawunti in HALHAL arrond 320 univeristy students who were murdered by JEBHA is enough exampel.

      • Genet January 30, 2014

        Lilay, Lilay, Lilay what are you talking about? You thing the Eritrean people don’t know what happened between ELF and EPLF? We know what happened very well. Lilay, your leader, the ruthless dictator with you and your kinds help, divided our fighters, wage war between them. Oh, yes he enlisted the Woyane to kill Eritreans. He promoted blood shades between brothers and sisters. He himself was heard saying in many occasions, ELF fighters were much smarter than EPLF fighters. I am sure he didn’t care about ELF or EPLF fighters. What he cares about has been himself and his position of power in any cost. Because he is a master of manipulation, his message to the EPLF fighters seems to be, you are not good enough until I say so. May be, that is why the majority of EPLF fighters didn’t rise up against him. Instead, they put all of their eggs in his basket, so to speak. It seems ELF fighters have all along good insight into the dictator’s priority in Eritrea. So he made sure they are completely eliminated. Therefore, Lilay, you seems to forget ELF fighters are sons and daughters of Eritrea. Like any family in Eritrea, I have ELF and EPLF fighters family members. Some times, they get in a discussion and I noticed EPLF fighters tend to be defensive. In reality, all EPLF fighters are not responsible for the dictator’s action. The majority of Eritrean people prayed hard for their sons and daughters to make good effort and come together and solve their problems. That didn’t happened because we failed to notice the devil himself. Now, we know what happened. So we don’t need people like you to tell us one way or another.

        • Sarah January 30, 2014

          Good job Genet!

          • Genet January 30, 2014

            Sarah, Khalighe and Simon G. Thank you so much for the kind words.

        • Khalighe January 30, 2014

          Thank you Genet, your comments are balanced, fair and mature.

        • Simon G. January 30, 2014

          I couldn’t agree more. Great response, Genet!

  • Nahom January 29, 2014

    I agree with the writer because when the war started the mafia regime refused all the peace proposals specially the one sponsored by USA and Rwanda. These x-fighters of ELF know more than any one else, that DIA who handed Badme to Weyane in 1981 was responsible on starting the war to retook the same village.

  • mesel January 29, 2014

    ግርማይ ሓውና

    1. ”መሕኮሪ ናይ ሓደሽቲ ፖለቲከኛታት ከይኮና” ቃል ናትካ’ዩ። መትከላት ናይ ሓደ ”ራእዪ ኣለኒ” ዝብል ውድብ ናይቶም መጀመርያ ዝመስረትዎ ውልቀ-ሰባት ንብረት ወይ ርስቲ ኣይኮነን። መትከላት ናይ ተቓለስቲ ውድባት፥ ኣብ ዋሕዚ ናይ ግዜ ተዓጻጻፊ ምስ ዝኸውን ጥራይ ዩ ካብ ምግፋዕ ዝድሕን። ዝኾነ ግዜ ወይ መድረኽ ዋና ኣለዎ። ብልክዕ እቲ ዋና ዋንነት ግዜኡ እንተዘይተረኪቡ ሓላፍ ዘላፍ ክፍጠር’ዩ። ሳዕቤኑ ድማ ከምዛ ኣብ ሃገርና ትርእያ ዘለኻ’ያ። ጀብሃ ክሳብ መወዳእታ በቶም ካብ ሜዳ ኤርትራ ፥ ብሰንኪ ድኽመቶም ተቐሊዓ ከም ትወጽእ ዝገበርዋ በዓል ዓብደላ በዓል ኣሕመድ ናስር ተመሪሓ። ሓንሳብ ኣብ ህጉም ዘእተወካ ዕዉር ናይ ፖለቲካ፥ ኣብ ህጉም አእቲኻዮ ኢኻ መንገዲ ትቕይር። ብዛዕባ ጀብሃ ምዝራብ ኮ ልዕሊ ዕድመይ እንተኾነ ጽንጽንታ ግን ኣለኒ። ኩሎም እቶም ንሓደሽቲ ፖለቲከኛታት ዕድል ከሊኦም ነተን ውድባት ከም ገደና ኣባሓጎኦም ጌሮም ዝርእዩዎ ሰባት ብጋሻ ውሕጅ ተኣልዮም መንገዲ እንተዘይከፊቶም ሓጂ ጀብሃ ኣሰር ታሪኻ ውን ኣይክርከብን’ዩ። ብዝኾነ እቲ ታሪኽ ተሓኤ ክሳብ 1981 ንምስናድ ዝውሰድ ዘሎ ተበግሶ ቅኑዕን ክድገፍ ዘለዎን’ዩ። ንብረትና ንብረት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ’ዩ። ሞያውነት ኣሰናንዳ ጥራይ ከይጎድሎ ምጥንቃቕ። ብቖልዑና ከለና መጻሕፍቲ ኢሳያስ ብዛዕባ ታሪኽ ጀብሃ ብዙሕ ሚዛናውነት ዘይብሉ ጌሮም ኣራሲሖሙና’ዮም። ድንግል ኣእምሮና ተጋሲሰሞ’ዮም። ሕጂ ኢና ንነገራት ብኻልእ ዓይኒ ንጥምት ዘለና። ካልእ ዘይኮነስ ጉዳይ ዕድመ።
    2. ”ታሪኽ ስነድ ዕዉታት’ዩ”= ”history is the document of its winners” ክብሉ ንሰምዕ ኢና’ሞ ንስኻትኩም ድማ ልቢ ይሃብኩም ጸጽብቑ ብዛዕባ ጀብሃ ድርድር ኣቢልኩም ከይተምጽኡልና። እንተሓመቕኩምሲ ንኣቀታትላ ገለ ካብ አሕዋትና ትትንክፉልና ትኾኑ። ብዙሓት ካብቶም ጀብሃ ትምከሓሎም ጸኒሓ ድማ ባዕላ ዝበልዓቶም አሕዋት ኣለዉና።
    3. ”እቲ ውድብ ቅኑዕ’ዩ ኔሩ። ጸገም ኣብ ውልቀ-ሰባት’ዩ ኔሩ” ዝብል ስነ-ሞጎት ድማ ኔው በልዎ። ውድብ ድምር ሓይልን ድኻምን ኣባላቱ’ዩ።
    4. ”ዘይተነግረ ታሪኽ ተደጋሚ’ዩ”= ”untold history is repeatable” ዝበሃል ድማ ኣሎ። ስለዝስ ንገሩና ከይንደግም።

    እዚ ናይ ሕጂ ወለዶ ንክልቲአን ውድባት ታሪኽና ከይነገራና ይሓልፋ ስለ ዘለዋ ብኸቢድ ዩ ዝሓምየን። ብዛዕባ ሻዕብያ ንፈልጦ ሽርፍራፍ፥ ብዛዕባ ጀብሃ ንሰምዖ ድማ ጸለመ ኢሰያስ። ላንጋ ላንጋ

    • Rob January 29, 2014

      Mesel what a great analysis!You got to write other detailed articles on Eritrean websites.You have got a great talent,a splendid writer and fair minded thinking!!

    • Genet January 30, 2014

      Dear Mesel
      Please keep writhing. I am learning a lot. Thanks

      • mesel January 31, 2014



  • halengi January 29, 2014

    ai kedem zetefeshkum higi hiwet kitzere dokument telekum naitom ab e.l.f zetesewun zesenkelun tirah nezi hadish weledo arekbo zerebaka kulu degafi weyane ika hasas kematom

    • ተወልደመድህን January 29, 2014


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