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ሕሰም መግዛእቲ መንግስቱሃይለማርያም ዘረስዕ ዝኸፍኤ ግፍዒ ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳይያስ።

ክልቲኦም ውልቀ-መለኽቲ’ኳ እንተኾኑ፣ግፍዒ ኢሳይያስ ካብ ናይ መንግስቱ ጭቆና ይኸፍእ።      1.      ውልቃዊ ባህሪኦም ሓደ ኮይኑ ናይ ጨካን ኣራዊት ዘገዳም ጠባይ ዘለዎም፣ከም ሰብ መጠን ኣብ ደቂ ሰባት ርህራሄ ዘይብሎም’ዮም።ፍልልዮም ግን መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ዓገብ ብህዝቢ የንቅፈና’ዩ ንዝብሎ ናይ

ክልቲኦም ውልቀ-መለኽቲ’ኳ እንተኾኑ፣ግፍዒ ኢሳይያስ ካብ ናይ መንግስቱ ጭቆና ይኸፍእ።     

1.      ውልቃዊ ባህሪኦም ሓደ ኮይኑ ናይ ጨካን ኣራዊት ዘገዳም ጠባይ ዘለዎም፣ከም ሰብ መጠን ኣብ ደቂ ሰባት ርህራሄ ዘይብሎም’ዮም።ፍልልዮም ግን መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ዓገብ ብህዝቢ የንቅፈና’ዩ ንዝብሎ ናይ ብጻዩ ምኽሪ ኪሰምዕ ከሎ፣ንኢሳይያስ ዓገብ ዝበለ ግን ናብ ማእሰርቱ ስለ ዝኾነ፣ኩሎም እቶም ኣገልገልቱ ነቲ እከይ ተግባራቱ ጽቡቕ ኣሎኻ እናበሉ’ዮም ዝነብሩ።

2.     ንስልጣን ኣበጋግስኦም ሓደ ኮይኑ፡ኢሳይያስ ካብ ምጅማር ህዝባዊ ሓይልታት፣ካብ መንካዕ ጀሚሩ፣ነቶም ኣብታ ንግዚኡ ሕዙዋ ዝነበረ ስልጣን ይኹን ኣብ ግዜ ነጻነት ኣብ ስልጣን ከይወዳደርዎ ዘስግኡዎ በላሕትን ምሁራትን እናቐንጸለ ንውልቀ-መላኽነቱ እናጣጠሐ ክመጽእ ከሎ።በትረ ስልጣን ካብ ዝጭብጥ ጀሚሩ’ውን ነቶም መማህርቱን ሰላሳ ዓመት ኣብ ጎኑ ዝተቓለሱን ካልኦት ምሁራትን ኣብ ምሕቃቖም ይርከብ፣ መንግስቱ’ውን ’’ኣብዮት ልጆችዋን ትበላለች’’ ብዝብል መፈክር፣ጸረ-ኣብዮት ብዝብል ምስምስ ኣሽሓት ኤርትራዊያንን ኢትዮጵያዊያንን ክቕንጽል ከሎ፣ነቶም ምስኡ መፈንቅለ መንግስቲ ዝገበሩ 120 ናይ ደርጊ ኣባላት ብዘይካ 5-6 ዕሱባቱ ንኹሎም ቀንጺሉዎም’ዩ።ኣብዚ ኣገባብ ኣተሓሕዛ እሱራትን ኣቀነጻጽላን ግን ናይ ኢሳይያስ ዝኸፍአ ኢዩ፡ምኽንያቱ ነቲ ከሕቅቖ ዝደለዮ ሰብ ምስ ኣሰሮ ’’ከምቲ ዳስ ሓውያ ዝኣቱ’ምበር ዝወጽእ ኣይረኣናን’’ ዝበሃል ኮይኑ፡ብዘይ ፍርዲ፡ ቤተ ሰቡ ከይበጽሕዎን ከይረኣይዎን ሓቒቑ ይተርፍ።ብመንግስቱ ትእዛዝ ዝተኣስረ ግን ዝተኣስረሉ ቦታ ፍሉጥ፣ቤተ ሰቡ ቀዳመ-ሰንበት መግብን ክዳንን ሒዞም ይበጽሕዎ፣ሓድ ሓደ ግዜ ኣብ ፍርዲ ከም ዝቐርቡ ይገብር፣ንገለ’ውን ብዘይፍርዲ ዘሕቅቖም ኣይሰኣኑን።

3.     ጃምላዊ ህልቂት መንግስቱ፣ቆልዑ ሰብኣይ ሰበይቲ ከፈለየ ብኣልማማ ብኣየር ህዝቢ ክውድእ ከሎ፣ኢሳይያስ ከኣ ካልእ ይትረፍ ነቶም ምእንቲ ሃገሮምን ነጻነቶም ዝሰንከሉ ተጋደልቲ ከይተረፈ ብጃምላ ዝርሽርሽ ኢዩ።

4.     ምድስካል፣ካብቶም ኣብ ዝለዓለ ስልጣን ዝርከቡ ኣባላቱ፡ንኢሳይያስ እሺ ጎይታይ ኢሉ ዘይተኣዘዞ ሓንቲ ሕቶ ወይ ርእይቶ ዘቕረበሉ፣ከም ድፍረት ስለ ዝቖጽሮ ከም ዝድስክል ብምግባር ኣብ ናይ ስነ ኣእምሮ ስቅያት ወዲቑ፣ብጸቕጢ ደም፣ብሽኮርያ፣ብሕማም ጸላም ከብዲ(ፌጋቶ) ወይ ኣእምሮኦም ስሒቶም ብስቅያት ዝሞቱ ብዙሓት ኢዮም።መንግስቱ ግን ንሓደ ኤርትራዊ በዓል ሰልጣን ኣደስኪሉዎ ዝበሃል ኣይተሰምዐን ኣይተራእየን።

5.     ምኽባር መሰል ቂ ሰባት፣ እታ መሰል እትብል ቃል ኣብ ኣእምሮ ውልቀ-መላኺ ኢሳይያስ ቦታ የብላን።ምኽንያቱ ንመሰል ደቂ ሰባት ዝሕሉን ዝጣበቕን ሕገ መንግስቲ ስለ ዘይብሉ።መንግስቱ ግን ዝኾነ ይኹን ሰብ ነቲ ንሱ ዝኣምነሉ ኣብዮት ክሳዕ ዘይተጻረረ መሰል ናይ ጽሑፍ፣ናይ ዘረባ፣ናይ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ፣ርእይቶን ነቐፌታን ናይ ምቕራብ፣መሰል ናይ ሰሪሕካ ምብላዕ፣መሰል ናይ ኣፍቂድካ ካብ ሃገር ምውጻእን ምእታውን ነይሩዎ’ዩ።

6.     መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ንሓደ ኣብ ከተማ ተልእኹኡ ኣብ ምፍጻም ዝተሰውኤ ኤርትራዊ  ተጋዳላይ ፣ጦር ሰራዊት  ንሬሳኡ ኣብ ማእከል ጽርግያ  ዘርጊሖሞ ምስ ጸንሕዎ፣እዚ መንእሰይ’ዚ ኣብ ዕላማኡ ዝተሰውኤ ጅግና ስለ ዝኾነ፣ብወታሃደራዊ ሰልፊ ብኽብሪ ቅበርዎ ክብል ከሎ፣ ውልቀ-መላኺ ኢሳይያስ ግን ነቲ ኣብ ጎኑ ተሰሊፉ ሃገር ዘምጽኤ(ካልእ ታሪኹ ገዲፍና) የማናይ ኢዱ ዝነበረ (ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ) ብናይ ውልቂ ቂም ኣብታ መበቆሉ ዝኾነት፣ መዳሕንቱ ዝተቐብረትላ፣መፍለጢት መንነቱ ዝኾነት ዓዱ ከይቕበር ከልኪሉዎ።

7.     ስርዓት መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ንወታሃደራት ዝኾኑ መንእሰያት ክምልምል ከሎ፣ኣብ ሓንቲ ስድራ-ቤት ምቕሊ ይገብር ነይሩ’ዩ፣ማለት ኣብ ሓንቲ ስድራ ክልተ መንእሰያት እንትድኣ ኣልዮም፣ሓደ ይውሰድ እቲ ሓደ ነታ ስድራ ይናብያ።ውልቀ-መላኺ ኢሳይያስ ግን ኣብታ ስድራ ሓሙሽተ መንእሰያት እንተ ኣለዉ ብሓሙሽቲኦም ወሲዱ የሰውኦም፣ወለዲ ናባዪ ዘይብሎም ይተርፉ፣ኣብ ኤርትራ ድማ በዚ ኣገባብ’ዚ ዝበረሳ ስድራ ቤታት ከምዘለዋ ታሪኽ ክገልጾ’ዩ።

8.     መንእሰያት ደቂ ሃገር ከም ባርያ ጌርካ መግዛእቲ፣ኣብ ታሪኽ ከም እንፈልጦ ናይ ኣሜሪካ ትሕተ ቅርጺ ብጸለምቲ ኣፍሪቃዊያንን ብደቂ ጪናን ከም ባራዩ ኮይኖም ከም ዝሰርሕዎ ኢዩ፣ልክዕ ብውልቀ-መላኺ ኢሳይያስ’ውን ይድገም ኣሎ።ንሱ ካብቶም ሃብታማት ሓረስቶት ናይ ጋሽ-ባርካ ገንዘብ እናኣከበ ነዞም ዕሸላት መንእሰያት ብዘይ ደሞዝ ከም ባርያ የስርሖም ኣሎ።እዚ ተግባር’ዚ ግን ኣብ ስርዓት መንግስቱ ኣይተራእየን ኣይተሰምዐን።

9.     ሃይማኖታዊ  እምነት፣ክልቲኦምውልቀመለኽቲኣብዴስነትስለዝኣምኑ፣ዴሳዊስርዓትድማእምነቱኣብነገር(ማተር) ስለዝኾነህላዌናይኣምላኽኣይኣምኑንዮም።ይኹንእምበርኣብመንጎመንግስቱንኢሳይያስንዓቢፍልልይኢዩዘሎ።ንሱከኣመንግስቱብጥብቂዝከታተሎምዝነበረነቶምኣባላትናይታፓርቲ(ኢሰፓ) እንተዘይኮይኑእቲሰፊሕህዝቢኣብዝደለዮእምነትኣብዝደለዮቤተክርስትያንከይዱከምልኽምንምዝኽልክሎኣይነበረን።ውልቀመላኺኢሳይያስግንንኹለንነተንናእሽቱሃይማኖታትከምበዓልጴንጠቆስጤ፣የሆዋ፣ቃለሂወት፣ምሕረተኢየሱስ፣ሙሉወንጌልወዘተ…….. ክዓጽወንከሎ፣መራሕተንኣብቤትማእሰርቲኣብስቅያትይርከቡኣለዉ።ነተንዓበይቲሃይማኖታትሰዓብቲክርስትናበዓልኦርቶዶክስ፣ካቶሊክ፣ፕሮተስታንትድማኣብትሕቲቁጽጽሩብዓለማዊያን(ጭዋታት) ሰባት ከም ዝመሓደራ ብምግባር ናይ መንፈስ መራሕተንካህናትንምሁራትሊቃውንተንንኣሲሩ፣ዝተረፉካህናትንድያቆናትንከምዝዕስከሩንብረትከምዝዓጥቁንብምግባርኣይምዉታትኣይስሩራትጌሩውንትልኽይብላኣለዋ።መርገምዘይፈርሕ፣ህድግለነዘይብሉጨካንኣራዊትምዃኑድማነቶምዕድሚኦምምሉእኣብምንኩስናኣብገዳምዘሕለፉወዲ 85 ዓመትኣቦ ናይኦርቶዶክስተዋህዶቤተክርስትያንፓትሪያርክኣቡነእንጦንዮስኣሲሩኣብስቅያትይርከቡኣለዉ።ኣብማንምባዕዳዊገዛኢዘይተገብረድማሕጂናይተንዓበይቲኣብያተክርስትያናትመማሓደሪ ሞባእሰንበትሰንበትንካልእበዓለወልድንወተሃደራቱእናለኣኸይእክብኣሎ።                                                                                                                                                                                                 ኣብሃይማኖትምስልምናውንብእምነቶምዝተኣስሩንኣብስቅያትዘለዉንማእለያየብሎምን።

10.    መንግስቱ ሃይለማርታም ናይ መሳርሕቱ ሰበ-ስልጣን ክብሪ ብግቡእ ክሕሉ ከሎ፣ውልቀ-መላኺ ኢሳይያስ ግን ንክልተ ሚኒስተራት ኣብ ዝተፈላለዩ መዓልታት ኣብ ሻምሩክ ሆተል ጉንዲ እዝኖም ብጽፍዒት ኣላሂሙዎም’ዩ። ኣየ ግፍዒ!!

11.     መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ከም መራሕ ሃገር መጠን ከይውቀስ ንበዓልቲ ቃል ኪዳኑ ብክብሪ ክሕዛ ከሎ፣ውልቀ-መላኺ ኢሳይያስ ግን ከም መራሒ ሃገር መጠን የውቅሰኒ’ዩ ከይበለ ክብሪ ሃገርን ክብሪ በዓልቲ ቤቱን ብምግሃስ ኣብ ርእሲ በዓልቲ ቃል ኪዳኑ፣ንሓንቲ ኣብ ክፍሊ ዜና ትሰርሕ ዝነበረት ኣጥኒሱ(ንኽብሪ ናታ ስማ ዓቂበዮ) ኣብ ግዚኡ ክቃላዕ’ዩ።እቲ መንጎኛ ኮይኑ ዝፈልጥ ዝነበረ ነታ ነገር ምስ ኣንፈሳ ናብ ወጻኢ ኣህዲሙዋ፣ኣብ ወጻኢ ጓል ወሊዳ፣እቲ መንጎኛ ኮይኑ ዝፈልጥ ዝነበረ’ውን እታ ምስጢር ብሰንኩ ስለ ዝለሓኾት ከይቅተል ፈሪሑ ማእለያ ዘይብሉ ሃብትን ትካልን ራሕሪሑ ናብ ወጻኢ ሃዲሙ ተሪፉ።

12.    ንብረትህዝብንመንግስትንብዘይሕጊምህጋር፣ክልቲኦምውልቀመለኽቲብዘይሕጊናይህዝብንመንግስትንንብረትኳእንተሃገሩ፣ኣብኣተገባብርኡኣብመንጎመንግስቱንኢሳይያስንፍልልይኣለዎ።መንግስቱሃይለማርያም ’’መሬትንሓራሲኡ’’ብዝብልመፈክርኣዋጅኣዊጁ፣እቲ  ውሑዳትመሳፍንቲኣምሓራገቢቶሞዝነበሩመሬትናብህዝቢብምምላስ  ንብዙሓት  ዘርብሕንመሰልዘውህብንዩ።ካልእብዘይኣገባብዝተጠርየንብረትንዝተደለበገንዘብውን  እንተኾነካብቶምመሳፍንትንንጉሳዊያንቤተሰብንናብህዝቢከምዝምለስኢዩጌሩ።ኢሳይያስ ግን መሬት ናይ ደቀባት ንኣብነት ከባቢ ኣስመራን ካልኦት ዓበይቲ ከተማታት ኤርትራን ብዘይ ሕጊ ሃጊሩ፣ብዶላራት እናሸጠ፣ነቶም ደቀባት መጤሲ ዑና፣ማለት ናይ ወለደይ፡መበቆለይ ክብሉሉ ዘኽእሎም መስርሒ ንእሽቶ ኣግዶ’ውን ትኹን ዘይብሎም ነቒሉዎም ኢዩ።ከምኡ’ውን መሬት ጋሽ-ባርካ ክለምዕ’ኳ ኣድላዪ እንተኾነ ብርትዓዊ ዝኾነ ኣገባብ ነቶም ደቀባት ብዘይ ሃሲ ክለምዓሉ ዝኽእለሉ መንገዲ ከይዋፈር፣ንመጻኢ ትውልዲ ዘየቕስንን ኣብ መንጎ ህዝቢ ቆላን ከበሳን ሰላም ዘይህብን ኮይኑ ብውሑዳት ሃረስቶትን በታ ውድብ ውልቐ-መላኺን  ከም ዝግበት ገይሩዎ ይርከብ።

13.    ካብ መንግስቲ ኢጣልያን ካብ ገለ ውሑዳት ደቂ የመንን ተወሪሱ ኣብ ኢድ መንግስቲ ዝጸንሐ እልቢ ዘይብሉ ገዛውቲ፣ካብቶም ሒዞሞ ዝጸንሑ ሲቪላዊያን ደቂ ሃገር(ኤርትራዊያን) ኣሕዲጉ ንርእሱን ነቶም ውሑዳት ጭራኦም እናዘረጉ ዘገልግልዎ ዘለዉ ዕሱባት ሚኒስተራትን ዋናታት ኣመሓደርትን ጀነራላትን ንብምልእታ ኣስመራ ተማቒሉዋ ይርከብ።እዚ ግን ’’ዘይወግሕ መሲሉዋስ ኣብ ቡኽራ …….’’ ስለ ዝኾነ ኣብ ግዚኡ ናብ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ከም ዝምለስ ዘጠራጥር ኣይኮነን።

14.    ናይ መንግስቲ ኢጣልያ ዝነበራ ኢንዱስትሪታትን ፋብሪካታትን ኣሪገን ብምንባረን ምእንቲ ክሕደሳሉ ገንዘብ ዘለኩም ኤርትራዊያን ግዝእወን ብማለት ናይ መታለሊ መምርሒ ሜላ ተጠቒሙ ምስ ገዝኡወንን ብሓዲሽ ማሺነሪታት ተኪኦም ከስርሕወን ምስ ጀመሩን፣ገለ ገለ ምስምሳት ፈጢሩ ናብታ ናይ ውልቁ ዝኾነት ውድብ ህግደፍ ሃጊሩውን ይርከብ።

ከምኡውንኣብወጻኢዝነብሩዝነበሩኤርትራዊያን፣ንሰውራኤርትራብገንዘቦምእግሪዘትከልዎንዘታተይዎን፣ነጻነትምስተረኽበናብሃገርናይምምላስሃንቀውታዝነበሮም፡ውልቀ-መላኺ ኢሳይያስ ብሓባርትካልንግበርብማለት ኣታሊሉዎምዓበይቲትካላትምስገበሩ፣ንኣብነትከምበዓልኢንተርኮንቲነንታል፣ከምበዓልእቲዝዓበየንኣብኣፍሪቃተወዳዳሪዘይብሉንቤትማሕተም፣ከምበዓልኩባንያጀደክ፣ኣስቤኮወዘተንገለካብቶምዋናታትናብሃገርክኣትዉከምዘይክእሉራዕድንፍርሕንፈጢሩነቲብሚልዮናትዶላራትዘቋቖምዎትካሎምብዘይገለምኽንያትሃጊሩዎይርከብ።ስለዚውልቀመላኺኢሳይያስጨካንጥራይዘኮነስሱዕውንኢዩ።እንተኾነስኣማኒስለዘይኮነድኣግዲኣይገብረሉንእምበርስስዕቲዋጋከምዘይብሉ፣ፍቕሪ ገንዘብ ሱር ኩሉ ክፍኣት ምዃኑ፣ቅዱሳት መጻሕፍቲ ከምዚ ይብሉ። ’’ሓደሰብከምቲካብማህጸንወላዲቱጥራዩ  ዚውለድ፣ከምኡከኣጥራዩኢዩዝመውት፣ካብቲዝጸዓረሉሓንቲኣይማላእን።ዘሕዝንነገር  ኣመጻጻኣናን  ኣካይዳናንሓደዩ።ደድሕሪንፋስ  ከም  ምጉያይኢዩ’’ ይብለና።መጽሓፍቅዱስዝብሎዘሎካብቲዝጸዓረሉዩ።ኢሳይያስግዳካብቲዘይጸዓረሉሰብርሂጹካብዘጥረዮብግፍዒመንዚዑዝኣከቦክንደይከይጥቀመሉ።ብግፍዒዝተጠርየሃብቲምንምረብሓከምዘይብሉ፣ኣቶኢሳይያስካብቲናይፖለቲካመማኽርቱዝነበረካብኣስራተካሳውንክመሃርምተገብኦ።ኣስራተካሳምስወንበዴታትተሓባበርቲኢኹምእናበለካብብዙሓትሃብታማትነጋዶኤርትራዊያንማእለያዘይብሉገንዘብኣኪቡ።ኣብኤርትራዝነበሩነጋዶደቂየመንንካልኦትን ’’ዓረብይውጽኡኢልኩምሰላማዊሰልፉግበሩኢሉ፡በቢኣውራጅኡንህዝቢወዲቡ፣ቁጽሪዘይብሉህዝቢሰላማዊሰልፊምስገበረ፣ተመሊሱእምበኣርክትጸንሑገንዘብክፈሉብማለትብስልዕቲከከምብዝሒሃብቶምኣኽፊሉውም።እቲብግፍዒዝተኣከበገንዘብግንኣስራተካሳይኹንደቁኣይተጠቕሙሉን።ከምኡውንካብናይሙዓመርቓዛፊዓርኩእንተዝመሃርሞህዝቢሰሪሑንብረትክገብርንብሰላምክነብርንእንተዘፍቅድመሓሾ፡ከምዚኪገብርግንባህሪኡኣይፈቕደሉንዩ።

15.    እቲ ኣብ ዓለም ዝርኤ ዘሎ ናይ ኤኮኖሚ ቅልውላው ከም ሓደ ረቛሒ’ኳ እንተ ተወስደ፣እቲ ኣብ ሃገርና ሰፊኑ ዘሎ ድኽነትን ስእነትን፣ግን ውልቀ-መላኺ ኢሳይያስ ብዝፈጠሮ ሰብ-ሰርሖ ሽግር’ዩ።ምኽንያቱ እቶም ከፍርዩ ዝግብኦም መንእሰያት ከም ገላውኡን ገላዊ መሳርሕቱን ጌሩ ቀፊዱ ሕዝዎም ስለ ዘሎ፣ቅድሚ ሕጂ ኣብ ግዜ ባዕዳዊያን ገዛእቲ መንግስቱ ይኹን ሃይለስላሴ ዘይተራእየ ናህሪ ዋጋ ይረኤ ኣሎ።በጊዕ ናቕፋ 3000-4000፣ ደርሆ ናቕፋ 800-1000 ክሽየጣ ምጾታት’ዶ ኣይኮነን።

እምበኣር ናይዞም ክልተ ውልቀ-መለኽቲ እንኮ ተመሳሳሊነት መንግስቱ ንህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያ፣ኢሳይያስ ድማ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ እቶም ሃብታማት ከም ዝደኽዩ ብምግባር ብድኽነት ማዕረ ብምግባሮም ጥራይ’ዩ።


ልዑል ኣምላኽ ዕምሪ ውልቀ-መላኺ ብምሕጻር፣

ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሰላምን ራህዋን ይሃብ።


መሓረናዝጊ መርሃዊ

Review overview
  • Abnet Tesfai March 13, 2012
    • haki ytakeb March 14, 2012


      • Baraee March 14, 2012

        haki ytakeb,

        Stop disgracing those that raised you. Going to our beloved country has nothing to do with this brutal and dictatorial junta worse than derg. It is a generation that is parting away unless your foolish mind can not understand it. People are paying thousands to ensure those born outside Eritrea if lucky can hug and know the grandfathers, grandmothers and beyond. It is these pepople going home that are enabling the young to leave Eritrea and join them where your foolish behind is sitting -THE WEST. You remind of an Eritrean lady who came to visit her daughter and anti-America. Months into her stay and to her luck, she was diagnosed with cancer that could have been fatal. To cut the story brilliant minds and excellent facilities in the USA got her free of the cancer. I keep reminding her what would have happened in DIA land….she would be down 6M and Issu could care less.
        So stop your foolish drums….deep down you know the truth.

  • weygud March 14, 2012

    give us a break may be you dont know the ugly history of the jails during derg in asmara. Sembel, mariam ginbi and hazhaz are still in the minds of Eritreans because for the simple fact that a lot of Eritreans perished and tortured day in day out and non of them allow family visitation so dont lie. Your little brain seem to forget or you hate pia so much and here you are brainwashing us about what happen yesterday in our lovely asmara.


    • Baraee March 14, 2012


      I bet that is what your loved one call you . Weygud. Let me break it down for you that we do not need any propaganda to detest this dictator.

      1. Naizghi Kiflu – a life time comrade of his, no human decency to allow his burial.
      2. Joshua- a known artist and journalist whom DIA was interviewed by, when asked he said…”I do no know him…”
      3. Eritrean Soccer Team…it is there in his own interview with Aljazeera. He lied to say” …..this is news to me……” Oops may he was not lieing…”He just did not know” This is even scary a president does know a complete National Team has absconed.
      4. 300 Eritreans perish in a single boat..NO WORD from a PRESIDENT of a country.
      5. It is worst when people go to visit a mourning parents(do you have them by the way?), of these Eritreans in Asmara…NO ONE WOULD TALK on the REASON OF DEATH. YOU JUST VISIT and NEVER SAY ANYTHING about the “accident”. That is your Eritrea.
      5. Eritreans are now sold and bought in a market called “Sinai Desert” for body parts to save old and sick Egyptions..NO OUTRAGE from your President our DIA.
      Do you want me to go on? Has it made it through your head.
      These are facts NOT PROPAGANDA. Unless you are part of these evil deed directly or indirectly…You are seeing and hearing as I do, many do.

  • weygud March 14, 2012

    however if you miss derg

    by the way tamagne is also torserawit for your record when it comes about eritrea and eritreans so wencho teglbetkayo wencho eyu negeru

    • Baraee March 14, 2012


      Specially for you….my favorite song. ….if ONLY you could understand it.

      • Baraee March 14, 2012

        Now you be the judge…the video says a lot. Let me share what I see.
        1. Beautiful city
        2. Beautigul people
        3. Naieve people
        4. Two type of life
        5. Two differing view
        6. Both can not be right
        7. Both differing views could not be speaking of the same country
        8. If yes, then they must not be living in the same country.
        9. One view is lying while the other is lying.

        As I said only your mind away from the physical body comfort will tell……Weygud hawey….knock at it’s door…start from your heart..Truth is fair it will whisper on your ears…open it

  • weygud March 14, 2012

    You can say what ever you want say but the history of the jails in asmara during derg will never change sembel, mariam ginbe and hazhaz. Our beloved fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers perished and tortured in the hands of Derg. At one time i remember when one of the Ethiopian cadre got killed around alpharomeo i cant believe i forgot his name kirose something ,a lot of youth about 300-400 from keftegna 3 kebele 02,03,04 & 05 gejeret nieshtey, alpharomeo and surrunding endup in jail majority of them perished and tortured in mariam ginbe. one thing i remember back then there were orphans who happen to rent a house in that area they used to live in orphan godayf however they were above 18 so they let them go from orpahn so they got a new home endup in jail with the rest of the youth in that area. I used to love this deki orpahn they were great musicians in the darket times of derg they used to entertain us with their songs.

    • Baraee March 14, 2012


      Yes the derge was brutal and yes all the jails were filled up like they are now….difference is people could take food to their love ones and knew where they were ….This cruel dictator, your president does not allow it.
      Hakom iyom sidrakha Weygud kiblukha.

  • weygud March 14, 2012

    weygud ewe weygud
    megistu kenfar elu
    baraee mihret gerulu
    meneyu ke baraee
    baraee ata hiko sebaree
    arkib ni harare
    jeganu sembel
    abti golgol sembel
    Dimtsi Nebay misemu
    kiremarem 30 neferti bihanti leyti
    esurat kanzeom reseu nizetni eleti
    barae baraee baraee
    bareto do kibleka lokakito
    nabey nabey teblo neti hito
    arkib ni harare
    nab haweka mengistu beal kedad sire
    bota yeblkan abta yewah ere

    • Baraee March 14, 2012


      You have no idea what happened to those HEROES who destroyed 30 planes. Where are they today….Shouldn’t people hear of their story one by one….and.
      Where is Gubthan..when the truth comes out you will wail and wail at your absent soul.

  • weygud March 14, 2012

    weygud ewe weygud
    megistu kenfar elu
    baraee mihret gerulu
    meneyu ke baraee
    baraee ata hiko sebaree
    arkib ni harare
    jeganu sembel
    abti golgol sembel
    Dimtsi Nebay misemu
    kiremarem 30 neferti bihanti leyti
    esurat kanzeom reseu nizetni eleti
    barae baraee baraee
    bareto do kibleka lokakito
    nabey nabey teblo neti hito
    arkib ni harare
    nab haweka mengistu beal kedad sire
    bota yeblkan abta halal ere

    • Baraee March 14, 2012

      You could not face reality…and could not answer my questions….so who in the VIDEO do you believe…those KOMARO looking women who live in America and come to display their decore of gold and zuria or the real suffering Eritreans….Did you hear the young Eritrean lady who reminded you ….”….Ab Insisa Kemhan Meselu Ztehalewelu Koinka ..” kemzinatka ikoyu Weygud. …..Nnebsekha aythasewa…Your conscience ought to be clear….BE BRAVE and STAND on Truth.
      Who did you believe in the VIDEO.

  • weygud March 14, 2012

    you dont deserve this but

    • Baraee March 14, 2012


      I loved the song and thanks for inviting me “undersvedly”…You are right I do no want to deserve this music because it is a lie…a propaganda….even WODI TUKABO knows it is just a lie….The youth are perishing or becoming 40 years old….spent 20 years for nothing. …and now some are being sold in Sinai, others perished in the sea. …NO ONE HAS SUNG a song for them….Guess who deserves this music…The Komaros that are decked with gold….some of them were partying with the derg too.

  • X TEGADALAYE March 14, 2012

    My friend during Derg time did you now ho was the killer these peopel from Tigray regine. Derg put the ( yekeftena likember ) ( yekeble likember ) ( yewetatoch likember ) because they speak Tegrina. And they were kiling reping when they use them as translator to Derg during intergation and they are still dowin it right now.

  • weygud March 14, 2012

    I know that but back then they used to get paid for it and they are ethiopians but now for what purpose oh i forgot they got free vacation to awassa. Just look at broke ass
    couldnt afford to run their website begging for money. Weyane covered their vacation but denied them to pay for their dormant website.

    • X TEGADALAYE March 14, 2012

      He Weygud what caind moran DINGAYE RAS are you compering gowing Awassa and raning with peopel life? you are the lowest of low. And i am glad you are out of Eritrea you sawend Malaria head WEDI ALULA OR WEDI METO ALEKA.

      • ahmed saleh March 14, 2012

        I bet you, this guy is not an Eritrean at all, he is here to spoil.
        N.B. I’m talking to X tegadalay only. Hold you breath.

  • ewe March 14, 2012

    who cares

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