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  • tmnit April 8, 2016

    ዝከብረካ ኣማኔል አያሱ ልክእ ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ ብናይ ዉሁዳት ግዱሳት ኣፍ ዉጽዕ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኮይና ጸኒሃን ኣላ ።ሕጂ ዊን ከይተሓለሉ ሓገዞም ከበርክቱ ን ካልኦት ኣሰሮም ክስዕቡን ብስም ዉጹዕ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ይምሕጸን ። እቶም ክንሕግዝ ኣቕሚ ዘይብልና ባይታ ዝሳኣናን ግን ጸሎት ጥራይ አዩ ኣቕምና ።
    ኣምል ምሳኩም ይኩን

  • yohannes April 8, 2016

    please send your account number that Myself I will support you.
    p[ease send me your address account number to support you .
    your Admire from Africa

  • Semur Ghenbar April 8, 2016

    ዝኸበርኻ አማኒኤል ፤

    እታ እንኾ ተስፉና ክትዕጾ ዝደሊ ደላይ ፍትሒ የለን ኹሉ ከምልማዱ ከምዘበርኽት አይትጠራጠር ፤ እንተኾነ ግን ፤አብ ኹሉ ዓለም ዝርከብ ደላይ ፍትሒ አብ ዘዘለዎ ሐደ ምንጪ ከም ዓቢ ምትእእኻብ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኤርትራውያን ብዝብል አጋጣሚ ፈጢርኻ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኤርትራውያን ሙዚቐኛታት ዓዲምኻ ፤ ድራር አዳሊኻ ብዝርኸብ ዓቢ አታዊ ራድዮና ራድዮ አሰና ምተሐገዘት ይብል። ዝሐሸ ካልእ ምንጪ እንተለውን ለባማትን መስተውዓልትን ሐብሩና ። ብዙሐት አብ ካልፎርንያ አብ ቐረባ ጊዜ ዝመጹ ግን በብዓቕሞም የዋጽኡ አለው።

  • Amanuel April 8, 2016

    Assena narrowed itself to be a site for x tegadelti that we have hard time to distinguish from higdef.

    • AHMED SALEH !!! April 8, 2016

      You need to distinguish the difference between soldiers who execute
      military order and the policymakers government officials .
      Neither ex-tegadelti nor national service conscripts can be held to
      take responsibility on failed politics of their leaders . Nowadays
      some confused people try to use poor tegadalay as escape goat which
      doesn’t hold water at all .

    • Eritreawit April 9, 2016


      General Bitweded Abraha, the mandela of Eritrea is Ex Tegadalay, can we please stop generalizing and mix the bad apples to clean and innocent ones please ?

  • Yerhiwo April 8, 2016

    Amanuel..tell us hoe much is needed and let us contribute to keep Assenna alive! Without Assenna, the misery, arrests, torture of Eritrean people will go unreported.

    Assenna, you are the only brave help
    FYI, I have helped the foundation few months ago as I do every year and I hope others do the same!!!

  • Yerhiwo April 8, 2016

    Amanuel..tell us how much is needed and let us contribute to keep Assenna alive! Without Assenna, the misery, arrests, torture of Eritrean people will go unreported.

    Assenna, you are the only brave person that is fighting against the mafia HGDEF. You are their nightmare! You are the only man in Eritrea that make them sh… in their pants!
    FYI, I have helped the foundation few months ago as I do every year and I hope others do the same!!!

  • AHMED SALEH !!! April 8, 2016

    Last time we saw efforts for financial pledge in support Radio assenna
    but the way our people’s respond was in deed depressing experience .
    Ten dollar a month do not effect petty bank account instead it shows
    lack of dedication and cooperation .

  • Kidane Canada April 8, 2016

    Very sorry to hear or note this sad news especially at a very crucial and decisive times for Eritrea.
    However, as Mr Simon G. rightly said it before the biggest talkative of Assenna aka Hagherawi, WediHagher, Moki, Nsane, ertra n ertrayan, Wedebat should first contribute the biggest donation before the rest of as follow suit. It is only fair that the biggest talkative and abuser of Assenna contributes as big as his filthy mouth. I promise to donate 300 Canadian dollars straight away that is once this stone head does donate to Assenna’s fund. Lets all contribute as much as possible to a noble and kudus cause and hard works of Assenna. Assenna and its staffs should be rewarded and encouraged for the fantastic job they do and continue to do tireless.

    • Eritrean April 8, 2016

      You are an idiot who pretends to be Eritrean. Like all pretenders, you claim to be from Mendefera, which not an ancestral village(Adi). Find your ancestral country and keep cleaning in Ottawa, Canada.

    • AHMED SALEH !!! April 9, 2016

      Noble deeds comes from heart to satisfy pure spirit for heaven sake not
      to influence others as you try to put it . Self confidence and free will do not need external forces to test you . And ASSENNA foundation won’t
      appreciate such mentality as precondition for their support .
      Injera jelaE aybelaE goes Tigrigna sayings .

  • HADDISH April 8, 2016

    Do,not stop.we are Collecting money.

  • Genet-orginal April 8, 2016

    Dear Aman and Assenna, I am part of a group of ten and already paid for the year. but i am ready to donate to keep the trailblazer radio Assenna on the air. All Eritreans Brothers and sisters. This is the least we can do.
    God bless you all.

    • Eritreawit April 9, 2016


      God bless you dear sister. We can do it my brothers and sister.

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