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Voice of Assenna:Intv with Mr Yemane T/Gergish – Part 16 – Thursday, Nov 06, 2014

Review overview
  • ahmed saleh November 7, 2014

    Would you please get to the point on clarifying if you
    detect any tribal inclined issues spoken among the
    in the interview ?
    Or else to jump on that conclusion it reflects your
    tendencies which is not unusual to see in our society
    including the so called educated .

  • ahmed saleh November 7, 2014

    Would you please get to the point on clarifying if you
    detect any tribal inclined issues spoken among the
    in the interview ?
    Or else to jump on that conclusion it reflects your
    tendencies which is not unusual to see in our society
    including the so called educated .

  • ahmed saleh November 8, 2014

    I hope this is the real Belay nega we know , nice to hear your voice .
    By the way what was the purpose to categorize the sacrifices based
    in their regions . I mean they paid their life in every corner of the
    land of Eritrea they adorn . And did they compensate the regions
    who took the bigger share of martyrdom ? I wish they did it if they
    were honestly concerned to make their point legit .

  • Meretse Asmelash November 8, 2014

    ኣቶ በላይ
    ደሃይ ምስ ኣጥፍኣክስ–ብልብና “ንግደት በለስ” ዶ’ደኣ ከርክብ ከይዱ ኢልና ኔርና። ዝኮነ ኮይኑ እንቛዕ ደሓን ተቀልቀልካ። ካብቲ ብናእሽቱ ዘናብል ቀራቂርካዮ ዝመጻእካ ውህብቶ ዘማቀልካኒ የመስግን። ክንደይ ደኣ ኣኪሉልካ ። በል ንዓካ ትበቅዕ ኣይብላን ግን ሰብ ካብ ዘሎዎ ምስ ዘካፍል ንሱ እኩል’ዩ ክበሃል ስለዝሰማዕኹ’የ።
    ሓደ ግዜ ኣቦኣን ኣደኣን ዝሞትዋ ሓንቲ ጓል ምስ ዓባይ ሓፍቲ ትነብር ነበረት። ዕድመን ጥዕናን ስለዝሃባ ከኣ ዓቅሚ ኣዳም ምስ በጽሐት ንሓደ ወዲ-ጎዶቦ ተመርዓወት። ሕጽኖታ ወዲኣ ከኣ ከምቲ ንቡር ንገዝኣ ተመልሰት። ድሕሪ ገለ ኣውርሕ እቲ መርዓዊ ሰሪቁ ኣተወ (ከም’ዚ ዓይነት ተግባር ስርቖት ተባሂሉ ይጽዋዕ” ኣጸልሚቱ ስለ ዝኣቱ እዩ’ምበር እታ ስድራ ትፈልጥ’ያ። ረሲዕካዮ ከይትከ’ውን መን ይፈልጥ ኣሸበሸብ ኢለ’የ። ኣጋ ወግሕታ ምስ ኮነ እታ ሓፍታ ብድቑሶም ከርክቦም’የ ኢለ ንማይ ወረደት። ንሳቶም ግን ገልጠም ክትብል ምስ ሰምዕዋ ሽዑ ንሽዑ ተባራቢሮም። ድሕሪ’ዚ እታ መርዓት ሓፍተይ ማይ ቀዲሓ ክሳብ እትምለስ ጥዕምቲ ገዓት ከብልዕካ እየ ኢለ ገዓት ጊዒታ ጠስሚ ካብ ቖፎ ከተውጽእ ሒዅ እንተበለት ኣብይዋ። ጸኒሓ ንሰብኣይ ኣንታ ንዓስኪ ንሽካ እንተሓሽካ ነዛ ጠስሚ ሒዛ ዘላ ኣቕሓ ኣውጻኣያ ትብሎ። ንሱ ሕራይ ኢሉ ነታ ጠስሚ ከውጽእ ድንን ምስ በለ እቲ ተወንዚፍዎ ዝነበረ ነጸላ ክጠልሞን እታ ሓፍታ ማይ ሒዛ ብደገ ገዛ ክትኣቱአን ሓደ ኮይኑ።
    እታ ሓፍታ እንታይ ኢላ መሲልዃ። እቲ ሽግር ቅድሚ ኣኣጸቢቃ ምልላያ ስለ ዝነበረ ዋይ….. ዞማ….. “ቅድሚ ገጽኩምስ ድሕረኩም” ኣብዚ ዝበሃልን ዘይበሃልን ከምዘሎ ፈልጠ’የ ድሕረኩም ኢለዮ ዘሎኹ።
    ሕጂ ከኣ ክንዲ ደሓንዶ ኣሎኩምስ “ተመን ጎቲትካ ኣቲካ” ግን እቲ ጽቡቁ ግን በቲ ንስካ እትጎቶ ተመን ፎቅ ዝብል የሎም። ንምንታይ ምዃኑ ትፈልጥ? ኹሉ ግዚ “ዝመተ ተመን” ጎቲትካ ስለ እትእቱ።
    ስለ ቕጽሪ –ቕጽሪ ኣይሑሱን እዩ ክበሃል’ዶ ኣይሰማዕካን።
    ስለ ዕሽነት– ሰብ ኮይኑ ዘይዕሹ የሎን። እቲ ለባም ዝበሃል ካብ ዕሽነቱ ዝመሃር’ዩ። በዚ ምክንያት ከኣኣ እዮም ይመስለኒ ሰብ’የ ዝበለ ሰብ :- fool once shame on me ; fool me twice shame on you ዝበለ።
    ኣብ ገዛ ዝጸንሐ’ዩ ዝያዳ ዘአንግድ ኢለ’ሞ ክንዲ ቡዙሕ ረኣዮ።
    መቀመጢ ከኣ ኣይተክፍእ።
    “መንበር” ኢካ ትፈቱ ኢለ’የ ኣብ ድዃ ከኣ ኮፍ ምባል ልመድ።
    ብድሕረካ ብዙሕ ብሕጊ/ብስርዓት ተባህለ ነገር’ሎ። ንዓይ እንተዘይ ኣሚንካ ንላዕሊ ቛሕ በል። ኣይትሰኣን። ጫፍ-ብርዒ ከይትነቅጽ።
    ኣቶ ኣሕመድ ንኣቶ በላይ ንሱ ይግበሮ ድካ ዝበልካ? ባዕለይ’ዶ ኣይፈልጠልካን።
    እንታይ የድሊ ኾይኑ ምርኣይ ርእሱ
    እንሆንዶ ይልለ ብመልሓሱ….ገለ ከይተዛርብና’ሞ “ከይንዝርዕ”

    • Ghirmai November 8, 2014

      correction: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.”

  • Mike November 8, 2014

    Ahmed saleh
    Yes- It is not my place to make any judgment you might say. Yemane is speaking out his own mind and experience through the years of his service. Some services are real and others are full of drama , regrets and glory. But my fellow Eritreans – you need to weigh things out. You have a thought process that makes you who you are. Thus everything Mr Yemane is expressing, you should place it right next to your past experience and stories that parallels that and see if it passes a simple litmus test.
    Ahmed saleh: From what I heard Mr Yemane throughout the interview process – it is a yes – and yes Mr Yemane displayed a behavior of “regionalist”. Not sure if there is a scale or metric to place how bad or how mild Mr Yemane is in the scale of being “regionalist” – Yakk! I really do not want to travel this “regionalist” road but sometimes we are forced to make an observation on the facts presented – the fact in Mr Yemane’s case is…. his interview. I do not need to explain where and how I picked Yemane’s words as being “regionalist” though. Listen for yourself. I mean listen to it and don’t just hear voices of your wish lists (kidding here…). We all need to listen to Yemane’s word during the interview process. Yemane might be trying to be fair from what Yemane saw in the evolution of the struggle, but we would only be naïve if we think otherwise. Now, that does not negate his effort to come out open up. After all, there are over 30 opposition groups from the word of mouth that I have gathered that wants to get rid of the current Eritrean government.

    What is still puzzling to me is the fact that Mr Yemane has kept insisting that he would not say what he did that might also be a good factor for all of us to give him, to some degree, a fair assessment when the interview is progressing. By the way – I cannot wait for the interview to come to an end. It is taking my time leaps and bounds! I have gotten to be a junkie of these things these days. Here is what I noticed…. Every time Emmanuel poses question to Mr Yemane (I might add – softly placed great questions by Assenna and Team to Yemane) if Yemane has any regret and any part that needs to be explained – Mr Yemane circumvents those questions with statements that leaves me and others, perhaps, with a sense of – incompleteness to the story. IS Yemane not calling out names and implicate all others who had a hand in the mess then I could only imagine that at some point Mr Yemane also had to survive and do the deeds. Or the other option is for Mr Yemane to come and say that – he is all clean and clear that all he did was work from some office in Somalia. This is his story to come and live with to the end.

    Last but not least is – to the readers of the article – just we are all trying to see Free and fair Eritrea – we should not simply blow the horn whenever someone comes out and speaks out – there is always story behind a story. We know just a bit of the story until we see the end of the movie. Mr Yemane thank you for coming out after all these years and demo.archive.assenna.commendable job for exposing the dirt
    Delai ferdi: If you think there is “exceptionality” in the world of clandestine movements then I would not argue with that. Those people with exceptions should be free to answer all the questioned posed to them however. In this case – there seems no limits. Mr Yemane is going all the way to the killings and disappearing and naming names and thus he could clean it up for all of us. I am not saying it is imposible let us wait for all the facts come out though – hard to say. What would all those who did get “taken out” during the road to liberation say then if they could speak out today? IT is said an eye witness is only good as much as he or she remembers regarding the events. Our mind does a lot of cover ups and rearrange facts at times.

    Well, at the end thanks to Mr Yemane and Thanks to Asseena and Emmanuel with clearing up the dust….. Peace and Freedom for Eritrea.

    • Truth Hurts November 8, 2014

      Mike ,

      You seem to have some education but with less intellectual capacity . Sorry to say that , but it is my personnal impression .

      To me , I don’t want to be told the whole stories of Ghidle to come to some kind of personnal conclusion. I have heard Tesfai Temmnewo & Yeamne . The story looks like pretty much the same .

      Do I have to interview 60 thousand Tegadelties to understand it ? Ofcourse big No .Wether Yeamne is regional or not ,I don’t really care about it . But Ghedli structure and frame was so evil even you can’t trust your best friend or brother .

      It is this structural setup that is killing the current Eritrea . So there is no point in discussing if Yemane is relignal or not . It is Isyasa the master mind that is screw up you thought .It is eassy for you to blame others than looking at things in perspective .

      Eretira will be part of Abay Tigrai pretty soon while you are blaming Yeamne . May be who knows Mike is Demhit …

    • Helen November 8, 2014

      Yemane is not a regionalist.
      Unlike other Eritreans who are afraid of naming the provinces in there original and correct name they would rather use Isayas’ new Zoba names. On this interview Yemane mentioned Logochiwa which is the correct name. Than calling it debub. Nowadays people are afraid their provinces by their correct name for example instead of saying Hamasien they say Zoba Makel, instead of saying Akeleguzay or Seraye, they say Debub. NNobody can take the villages of ERITREA away, the villages make counties, the counties make provinces and the provinces make Eritrea. Watch out for those who dismantle provinces because their goal is to dismantle Eritrea. The new Zobas are made by one man and they will go with him when he goes.

      • Mightyembasoyra November 8, 2014

        And no one claims zoba semien. How does zoba debub exists without zoba semien? Only in Eritrea!

  • Mike November 8, 2014

    Truth hurts…. I was not addressing you – but glad you read it. None of my comment could be valid just ignore my thoughts.

  • Mahta November 8, 2014

    Dear Mr Yemane,
    Allow me something to say about your last interview. In my opinion, as a member of a highly security service who knows the inside and outside of the popular front would be a dangerously offensive. Therefore the fact that they tried to illuminate you, how strange it may sound is not a surprise for me. it is well documented that how you can be a valuable asset you can be for the enemy. Therefore, in this case I would admire Dayan and Adiam for their heroic commitment. As you know, personal relationship may not count this time, it is a political decision nothing to do with personal.
    My point is, knowing that they were doing it to protect their popular struggle, I think you should never mention their name.I know with this current situation some people might think they re evils, but looking back I think what they did is what their country expect them to do, eliminating the traitor!

    • Helen November 8, 2014

      I feel sorry for Dian (Yosef), he was too blind and immature for trying to kill his best friend. Then at the end, like all others he was killed by master Isayas in Sudan. Fortunately Adiam didn’t find Yemane on time, If she had killed Yemane she would have been in jail and If she ever came out she would have been killed by Isayas just like Dian Yosef. Adiam was smart enough to realize the whole situation and to betray the mad dog Isayas (Wedi Medhin Berad) and she chose to join her brothers and sisters to fight against the tyrant dictator Isayas and his blind followers.

      • Helen November 9, 2014

        I feel sorry for Dian (Yosef), he was too blind and immature for trying to kill his best friend. Then at the end, like all others he was killed by the mad dog Isayas in Sudan. Fortunately Adiam didn’t find Yemane on time, If she had killed Yemane she would have been in jail and If she ever came out she would have been killed by Isayas just like Dian Yosef. Adiam was smart enough to realize the whole situation and she left the mad dog Isayas (Wedi Medhin Berad) and she chose to join her brothers and sisters to fight against the mad dog Wedi Medhin Berad Isayas and his blind followers.

    • Helen November 8, 2014

      What Dian and Adam did was blindly follow their master Isayas’ orders to kill the courageous and the best fighter Eritrea ever had, Yemane T/Gergish. Isayas wanted to kill Yemane because he knows all the crime done by the tyrant Isayas and his cronies to our people in general and to our heroic fighters in particular.

    • Helen November 8, 2014

      I feel sorry for Dian (Yosef), he was too blind and immature for trying to kill his best friend. Then at the end, like all others he was killed by master Isayas in Sudan. Fortunately Adiam didn’t find Yemane on time, If she had killed Yemane she would have been in jail and If she ever came out she would have been killed by Isayas just like Dian Yosef was killed. Adiam was smart enough to realize the whole situation and to betray the mad dog Isayas (Wedi Medhin Berad) and she chose to join her brothers and sisters to fight against the tyrant dictator Isayas and his blind followers.

      • Delai Fithi November 9, 2014

        Yes Helen, they were all victims. It was and is divide and rule. Brother against brother. And yes, even families are divided. It is a time tested technique of dictators.

    • Helen November 8, 2014

      What they did was taking orders from the tyrant Isayas to kill out hero.

  • Mahta November 8, 2014

    Dear Mr Yemane,
    Allow me something to say about your last interview. In my opinion, as a member of a highly security service who knows the inside and outside of the popular front would be a dangerously offensive. Therefore the fact that they tried to eliminate you, how strange it may sound is not a surprise for me. it is well documented that how you can be a valuable asset for the enemy. Therefore, in this case I would admire Dayan and Adiam for their heroic commitment. As you know, personal relationship may not count this time, it is a political decision nothing to do with personal.
    My point is, knowing that thuluhey were doing it to protect their popular struggle, I think you should never mention their name.I know with this current situation some people might think they re evils, but looking back I think what they did is what their country expect them to do, eliminating the traitor!
    You may not be a traitor in heart….but by being part of the gangs, you were already lost your heart and already entered the danger zone.pretending to be a nice guy may not work for all of us.
    One more, I am glad that you are alive to tell us all the story, I don’t believe that you are a complete traitor at the end!

  • Moshe November 8, 2014

    Thank you Yemane for exposing the lies of Ghedli in the evil elite leaders of Jebha and Shaebia. It is about time the former tegadelti in Jebha also speak up and expose the crimes Jebha had committed on many Eritreans, be it faulul or kunama.

  • Delai Fithi November 8, 2014


    Unlike some people in this forum, I do appreciate your critical and inquisitive mind.
    Having said that, I believe Yemane did answer an important question. Remember that he was asked to eliminate someone in Mombasa. That someone was somebody he knew and felt ambivalent about the task. He asked if it was really necessary. I think it was Petros who wanted him to do it by hiring a Kikuyu. Yemane seemed willing to do it but he put a condition. He told Petros that he would have to return to Meda if he carried out the deed. Petros did not want to hear this. His words were, ‘Ainina Ketonkirena.’ In other words, Yemane was so valuable with his spying in Mogadishu that Petros didn’t want to lose his services for a relatively ‘minor task.’ He got away with this. Is he hiding other involvements? It is possible but I doubt it. As I said before, I suspect being in Mogadishu protected him from such dirty work. It would have been a whole different story if he was assigned within Halewa Sewra or somewhere else. I’m guessing he benefitted from his special circumstances.

    Regarding the regionalism issue, like you I did detect some. For example, he alluded to meal times as convenient times to commensurate with fighters from the same area. It is remarkable that people could identify each other that way during a life and death struggle and congregate during meal times. I could be wrong but it does come across that way when you hear him through this medium. I may have a different view if I knew Yemane in person.

    This doesn’t take away much from his extraordinary life and contribution. I only have respect and admiration for Yemane and I celebrate that he is alive to tell the tale. It is a rare glimpse into the workings of a very secretive organization that dominated the lives of Eritreans for decades and still does.

    Some questions for Yemane:

    Why did you join Ghedli? Many in your generation became refugees.
    I am one of those cowards. What was it in your family upbringing that drove you and your martyred brothers to join? Especially because you were in Addis Ababa where you could have been somewhat insulated.

    Did you experience special treatment negatively or positively because of your Addis Ababa upbringing? What was the ‘Amharay effect’?

    Knowing all that you know, why did you refuse the full protection of the Germans when they offered it?

    To be continued…