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VOICE OF ASSENNA: OUR LIVES – Interview with Dr Bereket Habteselassie, Part 2 , Thursday, 10 Dec, 2015

Review overview
  • Akile December 10, 2015

    Dear Amanuel,

    Great interview and I am sure posterity will gain an insight about the genesis of Eritrea’s watersheds through a towering figure Professor Bereket. Having said that however, it would have been a broader scope in perspective if Professor Bereket expanded a bit more about the rather elusive or should I say conniving personality of Isaias for the Professor has a reading of the dictator that has spanned for over fourth years.

    • Akile December 10, 2015

      Please read forty years instead.

  • AHMED SALEH December 11, 2015

    If people resisted Issayas attempts to control every aspects of the
    measure taken from the time of Ghedli era , I think the country could
    establish goverjment system based on balanced share of power . But
    many officials seem loyal to serve his authority at the expense of
    the interest of their people and national obligation .
    The reputation to involve in person at any issue associated with sociopolitical affairs looks either that he don’t trust people in his circle or to conceal hidden agenda from exposure . It was big mistake
    to ignore the sign of person obsessed with characteristics of dictators .