The absence of peace is the most important issue that is ruining the life of the Eritrean people: Mass mobilization for Peace is timely By Eritrea Focus (EF)
The absence of peace is the most important issue that is ruining the life of the Eritrean people: Mass mobilization for Peace is timely By Eritrea Focus (EF) During the Eritrean focus meeting on Wednesday 21 June 2017,

The absence of peace is the most important issue that is ruining the life of the Eritrean people: Mass mobilization for Peace is timely
By Eritrea Focus (EF)
During the Eritrean focus meeting on Wednesday 21 June 2017, the danger of escalating hostility between Eritrea and Djibouti as a result of the departure of Qatari peacekeepers was raised. Tensions in the area have ran high since the departure of Qatari peacekeeping troops from the buffer zone last week. The seriousness of the situation is covered by Martin Plaut.
The UN Security Council was so concerned that it has urged Djibouti and Eritrea to resolve their border dispute peacefully. The discussion during EF meeting was centred on what Eritrea Focus can do to support the UN in its peace effort. Eritrea Focus takes the UN move as very positive and timely and it believes it must be supported.
This call is directed to the Government of Eritrea and Djibouti. However the issue of peace concerns to the people of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and the rest of the Horn of African countries as well. Eritrea Focus members have agreed of the need to campaign rigorously for peace. It must be a peace movement by the ordinary Eritrean people of Eritrea who are hitherto denied a say in policies that affect their life such as war and peace. Once the Diaspora Eritreans initiate the campaign it would invite Djiboutian and Ethiopians in the Diaspora to do the same. The campaign will lead to an international symposium that involves all parties.
However the bulk of the work must be done by Civil Society Organisations. EF can be part of the whole and can contribute by trying to raise it in the British parliament through APPG (All Parliamentarian Party Group) on Eritrea in order to boost the effort of the peace movement. It can also be extended to European Union (EU). The meeting agreed to consult its collaborators in UK. Such – Network of Eritrean women in Europe – UK branch. Eritrean for Unity and Justice (EUJ), Eritrean Movement for Democracy Human rights organisations Eritrean and Internationals, religious organisations and individuals. Once it is done the UK activists can invite Eritreans in other countries.
A moment not to be missed:
Since peace is raised by the UN, it is a momentum that must not be missed. The Eritreans in Diaspora (with the support from peace and loving people internationally) must rise up and re-claim their deepest love for each other their neighbours and the human species by rigorously campaign for peace. The campaign once started will inspire the rest of the horn, the people of Somalia, Sudan and beyond.
The Peace movement must be effective enough as not to be ignored by both the Djiboutian, the Eritrean and Ethiopian rulers along with the international community. The Western democratic countries are fed up of the flow of refugees from Africa and they will be willing to support the move.
By working together the campaigners can build trust and solidarity amongst each other. They can easily build a structure anchored on justice, peace and love. Such social structure based on such values will flourish and prevail in Eritrea permanently. Eritrea can be a beacon of peace in the Horn of Africa away from its reputation as a spoiler of peace in the Horn.
The meeting went through all the agenda of the meeting successfully.
- Report of previous works such as – the campaign to root out slavery – during the Chelsea flower show
- The M&G investment letter in respond to the Chelsea Flower show campaign trying to justify their share in Nevsun mining – which using forced labour
- The production of EF pamphlet on Eritrea
- The research of the International Mining corporation complicity in human rights abuses
- Letters to newly elected MPs
- The afar fishermen plighted bombed by UAE helicopter
- Photo exhibition
- Eritrean Focus (EF) newsletter
k.tewolde June 24, 2017
That would be one way of pulling the carpet from underneath the tyrant-peace,as the good old saying goes,the market place chaos benefits the thief.
Keshi Mars June 25, 2017
Hello Assenna and its followers, yes peace should be at the center of our discussion but Yemane Baria’s song “Hade Hade Ewan quinat metsewI selam ‘yu” entails that it is hard to get people on one side of the argument. Wish the best.
Berhe Tensea June 25, 2017
Djebuti is too small and with a weak army. The dictator that can “t live with out border wars to confuse his monkeys . Why can’t he invade Ethiopia or try to force demarcation , if it is not yet done instead of using it to create and instill fear on the innocents.,
The Eritrean people are suffering under the worst colonizers in their history -the Tembenis.
Young people are forcibly enslaved , the natural resources , the fish is being looted and now its coast line is under occupation .
The people are used to getting abused and unless they wake up they will be treated worse than dury the donkey.
Asmara Eritrea June 25, 2017
Eritrea is a mafia “state”. Any unity that can be secured amongst the opposition groups will go along way to dismantle the rule of the godfather and his Mafiosi clique. The end of the regime can only mean dignity for our people and rule of law. The Eritrean people did not fight 30 years to gain their freedom only to be denied their liberty by thugs who have no self-respect. Time to rise up and liberate our country once more.
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship..