Subject: Operationalizing the Denver Manifesto: An Urgent Call for Creating Effective Public Organizations by Dr. Gebre Gebremariam
Subject: Operationalizing the Denver Manifesto: An Urgent Call for Creating Effective Public Organizations by Dr. Gebre Gebremariam Commentary, 31 March 2019 Needless to say, Dr. Gebre Gebremariam’s dissertation is impeccable. Now I have a practical question. As we all have observed, there are

Subject: Operationalizing the Denver Manifesto: An Urgent Call for Creating Effective Public
Organizations by Dr. Gebre Gebremariam
Commentary, 31 March 2019
Needless to say, Dr. Gebre Gebremariam’s dissertation is impeccable.
Now I have a practical question. As we all have observed, there are multiple Eritrean meetings around the Globe during the pleasant Summer Periods and taking advantage of holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. Taking into account the seriousness of the Agenda, would it be realistic to assume that a serious DOCUMENT could be produced in a meeting (of three days) where participants have also the legendary sociological agenda to satisfy their longings to relatives, friends, etc. Let us not underestimate our elongated ንቡር ሃረርታናን ናፍቖ ትናን ።
And I have another point. Do all the Eritrean Meetings around the Globe have the same Agenda? Do WE indeed have the desire to LIBERATE Eritrea from the present Dictatorial OWNER of the land mass and people thereon? It is a daring question. In any case, if the answer is YES, then why not have one universal conference, at a convenient location, representing their respective Areas? Are we in fact desirous and determined to have a liberated Eritrea like the gallant world known heros of YESTERDAY >>> the famous ተጋደልቲ of thirty years (1961 – 1991)??? Let us admit, Eritreans are hypnotised to be collective zombies, walking around aimlessly and lost. How else could one explain the bizarre silence of Eritrean people in general when top eleven leaders of the 30-year struggle were collected in the middle of the night, never to be seen again. Let us be honest to ourselves: we are mysteriously and hopelessly emaciated of any fiber of dignity and energy, unlike the admirable image of ERITREAN-NESS by friends and foes alike. We just lost it. That is why – out of desperation – we insult each other on the FREE medium of and clinging to the parochial matters of religion, region, race, tribe ……..a perfect example of hopelessness, which will lead us to fragmented END.
Petros Tesfagherghis April 7, 2019
Dr Gebre: you have raised relevant questions
I have no doubt that People have risen up for fundamental change. That is to end the rule of the dictator and give power to the people. It is expressed in a slogan “enough is enough”. In every country, towns etc Eritreans are organising meetings to denounced the dictator. It is phenomenal. Their demand is the same. That is
1, release all prisoners of conscience
2. End indefinite national service
3. Mark the boundary
3. Implement the constitution and give power to the people.
What the people need is an umbrella a committee to package the demands (objectives) in a professional way. This committee composed of activists and professionals will do it. May be through small group worship. These small group can develop the strategy and build the movement. To do all these you have to build an institution in order to have its bylaws and for transparency, fundraising, and may be to have part time or full time workers.