Somalia: Somaliland imports heavy weapons used by the Nazi in the World War II
The breakaway region of Somaliland has started to offload the arms cargo from a ship that recently docked in one of the ports in the region under the cover of darkness, officials have confirmed. The MV

The breakaway region of Somaliland has started to offload the arms cargo from a ship that recently docked in one of the ports in the region under the cover of darkness, officials have confirmed.
The MV Shakir – a Sudanese-registered ship carrying a large consignment of heavy and dangerous weapons docked at the Berbera port on the 24th of January
Among the weapons offloaded was the famous Sturmgeschutz SAV 101 tanks, that the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler his troops used during the World War II, armoured vehicles, ammunition and other military equipment.
Days later, Officials from the separatists administration insisted that they had seized the weapons while other goods were being unloaded from the ship. A team from the UN monitoring group was denied entry to the port that was expected to carryout investigations on the unknown cargo.
Horseed Media has learnt that the port was under an unofficial state of emergency as crates of weapons were being offloaded from the ship and loaded onto several trucks. The trucks later drove to unknown places.
The weapons are thought to have been purchased from Eritrea, credible sources have confirmed.
According to reliable sources, a Sudanese based company which is yet to be identified is believed to have purchased the weapons on behalf of Somaliland – which is not recognized by the international community. But during the agreement, one of the Somaliland’s President close aides Hirsi Hajji Hassan was there to observe, who serves as a minister in the administration.
Eritrea, a tiny state in Eastern Africa is facing sanctions from the United Nations after it was accused of aiding Islamist militants. It is a state that has been fuelling the Somali crisis for the past decades and found of supporting extremist groups such as al-Shabaab by arming and training its fighters.
It is also accused for abusing human rights such as jailing oppositions and journalists.
However, analysts have said that Somaliland is playing ‘’a low-strategy by informing the world with inaccuracies yet the ship was bound for its port.’’
The neighbouring Puntland administration has accused Somaliland of clearly breaching the 1992 UN sanctions on Somalia, which prohibited the importing of arms to the war-ravaged nation.
It has also violated THE DANGEROUS WEAPONS (ALDERNEY) ORDINANCE, 1965, which its section 21 says: ‘’a person shall not purchase, acquire or have in his possession any dangerous weapon or ammunition unless they hold a valid weapons certificate.’’
Puntland has long accused Somaliland of arming and providing safe havens for al-Shabaab militants in Galgala mountain ranges, where the Puntland forces have been fighting with the al-Qaeda-linked militant group since 2010. Recently, the Puntland defense forces managed to capture all the strategic bases the group had in the mountainous area.
In 1991, after the overthrow of Somalia’s military leader Siad Barre, the northern territory of Somaliland declared independence, but has not been recognized by the International community.
Horseed Media
AHMED SALEH !!! February 8, 2015
“The weapons are thought purchased from Eritrea ”
shows the negative influence brought by HGDF
government to leave the country at this kind
unnecessary position in the region .
In fact the only person to blame is the arrogant,
rigid , selfish and irresponsible person who run
a nation with iron fist damaged it’s reputation.
His character contradicts the reflection of vast
majority of our people rich culture of respect and tolerance to others .
We are incapable to hold grudges against people
in our neighboring countries for stupid politics
except for those few blind followers .
Hail soura February 9, 2015
hgdf is still supplying, issais is mad. there is time he will face justice.
AZ February 9, 2015
Guys, Eritrea is broke due to the sanction and the crazy leaders will do anything, even sell human parts.
Semhar February 9, 2015
We must get reed of the mad dog Isayas we’d Medhin Berad and his son just lke the Libyans did to Gadafi and his sons!
Semhar February 9, 2015
Eritreans in ERITREA and out side ERITREA must unite to get Reed of the mad dog Isayas wedi Berad and his crazy son before it’s too later!
Semhar February 9, 2015
Too late!
ogbai February 10, 2015
There is nothing too late. Our problem is solvable as today that before too late than later days. People could go nut at throwing what ever means on their hands if things goes this way that we are in. So far we are people of great telorance that we can make peace among ourselves. We are much better than our neighbors still we have the will to leave together with a democratic elected central governing body which equal representation. The only obstacle we have in hand is the Mad Dog and his puppets. I have good observation in our Eritrean politics. It is not smart way the way we are walking. Because of evil system of Isaias. We are getting angry at each other as supports and none supporters. We have to find a way out of this bad tensions. I honestly plea to both side to talk seriously before it is going to be to late. We are on the edge or on the cross road to fix it, or to break it our country into pieces, that only for the sake of the power hungry Mad Dog of one man system. To make my call clear is. This must done with out the mad dog participation in the dialog. We waited enough with patient and respect, but not any more. Call me crazy or what ever come to your mind. Otherwise, “MKero Mkero Embi Entebele Mekera” God wills this is going to happen,Lets pray and work hard to bring peace to our country ERITREANA. LETS BELIEVE IN GOD THE HIGHER POWER. Not on a weak and evil dying man.
Thank you for listening.
ogbai February 10, 2015
correction the Tigrigna proverb is: “MKero MKero Embi Entele gen Mekera Ymkero”