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Re-Visiting Michela Wrong’s Book on Eritrea

Assenna.Com “I DIDN’T DO IT FOR YOU”, the much admired book by Michela Wrong that was first published in 2005 is now being brought out - for the first time - in Italian by Edizioni Colibri,


“I DIDN’T DO IT FOR YOU”, the much admired book by Michela Wrong that was first published in 2005 is now being brought out – for the first time – in Italian by Edizioni Colibri, an Italian publisher.

The story of Eritrea, as depicted by Michela Wrong, is a very vivid, penetrating and wonderfully detailed account of ‘How the World Betrayed a Small African Nation’.  Wrong managed to unearth the long history of abuses, and through those narratives, the very heart and soul of the Eritrean people and their struggle to shape their destiny.

In this pivotal account, Wrong does not only reveal certain anecdotes with a sharp eye for unique attributes and a taste for the out of the ordinary, she also adds a twist that beguiles her readers.  The narrative crosses over to a new frontier which, generally speaking, was unfamiliar to her readers, in general, and Eritreans, in particular. Although Wrong was kind in her conclusion, she somehow brought to light that an abused country ends up abusing its own people.

The book is about how “native politics” was imposed on Eritreans as it was played out by non-natives. How did the dispossessed people of Eritrea variably contest settler societies?  It is fascinating to read not only how dispossession occurred, but how it has been contested, how insurgency politics was built, rebuilt, protected against institutional hostility, and how, in the end, the politics of self-consumption set in.

It makes sense to publish the book in Italian due to the fact that the history of Italy and that of Eritrea have been intertwined for more than forty years. hopes one day to see editions in Tigrinya and Arabic published.


Michela Wrong

I didn’t do it for you

Come le nazioni del mondo hanno usato e abusato di un piccolo Stato africano


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Review overview
  • Danilo August 31, 2017

    For me, is quite distressing quotation of value when “an abused country abuses it’s own people “is one thing. More than that when “native politics imposed by non -natives “e beh, it is our fault because we ends up believing the an trust worthy. apart, eagerly waiting to see that book.

  • amanuel August 31, 2017

    What is the difference to us if we are abused by native vs non native?

    • Danilo August 31, 2017

      I think the difference is when non native abuses native. e,g the interest, ethio-expansion, world’s strategy make -up! In a short cat, iseyas is not native.

  • Amba September 1, 2017

    I am not surprised about – ‘How the World Betrayed a Small African Nation’. I am surprised how some few elite but ignoramus enslaved and Abeedized minds betrayed their own history, identity and languages from the beginning.
    That was when all the seeds of evil and deceit was planted, and we are harvesting in multitudes since the days of Sryet Addis, Kunama massacre, Dembelas-Qohayn, Menkae, Falul, Gujle-15, Sawa, Egypt-Sinai, Lampedusa, Era Ero … and more

    • AHMED SALEH !!! September 1, 2017

      Since Eritreans prefer to serve for personal interest at the expense of their own people ,
      reality of life can not change by itself unless we allow LIBERTY , EQUALTY , JUSTICE
      RESPECT and VALUE of HUMAN LIFE have a place in national sociopolitical system .
      Foreign planted seeds of hate and division had been source of betrayal that keep
      the whole country hostage from enjoying the fruit of struggle our people paid dearly
      heavy price .