Open Public Meeting on current Eritrean issues
Open Public Meeting on current Eritrean issues. The London Eritrean Discussion form have organised an open public meeting and all interested Eritreans are welcome Date: Sunday 25th January 2015 Venue: Initiative for Change Address: 24 Greencoat Place, Victoria, London SW1P 1BE or

Open Public Meeting on current Eritrean issues.
The London Eritrean Discussion form have organised an open public meeting and all interested Eritreans are welcome
Date: Sunday 25th January 2015
Venue: Initiative for Change
24 Greencoat Place,
Victoria, London SW1P 1BE or 1RD
Time: 2 pm to 7 pm
Topic for Discussion:
The speakers and their respective topics are:
1) Al Ustaz Abduljabar Dossa (Sudanese researcher & writer):
“What we can learn from Sudanese experiences”
2) Ato Habtegiorgis Abraha, (human rights activist)
“How can we achieve the changes we aspire? ”
3) Ustaz Ibrahim O. Al-Kabushi, (a scholar & a politician)
“What are the hindrances to our working together?”
All are welcome
Facilitating Group
robi January 17, 2015
Well done, London!
oromay January 19, 2015
Endless meetings, workshops, discussions and seminars for no end results.