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Head to Head – What is wrong with Islam today? – AlJazeeraEnglish – Published on 22 Jun 2013

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  • sam June 24, 2013

    who told the orthodox their religion is right. was it the nine abune [debtera] who flee from siria Greece and Rome to Ethiopia and Eritrea to avoid prosecution and founded the orthodox church and their monasteries, wasn’t this people who mess up our Christianity instead of Christ they where preaching about them selves , now our people worship them like god , wasn’t this religion came from Greece and other eastern countries , orthodox is not what the bible telling us suppose to be, what we can see is Christianity mixed with eastern culture and the Jewish laws as we use to have Jewish religion before Christianity came to us. eventually the time has come to expose orthodoxy education and awareness has exposed orthodox and Islam, they didn’t want us to know the truth that’s why they use to say the bible ca not be out from the church, we can only use geez because geez is gods original language , a lot of rubbish has been mixed to the pure word of god a lot of extra books drsane michiel kbre negestat and more with a lot more laws that recquares u to do in order to have eternal life . teskar, zkr tsebel u name it, all this things are actually is playing with the blood of Jesus god forgive our people and bring them to right path.

    • Genet June 29, 2013

      You don’t know any thing about the ORTHODOX RELIGION.

      Who are you? and what is wrong with you?. You are trashing the orthodox religion, why? what have the orthodox religion done to you? I hope you are not one of those people, who thinks he/she is better than the rest of Eritreans, because they are converted to others Christian denominations. Get a life. YOU BETTER BE AN ATHEIST.

  • SAM June 24, 2013

    All I wanted to understand is why Assenna posted this Video? WHAT IS THE POINT? can someone from the Assenna foundation explain the purpose of this post. We have not seen a news on this Site about the great man, sheik Mohammad who is freeing our citizens from the Bedouins. Those on the video are confused individuals and they don’t even know who they are. Who are they to judge Islam while they are in confusion. In my opinion this video does not belong here at all. I hope Assenna is not stepping on bubble thinking it is a rock:)

  • Kalighe June 24, 2013

    ” I am for complete individual freedom” lets build our coming free Eritrea base on that.

    Sahle Yosieph

    I can’t agree more. Let’s hope for a better future.

  • sam June 24, 2013

    SAM why do u came with the same name ?is that to confuse people .well who ever u are let me answer ur qustion,freedom means ,freedom of religion freedom of free speech and so on so u cant exclude religion from our stragle for freedom .and onather thing is i have posted a comment before this one but it has been blocked by assena .amanuel eyasu if u believe freedom of speech .please dont block our comments ,pick and choose,because ur religion geting expoused u doing this but thats not fair thank u

    • SAM June 25, 2013

      LOL! I said Sam because I am Sam….I hope it is clear 🙂

  • Genet June 24, 2013

    The woman is a pistol.

    • Kalighe June 24, 2013

      Selamat Genet,

      Is this you, or someone else is using your name ..?

      An American astronaut was asked, what he thinks about having a woman college inside a space module for long time. He said: “it’s just like having a loaded gun at home”.

      best regards

      • Genet June 25, 2013

        Kalighe and said
        Guys, Guys, take it easy. When I said, she is a pistol, it is an expression of my observation of this woman, how she makes her point. I am not supporting her view points nor opposing it. Said, if you are going to call any one who has different view idiot, I wish you the best of luck.

        • Kalighe June 25, 2013

          Sister (if you allow me to call you so),
          I was amused by what you said about the lady, who is indeed like a “pistol”.
          I know you are a genuine Eritrean who cares about her people and country.
          I apologize if you feel offended by my comment.


          • Genet June 26, 2013

            Dear Kalighe
            apology accepted.
            I do beleive you too are a genuine Eritrean and my brother. (you do write brilliant comments and keep up the good work)
            I don’t want to get in to an argoument reg. religion with any body. Because I know, Religion is such a sensitive topic. I do beleive, religion is a personal matter and it should stay as such with respect.
            Thank You

        • Said June 27, 2013

          don’t worry, united we stand, you can leave me halfway.

    • Said June 25, 2013

      I’m sure she was a p pistol on TV that was the deception for some idiot person, but let me tell you what she say in her book, King James Version he was a gay man that I didn’t know before. and more they should learn the sexuality in the Catholic Church, and let me give you more that’s something I never known before Nick he’s 55 denominational church everybody’s confuse which one is the right book. well one of them is the King James Version,. and I’m sorry to tell you this but
      she can even sell it in South Africa USA in many other countries in Europe. you see you dumb you cheering somebody who’s lesbian, that put me into questioning you
      . well let me tell you this if you if you read her book as a woman I’ll be scared of you. and I beg you please don’t let the kids see it. or any woman on your family. because you will wonder what happened. goodnight lesbian.

      • Said June 25, 2013

        Miss gent or Mr Janet

        • Genet June 25, 2013

          It is Genet.
          Thank You!

          • Said June 27, 2013

            what about me, misspell your name. although it on propose. forgive me to.. sister.miss Genet . when there is love there is life. united we stand.

    • Said June 25, 2013

      Gent . you look like been a Catholic school yourself.

      • Genet June 25, 2013

        I am hurt.

        • Genet June 28, 2013

          Apology accepted.
          We all know, Religion is a sensitive topic. If we start arguing about it’s wrongs and rights, we will manage to offend everbody involved. For us, Eritrean we can’t afford to waste our time offending each other. After all, we have an Equal Opportunity enemy called the DICTATOR. Though, we should not fail to learn a thing or two from any given info.. regardless where it is coming from.
          And remember, my name is spelled: GENET. A timeless and classic Eritreans’ name.
          Take care my bother Said

  • Kombishtato June 24, 2013

    Kombishtato on June 23, 2013 at 10:01 pm said:

    There are many groups, Eritrean websites and organizations that are silent to the genocide against Eritreans in the Arab world that is taking place in Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Egypt.
    My question is that why are these heinous and evil crimes taking place against innocent Eritreans mainly in the Arab world but not in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan or Israel?
    Why are these crimes taking place only in the Arab world in this large scale against Eritreans and other black Africans?

    ስለምንታይ እዩ እዚ ጭካነ ዝመልኦ ግፍዕታት ኣንጻር መሳኪን ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ ማለት ኣብ ሱዳን የመን ሊብያ ግብጺ ብዜጋታት ዓርብ ናብ ኤርትራውያን ዝፍጸም ?
    ብተዛማዲ ኣብ ደቡብ ሱዳን ኡጋንዳ ኬንያ ኣንጎላ እስራኤል ኢትዮጵያ ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ብሰላም ይነብሩ፤ ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ ግና ባሮት ኮይኖም ከም ጠሌ በጊዕ ይሽየጡ፣ ናውቲ ኣካላቶም ተጎዛዝዩ ይሽየጥ። እወ ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብጥራይ። ስለመንታይ ?

    Reply ↓
    Zeberga’s response on June 24, 2013 at 1:57 am said:


    Arabs are by nature very disrespectful to black Africans.Eritreans have lost courage these days, clear example is the rashayidas and bedewins case of human trafficking, just one or two of this guys will drag and torture 20 to 30 Eritreans without any challenge what so ever. Do you think they will dare to do this to the Somalis, no way. So that is the reason why this is happening to Eritreans, you remember when one daring Eritrean female in Sinai dared to confiscate her abductors gun and pleaded for help to free the rest of her brothers, no they didn’t come to rescue her instead one or two fled the scene, how about that. These are the Eritreans you are dealing with these days they are little different and that is the reason why the abuse has taken its toll by the Arabs.

  • Kalighe June 24, 2013

    “But if I, as an individual want to inform people, that those beliefs are lies. Should I be punished for blasphemy? That’s the other side of the coin of religious freedom.”


    I think you have some contradictory stands on the issue of religion:

    On one hand you want protect your religion/church (Orthodox Christianity) from been eroded by New Protestant Churches in the country (that is why you stand with the Government that has banned them), on the other side, you want freedom just to be able to prove that what they are saying are lies. If you really believe in freedom of religion, then all of us should condemn the persecution of banned groups. I know some Protestants consider Islam the religion of Satan, and a lot of other wrong ideas about other religions, but we should face ideas with ideas, and the State should remain neutral. Actually, freedom of religion in Europe was needed so that people can criticize their own churches, the kind of freedom you are looking for in about be able to criticize others, while you protect your own from being weakened.

    “I liked the flower blossom video by the way . Are you having a Japanese period now?”

    Not really. But long ago, I had a dream to become a Japanologist, so I studied Japanese history and culture for some years. However, I found the language a bit difficult to learn, so I abandoned the whole thing. Japan is one the countries that fascinates me a lot.

    • Zaul June 25, 2013

      You misunderstand me. I would like to do away with religion altogether, not protect orthodox over the others. To me they’re all lies, some more harmful than others. But I guess people need comfort for whatever reason.

      They are usefull as tradition-bearers only and do not deserve a higher status than any other political ideology. Can I say that without being charged with blasphemy?

      • Kalighe June 25, 2013

        “They are usefull as tradition-bearers only and do not deserve a higher status than any other political ideology. Can I say that without being charged with blasphemy?”


        I disagree, but don’t worry, you won’t be killed, but excommunicated -:)

        We need to take care of our societies. And need not shock them unnecessarily, in the name of modernity and liberal ideology. This is about offending your grandma whose spirituality sustained her all along her difficult times. Your mother or uncle who find in their prayers a healing effect, after losing their loved ones. I think it’s save to assume that, many have not even heard that decades ago, a human being walked on the moon and came back; that Pioneer is about to leave our solar system for inter-stellar voyage (18 billion km away); that a robot laboratory is sniffing samples of soil on Mars to look for water ..etc. How many in our societies know, that couples in Western countries, now live together without being married; that people go to churches may be ones a year (Christmas) a call themselves non-practicing Christians; that some countries have approved same-sex marriages …etc. Generally speaking, our society is very conservative and upholds it’s traditional values in every aspect of it’s daily life. I don’t see why some of us (a minority) want drag the country into unnecessary problems in the name of freedom to scrutinize religions (of course other than their own).

        • Zaul June 25, 2013

          Ex-communication is not a worry, sneaky twisting of words on the other hand disappoint me. Certain milestones in life, such as birth, marriage and death are part and parcel of all human cultures. If they find an expression within religion or any other way, that’s fine.

          “This is about offending your grandma whose spirituality sustained her all along her difficult times. Your mother or uncle who find in their prayers a healing effect, after losing their loved ones.”

          I understand that this things has to come gradually, through science education, and your grandma and my grandma will likely not be at the forefront of this “modernity”. Where are you standing? 🙂 (Ferah). Religions were once considered modern.

          • Kalighe June 25, 2013

            ” Where are you standing? (Ferah). Religions were once considered modern.”


            When it comes to society, I take pride in being ‘ferah’ than ‘negram’ !!

            Believing in ‘some higher authority’ is as old as humanity. Spirituality is almost an inborn necessity. The main message across religions, is almost the same (specially in monotheistic religions), but when wrapped in local cultures, at times it becomes unrecognizable to untrained mind. An American Indian who stands for a while in front of his Totem, or an Indian Pundit who goes barefoot, to avoid killing insects on his way, are basically doing it out of respect to the will of ‘higher authority’. It’s not difficult to see that, some of the most amazing works ever made by people in many parts of the world, were made in the name of such ‘authority’. Look at the wonderful works of Renaissance artists: Pieta’, The Last Supper, Davide … or architectural wonders such as the great mosques of Samrkand, Isfahan, Bukhara ..etc.

        • Zaul June 25, 2013

          Beqa dhan tseweta iyu neru, ngrmna aykonen, yeakhlena hji.

          God of the gaps : If there is a gap in understanding of some aspect of the natural world, the cause must be supernatural, by this argument as scientific knowledge increases, the dominion of God decreases.

          Science has also the humility and advantage to admit mistakes if proven wrong.

          • Kalighe June 25, 2013

            Our knowledge of the world around us is still limited. Much of that limitation comes from the fact that, the means we use (our tools) are not good enough to help us see things as they are. For instance, scientists knew long ago that, probably we will never reach the bottom of sub-atomic particle world, because the tools we use to detect these particles, destroys them in the process. This is not about impossibility of knowing and understanding the universe but about limitations of our current technology to do so.
            I think we have discussed enough this interesting subject. Thanks you.

          • Zaul June 26, 2013

            Your writing style reminds me of Saleh AA Younis,

            Our knowledge may be limited now, but they’re better than yesterday. Certainly future generations will push even further ahead.

            O ye who believe! Do ask questions!



  • Truly truly i say to you June 25, 2013

    As we all know Jew, Christian and Muslem religions believe in one God. Fine! But the Question is to whom are they Call God? Well,Jews call him YAHWEH, We Habesha call Ezgiábher (እግዚአብሔር) in English God and the Muslems call Allah. But who is YAHWEH? God?,or Allah? Is God not defined? I heard all Muslems when saying that, as well many Christians. But who is Lord Jesus Christ for a Muslim? they say Jesus is one of from the Prophets, means he is a prophet for them. What about for Christians? Well some of them say, ” a son of God!) indeed because it written in bible their answer is not wrong! But those know about the trinity say ( God the Father, God the son, God the Holly spirit, three different name but same one God) This is also very correct answer! But do you think this expression is confusing only to those of Muslems only ? i don´t think so! I sometimes even to those 98% of Christians doubt, weather the secret clearly also defined or raveled to them. This i say it because i seeing when confusing because they don´t realize to that Jesus with parable talking them about father (Aba) as it was about himself was indirectly. (Read John 16, 25). In other word what i am saying is, this unknowingly you call YAHWEH; God, Or Allah, i Truly Truly proclaim you from today to those you not know, Is Jesus Christ self!

    When you hearing this please don´t start blowing dust like those Pharisees and start to pike up stones to throw at me, and call me you are a Samaritan and have demon in you, like they said to Jesus, (Please read the whole story (John 8; 48- 59) This matter i know, let alone to Muslims even to a lot Jews and Christians, because think and limited Jesus Christ age, with a 2000 year history, You may also will ask me like those confused Jews asked when Jesus told them, “Before Abraham was born, ‘I AM’.” Didn´t Our father Abrham 3000 years ago not lived before Abraham, didn´t our prophet Mosses( Mussa) lived 3000 years ago before Christos born? How could you tell us from Maria born Jesus is a God? something like that questions. (John 8, 54-59) Even you ask, i say this question is very legitimate. But if you really wants to know the truth Jesus Christ self as is the Almighty God, who spoke with Abraham, Mosses ( Read (1st Corinthians 10, 1-4)and all prophets and Apostles, if you have patience and of course if i also got enough time, to those of you who have not bible i will give you more briefing from bible verses if you like, so that you check and would know the truth, Jesus Christ as is is who create all universe, man kind, the sky or earth everything. He is Alpha and Omega , Who hills, who kills. About this truth, i am sure like i said 98% Christians also not know that. But they traditionally are calling self,” we are Christians.” First in this point if we convince each other, i am sure our difference and problem because of religious affiliation will be reduced from time to time. Because if we will know the truth, the truth will set up of all free! (John 8, 32) This truth is Jesus Christ self.

  • Wodi Shawl June 25, 2013

    Like it or not Islam is farce and it will soon disappear on its own. It is a religion founded by sword and will be distroyed by sword but this time of its own.

  • sam June 25, 2013

    Jesus told to nikedimos unless u born again u cant enter to kingdom of god . nikodimes say can that be pssible when u grow up and u go back to ur mothers womb and borne again.oh our mind is foolsh men .jesus was talking about being born again with the sprit and word of wonder apostle paul said WENGEL NIANA NNDHN HAYLI EYU NZEYDHANU GN ESHNET EYU the world call us crazy. gods work for the mind is crazyness .nikedimos brobably wad thinkig is he alright telling me to born ahain

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