Fetsum: GR (Grassroots) Momentum: GR moves forward and whoever is threatened by the progress desperately cries for survival
News in brief: The GI community extensively discussed the upcoming Germany Conference of Eritrean activists in its last paltalk session heavily encouraged by the result of its participation in the Canada Eritreans’ Festival in Toronto few

News in brief:
The GI community extensively discussed the upcoming Germany Conference of Eritrean activists in its last paltalk session heavily encouraged by the result of its participation in the Canada Eritreans’ Festival in Toronto few days ago. Our representatives attended the HIDRIJEGANUNA’s last paltalk media to boost the moral of the Germany Conference organizers encouraging our people to attend and support the very important event of the moment. Despite the negative input of the very few individuals that attended the meeting to discourage people from attending the event through character assassination scheme, our dedicated brother Araya Debessay modestly explained our mission and that of the Germany Conference’s leaving the crowd reminding it to maximize support so that we can collectively achieve success on mass based global leadership, a topic that will most likely dominate the event based on our common understanding and close relationship in between. The conference will start on Thursday, 7/13/2017 in Frankfurt and we hope many citizens will attend it from all corners of the world. GI wishes the best to the organizers and attendants of the event and happily informs them that we will be there with our people to do the best we can, making it as successful as possible. END
Folks, a solo musician may need to understand the concept of music (chord progression, tuning, and timing) but does not have to religiously follow them in practice to entertain himself alone. But a musical band must at least respect four fundamental elements of music to make sense and play well in front of the audience: tuning, identifying the key note, timing and focus. All musical instruments in the band must be tuned to the keyboard, the musicians must be aware of the key note of the music to be played in order to develop their performance applying their knowledge accordingly, they have to be on time to synchronize with the beat and focus on each other and adjust to whatever may happen therein. They must listen to each other, change things based on what spontaneously develops in the stage using their experience, creativity and flexibly to accommodate the process by which the collective output impresses the audience well. Otherwise, the resultant sound becomes disturbing to say the least. Analogically, for a group of activists to succeed toppling a dictatorship in favor of democracy, they all must adapt a common mass based method of struggle (tuning), must be clear of the challenge and what they are fighting for (identifying the key note), coordinate their fight to synchronize with the demand of the moment (efficiency and timing) and focus on what they do with high degree of interaction, flexibility and optimism.
In any redundant situation whatever the challenge may be, one needs to give up fighting, change one’s approach to effectively resolve the matter or surrender by accepting it fully and moving on. We have a common problem that needs a common solution but we have been dancing individually without a partner. We did not succeed divided into many groups without a common strategy and coordinated focus. It does not make sense trying to bring democracy in Eritrea without a common understanding of the objective of the struggle, a common strategy to that end and honest cooperation with each other on the merit to achieve the goal with maximized probability and efficiency. We need to ask ourselves on where we individually stand confronting the challenge at hand. We cannot continue on the failed venues of struggle should we decide to further stay in the struggle as concerned citizens of the motherland. Once again, there is a need for quickly selecting a form of struggle out of the many and developing it together to make a difference in our society.
In so saying, there are many signs that the regime is feeling uncomfortable about the grassroots movement and doing its best to fight back with few conformist individuals probably in its pay role. What happened in the last paltalk of HIDRI JEGANUNA is a case in point in this regard. The forum consisted of about 270 individuals from all sects of the society where a representative from the incoming Germany Conference eloquently addressed the crowd on the importance of the event to the Eritrean people. His presentation and emotional control were mature and his wisdom vivid from the way he was diffusing his words to the crowd. It was inspiring for keen observers like the GI elements in the forum that were so impressed and proud of having such a high caliber individual in the Diaspora community.
But the season is of desperation and fear to the enemies of the Eritrean people. They cannot relax anymore with what is going on in the Diaspora. The terminology GRASSROOTS and its objective GLOBAL LEADERHIP is scaring the enemies enough to act like mad dogs everywhere the Deleytifithi gather to discuss the outstanding issues of the society. There were about 10 individuals (3% of the attendants) in the HIDRIJEGANUNA paltalk room that were alternately preaching against the Germany Conference, the Grassroots movement and the GI community in particular accusing us all of being messengers of Ethiopia tuned to compromise the sovereignty of our country in disguise. Whether they were slaves of the desperate regime, something else or naïve individuals that conclusively say anything without evidence, they were doing their destructive interference with high degree of emotional discharge.
The grassroots movement for Global leadership being the exact opposite of Dictatorship and the only guarantee on the table that can democratize the country ahead, the desperate individuals’ accusation of the community as being disguised messengers of Ethiopia was totally out of sync with reality. Further trying to influence the people against the Germany Conference of Eritrean activists on the same grounds shows how disturbed they were about the GR momentum overall and the GI community in particular. Excluding others in this case, the situation is a proof as to how threatened the hated regime has become about the movement in the face of its top diplomats being chased around by the people as the recent episode on Yemane monkey et al in Italy clearly demonstrates, needless to say it is natural for it to fight back for survival by sticking to the only but overplayed card (Ethiopian connection) left for it to contaminate the mind of Deleytifithi, which in fact has become ineffective vis-à-vis its monotony and their growing awareness internationally.
As per us the GI community members, our record cleanly shows that we have been unflinching defenders of the Eritrean sovereignty and the people’s drive for democracy ever since the struggle for independence and then after. All one has to do in this regard is checking the consistent position of our activists such as Araya Debessay and the contributions and sacrifice they made for our society throughout the struggle for independence and beyond. No one except a mass based global leadership has the right to dictate terms as to how our relationship with Ethiopia is going to be in the future, needless stating that the GI community never discussed the matter in acknowledgment of this reality and beyond. Neither were we elected to represent the people in this regard nor do we concentrate on the untimely matter beyond our mandate. Our immediate agenda is to quickly organize all Eritreans so that they can have a GLOBAL LEADERSHIP that represents them in one voice. The freedom of our people and their democratic future stand as the priority of our struggle at this moment in history.
Subjectively, however, I am a strong believer of regaining BADME from the Ethiopians without which no relationship of any form should be established between the two countries. The Ethiopians must return Badme to its owner (Eritrea) based on the International Verdict and I expect this to take place through diplomatic dialogue between us in democratic Eritrea. The dictatorship’s desperate crocodile tears and its attempt to taint the GI agenda with Ethiopia should not thus matter to Deleytifithi for we expect the immoral behavior to continue as long as we remain a threat to its survival. That is why they call the process a STRUGGLE and we will be there till the end no matter what. Our responsibility is to march forward supporting every Eritrean activity against the regime towards Global leadership of the people that we found to be the only remedy to the problem at hand. In accordance, our immediate mission right now is to assist the Germany Conference organizers with anything within our capacity. In the mean time, I want to remind the GR community in general that the recent attack on its members is the result of its success and thus, congratulations for well done effort!!
Power to the people and success to the important conference in Germany!!
k.tewolde July 13, 2017
By now we should recognize divisive rhetoric as a second nature,it is all too familiar and nip it at the bud.All our arrows should aim at one common enemy- HGDEF. We don’t have to dress the same,talk the same,act the same,think the same,even like each other, as long as we recognize where the assault is coming from and fight with coordinated skill,determination and in unison to free our oppressed people from the bondage of tyranny,our victory is not only inevitable,it is guaranteed.Thanks Fitsum for the update.The momentum is on the justice seekers side,HGDEF has reached its climax a while ago and lost its potency and is refracting back into history books. Opportunity cannot present itself better than this.
geladios July 13, 2017
The media bias is not helping well in the name of free speech, All we saw on last year in the pal talk shows is heavily destructive against each other to score a point with egos heavy muscles. And I believe something is wrong with the Admins and ownership of the rooms. of course, the hand of our main enemy of the just seekers or the opposition is in our inner circle. Regardless of these kind of wounds, Our public Discussion Forum should continue from any corner at least to create one Umbrella to represent us in any aspect to push our justification cause inside and outside.If anyone who stands on our way is the Dictatorial system of ‘HGDF’ or his supporters by the name of just seekers.
Araya Debessay July 14, 2017
The organizers of the Germany Conference has made it clear, during their Paltalk presentation at Hidri Jeganu, on Sunday July 9, 2017, that the objective of the conference is to seek an effective strategy to end the suffering of the Eritrean people. Despite their clear and convincing explanations, there were some elements in Hidri Jeganu, whose integrity is questionable, spewing what they thought was damaging misinformation. Luckily, they only made fools of themselves. One wonders if these are agents of the government who pretend to be Deleyti Fithi. I have no doubt the Germany Conference will be successful.
Danilo July 14, 2017
I understand that Grassroot proposal for change should include and encourage the young generation..The young once are equally responsible. if otherwise, no hope at all. I think we should not always waste precious time for nothing while we have good reason or option to infiltrate by few devoted patriotism in side Asmara. That is it!
amanuel July 15, 2017
Dictators always do not survive internal conflicts and eat each other in the end. Do not be surprised if higdef explodes into pieces on its own. All it needs is external pressure from us in diaspora.
Nahon July 15, 2017
The agents of the regime may have infiltrated the opposition, obviously, to try to split the camp on some sticky issues, as there are plenty of them.
No need to waste time trying to get rid of them. An easy solution would be to identify the divisive elements, and deny them chance to put the whole camp on disarray.
Just take note who is trying to divert the attention of Justice Seekers from the main issue on the agenda.
Let the people know what they are trying to do and why. Let them come in the open, and explain to the people their take on the issue at hand. Let the people know who they are and what they want do.
Eventually, people will know and learn to identify who is trying to put hurdles on their way to freedom.