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Ethiopia’s New PM Pledges Reforms to End Violence

BY ELIAS MESERET, Associated Press ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Young and outspoken Abiy Ahmed has been sworn in Monday as Ethiopia's prime minister, amid hopes he will be able to quell the sustained anti-government protests that

BY ELIAS MESERET, Associated Press

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Young and outspoken Abiy Ahmed has been sworn in Monday as Ethiopia’s prime minister, amid hopes he will be able to quell the sustained anti-government protests that have rocked Africa’s second most populous nation.

Abiy was elected by Ethiopia’s parliament, succeeding Hailemariam Desalegn who resigned in mid-February as a result of widespread protests that have taken the lives of several hundred people, mainly in the restive Oromia and Amhara regions.

“This is a historic moment,” said Abiy in his inaugural address to Ethiopian lawmakers. “This is high time for us to learn from our past mistakes and make up for all the wrongs done in the past . we understand there are a lots of problems that need to be solved with great urgency.”

Abiy apologized for the deaths of civilians in the violent protests. He said his administration will strive to solve grievances by discussion rather than by force, provide more space for opposition parties, fight corruption and focus on respect for rule of law.

The new leader said he aims to open up a fresh dialogue with arch-foe Eritrea and called upon Ethiopia’s diaspora to more actively take part in the country’s affairs.

Abiy is the first Oromo politician to become Ethiopia’s prime minister since the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front came to power in 1991. It is hoped he will be able to bring an end to the protests that have been raging since late 2015 to press for wider political freedoms and the release of opposition figures. The Oromo people, the largest ethnic group of Ethiopia’s 100 million people, have long felt marginalized both politically and economically.

A former Lieutenant Colonel in the army and head of Ethiopia’s Science and Technology ministry, Abiy, 42, has a reputation as an effective orator and reformer.

Many welcomed the new leader.

“I think this is a very important step toward the overall democratization and stability of the country,” said Kiya Tsegaye, a lawyer and political analyst. “But he needs the support of the people around him, especially top party officials to implement his reform measures.”

Prominent opposition leader Merara Gudina expressed cautious optimism over Abiy’s election, saying the future of Ethiopia’s peace and stability depends on the policies of the incoming leader and his party.

“What he aims to achieve depends on what his party allows him to do,” Merara said, adding that Abiy was elected by Ethiopia’s ruling party and not directly by the population through a general election. “But still it goes without saying that a change in personalities within the leadership may bring changes in terms of bringing better ideas that may ultimately lead to national reconciliation.”

Ethiopia’s Olympic gold medalist runner, Haile Gebrselassie, said the peaceful transfer of power is a win-win situation for all Ethiopians.

“The new leader’s election has answered many Ethiopians’ questions,” Haile told The Associated Press, saying that Abiy should implement his pledges without delay. “His inaugural address today has the ability to bring together not only Ethiopians, but countries in the region as well.”

Abiy will be Ethiopia’s third prime minister since the former military junta, the Derg, was overthrown in 1991.

Ethiopia in February declared its second state of emergency in two years amid the ongoing protests that effectively crippled transportation networks and forced the closure of businesses. On Saturday, Ethiopian officials said that more than 1,000 people have been detained since the latest emergency rule was put in place.

The U.S. Embassy in the capital, Addis Ababa, commended the peaceful transfer of power, saying it is the first time a living leader has handed over power in Ethiopia’s recent history.

“We stand ready to support the government’s rapid implementation of democratic and economic reforms and look forward to the lifting of the state of emergency,” the U.S. embassy said in an email sent to The Associated Press.

Review overview
  • meretse April 5, 2018

    ሰላም ንኹሉ ደላይ ሰላም
    ሓው ኣህመድ፡ ሪእቶካ ድሕሪ ንባብ ብዓቅመይ ዝተረዳእክዎ ይመስለኒ። ሪእቶ — ብመሰረት ተርድኦይ፡- ሓው ኣህመድ ይመስገን ኣምላኽ ክሳብ ሎሚ ጸላእ ሰናያት (ሰይጣን) ሪኤ ኣይፈልጥን። እቲ ምክንያት እንድዒ? ብቀንዱ ሰይጣን ድዩ ዘየሎ ኮይኑስ ዋላ እቲ መዓልታዊ ዝገብሮ ጸሎት ……“ኣምላክ ካብ ሰይጣን ሰውረኒ ፣ (“ኣዑዝብላህ ሚን ኣልሰይጣን ኣልረጂም”) ዝብሎ ጸሎት ሰሚሩ ግን ዝፈልጦ የብለይን። እዚ ክብል እንከሎኩ ግን ፡ ሰጠናዊ ስራሓት ኢልና ንገልጾም ተግባራት ዘተግብሩ ደቒ-ኣዳም የሎውን ኣይብልን። ሓው ኣሕመድ፡ ናዓይ ከም’ዚ ክትብል ገሊጽካኒ፡ “ ንጸልእቲ ሰናይት ቤትካ ከፊትካ ፡ከተአንግድ ትክእል ኢካ። ኣነ ግን ኣላህ ገጽ ሰይጣን ኣይተርእየኒ “ኣዑዝብላህ ሚን ኣልሰይጣን ኣልረጂም” ኢለ ኢየ ዝሃድም ኢልካ። ማሕረ። ካብ ጽሑፈይ ሰይጣን ኣብ ክልተ ከም ዝተመቅለ መቸስ ተረዲእካ ኣሎካ። ሕጂ ኣነን ንስካን ህንካን ሃባን ንበሃል ዘሎን በቲ “ቝጽሪ ሓደ ሰይጣን” ዘይኮናስ በቲ “ቝጽሪ ክልተ ሰይጣን” ኢና ክንረዳዳእ ንፍትን ዘሎና። ኣብ’ዚ ከቀራርባና ይክእላ ኢየን እሊ ዝሓዝክወን 2 ኣብነታታ ኣሎዋኒ። እታ ቀዳመይቲ ፡– “ተንኪፎም ተናኪፎም፡ ደቂሱ ዝነበረ ብዕራይ፡ ካብ ቤት እንስሳ // ናብ እንስሳ ዘገዳም ቀይሮሞ ትብል” ወይ ብቀንዳ (ነክቶው ነካክቶው፡ የተኛውን በሬ፡ ኣደረጉ ኣውሬ”) እዚ ከም’ዚኣ ዝበለ ተዓዛቢ ኣዝየ ኢየ ዘድንቆ። ሓደ ሓደ ግዜ ደቂ-ሰባት ነቲ ምክያት ገዲፍና ነቲ ውጽኢት ኢና ነጋንን። እንድሕሪ ብታሕቲ ታሕቲ ብመርፍእ ወጊእካ ድቃስ ከልእካዮ እሞ ንሱ ብኩናት እንድሕሪ ወጊኡካ፡ ኩናት ዓባይ ስለዝኮነት “ረኣይሉይ ስምዑለይ” ኣልዒልካ ከተማርርስ ዘጥዕመልካ ዶ ይመስለካ? ኣነ ኣይመስለንን። ብወገነይ ወይ ብዓንቶብኡ መርፍእካ ምጕዳም ወይ ዝሃበካ ምቅባል ኢዩ ዝብል።

  • meretse April 5, 2018

    እታ ካልአይቲ ምሳሌ ንስካ’ውን ትፈልጣ ኢካ። ቅድሚ ሓያል ዓመታት መራሕቲ ሃገራት ዓለም ኣብ ንውዮርክ ኣኬባ ኣብ ዝገበርሉ እዋን ኣብ መንጎኦም ዝተፈጸመ ፍጽሚ፡- ክልቲኦም ብስሞም ተጸዋዊዕም ኣይፈልጡን። እቲ ሓደ ነቲ ሓደ “ሰይጣን” ኢሉ ይጽውዖ። እቲ ካልኣይ ከኣ “ዲይብሎስ” ኢሉ ይጽውዖ። ነገሩ ኣኮን ወዲ ሓፍትን ፡ ስለ እንዶ ኣይሓንትን ኢዩ። ዝኮነ ኮይኑ ዓይኒ ንዓይኒ ክረኣኣዩ ስለ ዘይደለዩ፡ እቲ ሓደ መደረ ኣብ ዝገብረሉ ዝነበረ እቲ ካልኣይ ካብኡ ተኪዊሉ ነበረ። እቲ ቀዳማይ ካብ ሰብ ዝመስሉ ጸላእቲ-ሰናያት (ዲያብሎሳት) ንጠንቀቕ ክብል መደረ ኣስሚዑ። ጽንሕ ኢሉ ተራ ናይቲ ካልኣይ ስለ ዝነበረ ንሱ ከኣ። ኣፍንጭኡ ከፊቱ ፡ፊፍ -ፊፍ ኢሉ እዚ ገዛ ሓጺን ሓጺን (ዚንክ ዚንክ) ይጮኑ’ሎ “ሰይጣን ግዲ ኔሩ’ዩ ኣብ ቕድመይ ኢሉ። ክልቲኦም ከም ሰብ ከይተረኣኣዩ እቲ ሓደ ናብ ዓዲ ኩልና ከይዱ። ኣሕመድ ንዓይ ንሓውካ “መረጸ” ከምዚ ዓይነት ርክብ ክክተል ኢካ መሪጽካለይ። ኣብዚኣ ሓው ኣህመድ ከተዕብየኒ ዝደለካ ኣይመስለንን። እንድሕሪ እዛ መንገዲ እዚኣ ቅንዒቲ ኢያ ኢልካ ትኣምን እንተኮንካ??? እዚ ሓዲሽ ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ኢትዮጵያ// ዶክተር ኣቢ ኣህመድ ዘሕለፎ መልእክቲ’ውን ብተዘዋዋሪ መንገዲ ትቛዎሞ ኣሎካ ማለት ድዩ? ተክላይ ካብ’ዚ ኢሰያስ ሓጺን -ሓጺን ዝጨኑ ዓቢ ሰይጣን ይዓቢ ድካ ትብለኒ ዘሎካ? እንድሕሪ ኣቢ ኣህመድ ምስ ኢሰያስ ክዛተ ቅዱስ ኣነ ወይ ከማይ ዝኣመሰለ ምስ ተክላይ ምዝታይ ከም ሓጥያት ብክመይ ይቑጸር? ዶ ዋላ ኣነ ፕረዚደንት ስለ ዝይኮንኩ ከምኡ ዓይነት ዘተ ከተካይድ ዓቅምካ እይፈቅደልካን ኢዩ ኢካ ትብልኒ ዘሎካ። ምዝታይ ዝመስልዎ ነገር የሎን። እቲ ሽግር እምነትካ ምሻጥ’ዩ። ኣነ ከኣ ካብ ሓደ መደበር ናብ ሓደ መደበር ንጠቕመይ ዝዛወር ሰብ ኣይኮንኩን። ብሕጂ ንእትጽሕፎም ስለይ ክጠቅመካ ኢለ ኢየ። ንሎሚ እዚ ይኣክል። ንመጻኢ ግን ኣርእስቲ ንቀይር። ብዝሓለፈ ግን “ግዲ የሎን” “ማዕለሽ”

    • Simon G. April 6, 2018

      ሓው መረጸ:
      ዘይምርድዳእ ‘ዩ!
      ንኢሱ ምስደውልኩሉ ‘ኳ: ንዓኻን ነዞም ክልተ ኣሕዋት: ማለት ኣሕመድን k. ተወልደን ‘ዩ ዝሓተተ። ብጽቡቕ ከይመስለካ btw።
      ኣንታ ወዮ ኣስመራ ተውሊዱ ዓብዩ ቁሩብ ተዘይጎዲሉዎ (no offense here to Asmarino kids!): ካብዞም ኣናብስ ኣኮታተይ ‘ኳ ዩ ተወሊዱ (ሳሆ ማለተይ ‘ዩ)።

      BTW: ኣሕመድ is our Ahmed and ኣህመድ is our neighbors (I am not sure why they use letters they can’t pronounce but that’s different topic) 🙂


      • Simon G. April 6, 2018

        BTW, this is very funny!
        እንድሕሪ ኣቢ ኣህመድ ምስ ኢሰያስ ክዛተ ቅዱስ ኣነ ወይ ከማይ ዝኣመሰለ ምስ ተክላይ ምዝታይ ከም ሓጥያት ብክመይ ይቑጸር? ዶ ዋላ ኣነ ፕረዚደንት ስለ ዝይኮንኩ ከምኡ ዓይነት ዘተ ከተካይድ ዓቅምካ እይፈቅደልካን ኢዩ ኢካ ትብልኒ ዘሎካ።

      • k.tewolde April 6, 2018

        Love your arbitration Simon,that is what brothers do! I couldn’t have said it any better- just a little misunderstanding between 2 good human beings.Who is perfect uh except the one who hounds you on the phone day and night.

  • rezen April 6, 2018

    Subject: “ “ መልሓስ ንባዕላ ኣብ በዓት ሰፊራ፡ ንርእሲ ተስብራ” ይብሉ ኣቦታትና”, by Meretse, 4 Apr 2018

    Commentary, 5 Apr. 2018
    Wow! what a gem of a proverb! Meretse, YOU JUST have it! What a wisdom! The spirit of our ancestors will be appreciative that what they left is still being honoured by dwindling few. Alas! We the off springs, never appreciated it. We blew it, thinking we were much more “educated” than our dignified ሃገረ ሰብ፣ making the respectable term derogatory and blindly being dragged by the rope [neck-tie] of modern civilization around our necks to eternal ‘slavery’
    I NEVER heard the above jewel of wisdom >>> and I call myself Eritrean. And in fact, I am – though some self-appointed experts in ancestry (who never met me) think otherwise!!! Anyway, I used to recite my string of ወለዶ to the pride of my parents in front of our guests. By the way I grew up in a Family that NO OTHER language in the world was spoken in our house other than Tigrigna, at any moment of the day. Never! >>> with the exception of a little note for a smile: my Dear Father’s habit, from time to time, of firing string of Italian words, a reflection of our history – just like we “modernist” have been doing when conversing in our indigenous ancient language of Tigrigna, derivative of Geez, with doses of appropriate foreign words like Italian, English, French, German, Arabic, Finish, Danish …………Oh! OH! Oh! I forgot the beautiful “enemy” Amharic language, another Geez- derivative language. At the risk of digressing, a sociologist or anthropologist or historian, I think, used to compare Geez with Latin and the corresponding languages of Tigre (1), Tigrigna and Amharic with French, Spanish and Italian Alas, our unfortunate derogatory Life goes a long way — a reflection of our (Eritrean) development over one hundred and thirty (130) years under colonial and indigenous dictatorial powers. And there doesn’t seem to be an end to it with a serious lingering internal problem of RELIGION and REGION. I repeat: religion and region. Educate me otherwise: what is dividing us? What makes us helpless to be coherent united force to get our Freedom, Liberty, Equality and Justice – COMMON FACTORS to each one of us >>>to ALL of us. Tell me: Why do we have eighty to ninety (80 to 90) political and social parties, presumably ALL for the for the SAME GOAL. It is absurd. And it is self-deceiving and self-defeating.

    Oh! Lord, I have gone astray from my main subject: Tigrigna. I have NEVER gone to any Tigrigna school, nor knew of any in my surroundings wherever I may be!!! Having confessed all that, let me also leave a little grace for myself [though it may sound ጃህራ] by saying that I speak good Tigrigna and write in grammatically passable Tigrigna, though I wouldn’t dare to push my luck against the notable writers. In a miniscule way, my story is a reflection of ERITREAN upheaval, bizarre, and confusing history. Please Note: IT IS MY OPINION and I present it in the most respectable way as I can, based on Freedom of Expression, as Eritrea gave horrendous sacrifice for such a noble cause — OR, was it for another insidious REASONS, cooked-up by two indigenous protagonists who [unbelievable as it may seem] deceived the entire population of Eritrea?????? A German lady, that I know, with Eritrean husband and two infant children put it in a question form:>>> “sometimes, I wonder what would happen to my children – a product of two HARD-HEADED PARENTAGE? We had a good laugh over it.

    Dear Meretse, with great respect for your writings and obviously a gem of experience, may I dare throw a little bit of advice – only, and ONLY, as your ADMIRER: Please save yourself from ‘heart-ache’ and stay FREE [as you deserve to be] way up on your HIGH PLATEAU for the constructive educational benefit for all of us – Your Readers.
    If I crossed the line, you are respectfully invited to join me and my idol k.tewolde on our dream to get together in Asmara to have በራድ ቫሂ ማዓመር served with the legendary ቡቭ glasses [my offer] and a “ tramezzino” (2)(sandwich) [his share of paying]. Ha ha ha ha ……. We will give you the honour of selecting the spot. THAT WOULD BE THE DAY>>> everybody to his/her own mood, liking, endeavour, stamina ……….but bonded by democratically forged CONSTITUTION for the entire Land for ALL of us to enjoy.

    Less than the above, we have no country but bits and pieces of land belonging to none of us but to others. I repeat [again and again as a lucky FREE person] in my honest feeling and OPINION: WE ARE OUR OWN ENEMY exemplified by religion and region. if there are psychotic people who wish to see the suffering of Eritrea for eternity, it is exactly the road that they are following that would serve their hidden purpose. On the other hand, no persons on earth, no matter what sophistication and treachery of manipulation and methods they follow, can muzzle, for eternity, Human Beings’ desire for FREEDOM THE END

    (1) Documents written in Tigre language were destroyed by ELF during the liberation struggle.
    (2) k.tewolde, I am being ፈሲሕ፤ I copied it from Italian Dictionary.

    • k.tewolde April 6, 2018

      “no persons on earth, no matter what sophistication and treachery of manipulation and methods they follow, can muzzle, for eternity, Human Beings’ desire for FREEDOM”….. I can testify to that standing on the altar of divinity with my arms wide open to heavens… rezen keep the home fire burning..

    • rezen April 6, 2018

      Addendum I missed to insert the following in my Article. In my OPINION it is the most essential element in our exchanges, and by extension to our entire society. Here it is. Please add it as Footnote No.3. Thank You.
      “(3) NO Eritrean is more Eritrean than the next Eritrean”

  • Haqu April 6, 2018

    History can not be whitewashed or hidden under the carpet. This is also Eritrea’s Jebha history.
    Rezen said “On the other hand, no persons on earth, no matter what sophistication and treachery of manipulation and methods they follow, can muzzle, for eternity, Human Beings’ desire for FREEDOM THE END

    (1) Documents written in Tigre language were destroyed by ELF during the liberation struggle.”

    The burning of Tigre books – Saleh Ghadi’s account

    If there is one human being that would never be suspected of ignorance in matters big and small regarding Jebha, it would be Ghadi. So the idea that somehow he was not in the know regarding the burning of Tigre books in mieda would be a joke. Only he didn’t claim ignorance, but came up with an utterly benign version of it.

    Here is the strategy the Awate duo employ in their anesthetizing mission: if any damaging evidence surfaces, deny it; but if the chances of counter-evidence seems to be real, trivialize it.

    Here is how Ghadi handled the claim that I made in this article – that Jebha burned all Tigre books:

    “Saay, this is sounding as if a library was burned. The ‘books’ are actually handwritten, a few pages typed, copies for use as a teaching aid–sort of a curriculum of a few pages. Some of those who wrote it didn’t even speak Tigayet and all those who were pushing Tigrayet in place of Arabic were Tigrinya speakers, including Zemehret. I am not sure but I doubt if few pages reached the duplicator stage. But exaggeration has been the hallmark on such issues.”

    His first reaction was: how do I attribute the burning of the Tigre books to Kebessa elite? This is a brilliant move, because if he could do that, the Tigre elites would be absolved of that horrendous sin of burning their language – for that is what the burning of the books symbolized. First, he claimed that it was written by Tigrignas who don’t speak Tigre (or Tigayet, as he calls it)! The idea is to make it seem a preposterous idea from the very beginning. And in doing that, Ghadi found a perfect scapegoat: Zemhret Yohannes! This is a smart move since it would make many of the Kebessa zombies happy, that being part of the ongoing anesthesiology.

    Ghadi’s second strategy is to trivialize the incident to an inconsequential point: that it is a matter of few handwritten pages. Think of Jebha that has been printing countless pamphlets suddenly preferring to do it the medieval way, with hand-writing scribes toiling in the candle light, when it comes to books!

    Enter Amnuel Hidrat, who spoils this damage control by spilling the beans, telling the Awate duo that the burning concerns 1,500 printed books written by none other than Kerenites (which means that Gadi had heard it before over and over one thousand and one times, as a bed-time story).

    Since the spilling of the beans, we have yet to hear from Salih Johar Gadi on this matter.
    Courtesy of asmarino website:

    • amanuel April 6, 2018

      Ok let say jebha did what you claimed. And shabya did and still doing unpresidented destruction of culture and the country with its Future. So what is your solution? What do you propose as a solution?
      Forget your every day changing pen names teclay, sami, dogeli, shilan and try to teach us on the solution since we live today and tommorow. We do not live in 60s. Do you think killing the few remaining jebhas who “commited crimes in 1960s” and live abroad solves the problem we have with shabya/hgdf? I am just throwing these questions assuming you are normal and not mentally disturbed eritrean.
      Amanuel is not doing justice to his website allowing such person destroy the forum.

  • Haqu April 6, 2018

    Eritreans had lived under the Fascist Italian colonial forces as well the savage Arabs and the Showa ruling monarchy. All left their marks but all their colonizing language of Italian and Amharic is dismantled except Arabic. It is my hope that no Arabized slave will burn Eritrean languages of Tigre Tigrinya to Arabize the beautiful Eritrea.

    Read the latest edition of the Mundo – SputniK News to read the Italian Made Apartheid in Eritrea.
    “”Hay testimonios de niños negros discriminados, que me contaron que no podían ir a tal o cual lugar, y tenían estrategias para entrar de manera disimulada. Algunos relataron que cuando iban a un bar y pedían agua, se la daban en una lata, como si fueran perros, mientras que a los italianos se la daban en un vaso”, comentó Montesanto.”

    Translated as:
    “”There are testimonies of discriminated black children, who told me that they could not go to this or that place, and had strategies to enter in a hidden way.” Some reported that when they went to a bar and asked for water, they gave it to them in a can, as if they were dogs, while the Italians were given in a glass, “said Montesanto.”

  • Simon G. April 6, 2018

    ከካፍለኩም’ዶ ጸገመይ
    ተተመሃርኩም ካብ ሕማመይ
    ናይ ገንዘብ ስእነት ኣይኮነን
    ናይ ጥበብ ሕጽረት ‘ውን ኣይመስለንን
    ኣካላዊ ጉድለት ከይብል
    ሰንከልከል ‘ኳ ነይብል

    የዒንተይ ይሪኣ
    ኣእዛነይ ካብ ርሑቕ ይሰምዓ
    የእጋረይ ውን ይስጉማ
    የእዳውይ ገለ ዝበለ ሰብ የላህማ
    ከብደይ መግቢ ንዝመጾ
    ንዓጽሚ ይግህጾ
    ከመቕጽበት የዳቕቖ

    —————-እንታይ ደኣዩሞ ነገራቱ—————

    ኢሎሙኒ ናይ ልበይ ህርመት
    ሓዳሽ ትመስል ዘይገልገለት
    እሞ መን ደኣ ተሪፉ
    ሰናቡእ ከይብሎም ንጹህ ኣየር ይሕንፍፉ
    እኹል አየር የለን ከምተባህሉ
    ናይ ጸጋም ናይ የማን እንዳ ተመናጠሉ
    ሓንጎል ዶደኣ ተመዛቢሉ
    ኣይግበሮ! ሓንጎል እዚ ሓንጎል ብዓቢኡ
    እሞ ሰሪሐ ዝኣቱ ከም ሰበይ
    እንታይ ደኣዩ ‘ትጉድለተይ?

    ክኢላ ክርኢ ሊቀ-ልቃውንቲ
    ወዳእኩዋ ኣብ ሓንቲ መዓልቲ
    —————ዶተረ እንታይ ዩ ናተይ ጸገም?—————-

    ካልእ ክኢላ ክርኢ ሓበረኒ
    የብለይን ጸገም ናይ ስኒ
    መለስኩሉ ብታህዋኽ
    ኖኖ! ሳይሞን: ወሰኸሉ ፍሽኽ
    በለኒ ስነ ኣእምራዊ ዩ ክእለቱ
    ኣንታ እንታይ መዓቱ!

    ከድክልኩም ናብ ናይ ርእሲ ዶተረ
    ምስረኣኹዎ: ሓሰብኩ
    እንታይ ደኣዩ: ዘይመስል ዝተማህረ

    ——————ንኺድ ጥራይ!—————

    ድሕሪ ሓጺር ሰላምታ ምቅይያር
    ኮፍ ዶ ክትብል ኣብዚ ቸይር (ሰድያ ማለቱ ዩ) ?

    ———ሓተተኒ ከምዘይሓልፍ (ኣለፋሊፉኒ ተበልኩኹም ምግናን ኣይኮነን)———-

    ንድሕሪት ተመሊሰ: ዝሓለፈ ክዝክር
    ወይ ዕግርግር
    እንታይ ‘ሞ ክገብር
    ሓንጎለይ ተዘርዚሩ
    ናይ ቀረባን ርሕቑን ዘኪሩ
    ኣተሰኦም: ደቂሶም ዝነበሩ
    ህዋሳት: መትንትታ: ኩሎም ተበራበሩ
    ———————-ዋእ!ተጸሊለ ከይከውን ፈራሕኩ————————————–

    ሸሪጥ ተኸፊታ
    ከም ቀዳድ ሎቖታ
    ኮን ቦጣዕጣዕ
    ሓንሳእ ይብል ኣሰይ: ሓንሳብ ድማ ሰኒ
    ትግረ ‘ኳ ነይፈልጥ!
    ግን ከምዝመስለኒ
    ናብ parallel universe ኣእተወኒ
    ሽሪጥ ከምተበትከት
    —————-ወዲእና! በለ ዶተረ——————-
    ፍርዱ ክሰምዕ ተሃወኽኩ
    ጸገም ኣተሓሳስባ ‘ዩ ዝነበረ መልሱ

    —————ንዓደኣ ኣንታይ ትብል ዶተረ———————–
    ግለጸለይ: ዘረባኻ ቋንቋ ቀይረሉ
    እንተኾነ ኣደብ ግበረሉ
    ————-ተመሊእካ (you are programmed)———————
    ንሳ ‘ያ ኔራ ሓጻር መልሱ
    እሞ ኸደኣ እንታይ ፈውሱ
    ሕጂ ጸገምካ
    ጥራይ ‘የ ነጊረካ
    ቆጸራ ግበር
    ፈውስኻ ክትንገር
    ———————— ሰማዕቲ! ————————

    ዋው! ኢለ ተገረምኩ
    ሕማም ህግደፍ ከይከውን ድማ በልኩ

  • meretse April 7, 2018

    ናይ ምስጋና ቃላት ስለዝሓጸሩኒ ንኩሉኩም በዛ እትስዕብ ግጥሚ ጌረ የቀንየለይ ክብረት ይሃበለይ ክብል ፍቀዱለይ። ካብ መኣዲ ሪኢቶታትኩም ኢዱ ሰዲዱ ዘይጸግብ ከብዲ እንተ ሃልዩ ወይ ኣብ ኣብ ግዳም ወይ ኣብ ገዳም እንተ ዝሰፍር ምሓሾ።
    “እንደገና ተስፋ”
    ኣብ በዓል ፋሲካ – ኣብ በዓል ዓረፋ
    እንደገና በሉ – እንደገና ተስፋ
    ጠፊኣ ኢለ ኔረ – ኣርሒቃ ለዊሃ
    ሰእን ቁልሕ ምባል – ኣብ ሰማይ ጸኒሓ
    መንፈሳዊት ተስፋ – ናይ ኣእምሮ እንጀራ
    ካብ ማዕሙቕ ተውጽእ – ክንደይ ሰብ ሓንጊራ
    ኣሎኩ ካብ በለት – ሊኢካ ጨረርታ
    ጸልማት ንክትቕንጥጥ – ነቲ ጸቕቲ ኮውታ
    ንክፈተላ ልቢ – ንክፈተላ ባይታ
    መንእሰይ ተባራበር – ፈክር ኢልካ ኣነ
    ርእስካ ኣይተድንን – ብዝሓልፍ ድነ
    እመን ተኣማመን- ተስፋ ኣላ ኢልካ
    ውሻጥካ – ፈትሽ ጎደና ገዲፍካ
    ኣርሒቅካ ጠምት – ኣርሕዎ ዓይንካ
    ‘ትሕዞ ኣይጥፋእካ – ኣብ ዓዲ ኣብ በረካ
    ኣባትር ኣይትብዝሕ – ፈራሕ ከይብሉካ
    እንኮ ትኣክል’ያ – መድሕን ዓዲ ኣቦካ
    ንግሆ ተተኪላ – ምሸት እትፈሪ
    ተስፋ ኣላትካ – ተክሊ ናይ ፈጣሪ
    ሓጋይ ምስ ክረምቲ – ኩሉ ግዜ ለምለም
    ሕርይቲ ብቝሊ’ያ – ካብ ተክልታት ዓለም
    ብፍጡር እትድነቅ “ተኣምራዊት ተክሊ”
    ፍረኣ ንታሕቲ – ሰራውራን ላዕሊ
    መኣዳ ክንምግብ – ኣይንወድእ ዓቕሊ
    ኣብ በዓል ፋሲካ – ኣብ በዓል ዓረፋ
    እንደገና በሉ – እንደገና ተስፋ
    ኣይንሓደን ንኩሉክም’የ – ሰብ ተስፋ ሰላም ድኩም’የ ! ! !
    ኣዚያ ዘይቦዅዔት ግጥሚ’ያ። መንፋሕቲ እንተ ኣጋጢሙ ይቅረታ

    • Simon G. April 7, 2018

      ሓው መረጸ:
      ከብደይ ተቐብቂባስ እንታይ ኮይነ ‘የ ይብል ጸኒሐ። ደሓር ግጥምኻ ኣንቢበ ውድእ ከብል ናይ መውደእታ ሓረግካ ምስ ኣንበብኩ…… ኣሃ በልኩ።
      ጽንሕ ኢለ ግን ፉል መሰላሕ ዝሸምሽምኩላ ዘኪረ። ኣርበዓ ጾም ምድሪ ዶ ይብላዕ ድማ በልኩ።

  • meretse April 7, 2018

    ሓው ሳይሞን ሳሕቅካ ካባክ ሓሊፉ ናባይ መጺኡ ። ለከ “ ተጠንቀቁ ሰሓቅ’ውን ተመሓላላፋይ” ኢዩ ዝበልዎስ ከምዚ ምስ ረከቢ’ዮም becareful smile is contaጊous. Thank you for early warning. Next time I will make sure it is fermented enough. ክናሳሓሉ ዝግበኣኒ ነገር እንተ ሃሉዩ ግን፡ “ዝሓደረ ጥጥቖ ሓሙስ ጽግቦ” ኢዩ ኔሩ። ጥጥቖ ሓሙስ ጽግቦ ብዘይካ ጣፍ ምስ መሓዝቱ ኩሉ ብዕራይ ዝሓረሶ ኢዩ ኣብኣ ዝኣቱ። brother simon I think እታ “melting pot” እዞም ዓዲ ካብ ዓድና ኢዮም ተለቒሖማ። ሪኢካ ንሕና ኪደለይ ረሓቀለይ ኣይሓወይ ኢካ ክንብል ንሶም ግን ጠቅሚ ዝተፈላለየ ኑትሪሽን ካባና ወሲዶም ይጥቅመሉ ኣሎዉ። የቀንየልና ከማን ዝበሉና ኮይኑ ኣይስመዓንን። ብዛዕባ ስዕረት እንተ ኮንካ ግን ፡ ግዲ የብልካን፣ ኣብ ዓድና ሎሚ ቀዳም ስዑር ኢዩ። ከምኡ ዝተባሃለሉ ከኣ ቀዳም ዝሰዓሩ ስለ ዝነበሩ ኢዮም። መቅጻዕታ ግን ከባድ ኢያ። ቀዳም ዝሰዓረ ካብ ፣ሰንበት ፋሲካ ጀሚሩ ክሳብ ድሮ ዳግማይ ትንሳኤ ኢዩ ዝጸዎም። ስለዚ ካብ ሎሚ ጀሚርካ ክሳብ “ዳግማይ ትንስኤ ገዓት እንጣጢዕ ክትበልዕ ቀኒ። ኣነ እንተ ዝከውን ፈራዲ ግን፡ ከይፈለጠ ዝሰዓረ ሕሳብ የብሉን free ምበልኩካ. ስለዚ you are frre brother. ግን ንምዃኑ ኩሉ ድካ በሊዕካዮ። ሕነ ፈዲካ ማለት’ዩ። ኣነ’ውን ነቲ ናትካ ዝገደፍኩሉ የብለይን። ርሑስ በዓላት

    • k.tewolde April 7, 2018

      You two!, meretse and Simon,you bring home into this medium with its original taste,sights and sound and leave us drooling like Niagara Falls, “ዳግማይ ትንስኤ ገዓት እንጣጢዕ ክትበልዕ ቀኒ።” That is not fasting,that’s feasting.Prepared with those gracious and loving hands of my mom that was my favorite Eritrean meal ever.It is not fair.I wish she can come back and prepare that meal for me,one more time, and whisk me away with her.I wonder how many Eritreans feel that way these days.

      • rezen April 7, 2018

        k.tewolde, you beat me to it – in fact, again and again. In a true sense, however, I am delighted to be in the same wave band with you. I was going to make a similar comment to the two admirable writers, Meretse and Simon G. In my version. however, the delectable “ገዓት እንጣጢዕ ´ is the Tigrigna language itself, derivative of Geez. And the two gentlemen; quote “bring home into this medium with its original taste,sights and sound and leave us drooling like Niagara Falls,” unquote. EXACTLY! Thanks k.tewolde. As the Tigrigna saying goes >>> ኣይትሰኣን።
        And so, let me continue with what I drafted and ready to send to Meretse and Simon G. Here it is >>>: ‘For what it worth, I am truly impressed by the exchange. Both of you, gave the Tigrigna written language – derivative of Geez – grace and dignity. Geez is the only written language in the ENTIRE Continent of Black Africa. It was the ultimate historical CRIME, ever perpetrated, to relegate such a written language to almost NOTHINGNESS and replacing it by colonial languages – thus arresting (colonizing) the mentality of the African Child. Indeed, the insidious power of colonialism is the dedication to destroy the identity, personality, and worthiness of the African victims. Look around. In the Internet network, for example, we wound-up insulting each other—as if it is the best we can do. For all practical purposes, the colonial scheme succeeded in all its evil prism. Excuse me for my emotion.’
        Let me continue with the delightful and insightful communication of the two gentlemen: Simon G confesses to himself: “ኣርበዓ ጾም ምድሪ ዶ ይብላዕ ድማ በልኩ።” And Meretse comforts him but asks a question: “ግን ንምዃኑ ኩሉ ድካ በሊዕካዮ።” The beauty of this conversation is that the reader is left to satisfy himself/herself according to his/her own interpretation. Colonial Powers call it a NOVEL and teach us in their own languages of course (but never in our own ‘primitive’ language (1)) to memorize and recite for an examination and get our papers and be proud, for ever and ever – with technicolor neckties around our necks, oblivious of the fact that we are carrying a deadly weapon around our necks!!! Please be kind to me: do not press me to reveal what kind of “paper” that was distributed. THE END.
        (1) By the way, in some drastic cases, the higher learning of education (university) was closed as unnecessary, useless, waste of time and money ___ by indigenous leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • k.tewolde April 8, 2018

          “I am delighted to be in the same wave band with you.”…..Yep! connected to the same peak and troph,it is telepathic communication,distant yet so close like tango dancing partners who anticipate each others step and grace the ballroom with harmony.Can you imagine if this was the prevalence in the Eritrean political space what kind of music we could have made together?..rezen, having you here shouldn’t be taken for granted.

  • meretse April 7, 2018

    Absolutely ur right it is a partial fasting. But remember he missing the good stuff dairy products)
    Second he also has to do some “sigdan” which I did not tell him.
    Anyways happy”sesame suar”
    and be careful not repeat Simon’s mistake