Ethiopia Affirms Readiness for Dialogue With Eritrea
BY TESFA-ALEM TEKLE, 30 APRIL 2013 Addis Ababa — The Ethiopian government on Monday has reiterated its readiness to hold peace talks with Eritrea to resolve their decades-long border dispute During his meeting with the United Nations

Addis Ababa — The Ethiopian government on Monday has reiterated its readiness to hold peace talks with Eritrea to resolve their decades-long border dispute
During his meeting with the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York, the Ethiopian Minister of foreign Affairs Tedros Adhanom accused the Eritrean government of refusing to engage in peace talks.
Adhanom said his country is ready to sit down for direct negotiations with Eritrea without any preconditions regarding to level, time or venue.
But the Ethiopian top diplomat stressed “the belligerent party opposed to these talks has always been the Eritrean side”.
According to the ministry of foreign Affairs, Tedros expressed solidarity with the people of Eritrea whom he said are continuously suffering due the regime’s “brutality and obstinacy to peace”.
Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a border war in 1998-2000 that has killed an estimated 70,000 people.
The two East African adversaries remain at loggerheads since the disputed key town of Badme had been awarded to Eritrea by an international border commission.
Ethiopia’s current leader Hailemariam Desalegn, who assumed power shortly after longtime ruler Meles Zenawi died in August said last year that he was willing to hold face-to-face talks with Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki, even if he had to travel to the Asmara.
However, the Eritrean government has yet to respond to the offer.
Asmara has in the past said that Ethiopia should first withdraw its troops from the flashpoint border town of Badme before resuming to peace talks.
Source: ST
Tamrat Tamrat May 2, 2013
the alternatives we have:
1) a peaceful talk which enables both Eritrea and Ethiopia governments could be satified With. (but this doesnt mean neccessarly the People/s would agree because both are dictators and since they took Power by guns they are still leading the two countries.).
2) the no-peace-no-war situation untill isayas leave Eritrea for good.
3) Pro-west oppositions takes poewer fra isayas by hoock or Crook. This could be a good solution too if the leaders which are hand picked by the west wount be opportuinst.
4) Pro-arab oppositions takes Power fra isayas by hoock or Crook. This can lead a civil war which spills over untended Places too.
5) Pro-woyane oppositions takes over and as long as tplf is in Power in Ethiopia both tigre and tigrinya People enjoy the leading positions in both ethiopia and Eritrea. The major change would be pfdj People would be replaced With Hawasa oppostions of eritreans.
Kabbire May 2, 2013
Do you expect the Arab kedami, that is, Issaias Afewerki, able to negotiate anything? The Arab slave is broken beyond repair and he has nothing to offer except to handover whatever he has in his hands.
This is called thirty years of Ghedli madness coming to rest.
Amir Akeza May 4, 2013
The politicians on the Ethiopian side are never serious on peaceful negotiation. They boast on their current military muscle and the arms they have garnered. These politicians always have defied to the international verdict that was rendered at the request and consent of both Eritrea and Ethiopia. No history has ever witnessed that military might solved any solution. What does peace talks without “per-condition” mean? This is not a genuine approach as it masks the root cause. Ethiopian officials are directly and indirectly helping PFDJ and its unelected president to weaken the Eritrean people just by not being willing to implement the the verdict rendered by the boarder commission. Their stand will never be useful to the two sisterly neighboring countries whose peoples are historically brothers with blood ties. The two countries can only prosper only and only when the Ethiopian Government is serious to first withdraw from the legally recognized Eritrean peace of land. The Ethiopian officials should not forget before war flared up in 1998, requesting Eritrea to withdraw from Ethiopian land without precondition and then come for negotiation. Why now Ethiopia puts forward a no precondition issue when it has occupied Eritrean land. Please let us be serious stop political prostitution.
Hazhaz May 2, 2013
Time is on the Ethiopians side. Meles Zenawi has played the game of politics very well: no peace, no war.
The Ethiopian’s concern is mainly to avoid a Somali like catastrophe in Eritrea which happens to be close to the home base of the current ruling class of Ethiopia, the Tigrayans.
The main preoccupation of the Tigayans is how to fill the power vacuum in Eritrea because there is no force that can stop the gargantuan Ethiopian army and is well oiled diplomatic power.
The thirty years of Ghedli none sense will end with no shots fired.
Will anybody laugh now at Mengistu Hailemariam for calling Ghedli or the sewra as the work of werebela Shifta gangs serving the Arab interest? Mengistu’s favorite words were “yewembedie menga, ye Arab buchloch, ye arab loliewoch” Translated as [chifra shefatu: korakur Areb: barayu nay Areb]
Think of the Eritreans sold to Arab slavery in Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Egypt. Think of the Assab sovereignty handed to the Arab Qatar. Think of these idiots burning Eritrea’s own languages to talk, walk and smell like the Arabs
This is called shiftnet or banditry.
hagos May 3, 2013
I hope isayas,father of Eritrean independence,will play a significant winning role in the upcoming negotiation with Ethiopia and will return all those territories held by Ethiopia.God will help him.
Justice May 3, 2013
HEIAoE = His Emperor Isayas Afeworki of Ethiopia. The only option I can immagine. Why not?
Kabbire May 3, 2013
It should rightly be written on his grave:
His Arab Slave Issaias Afewerki Servant of the Arabs.
He should also be awarded the medal of the “Arab Order” for playing war against Ethiopia to block from utilizing its Nile river, and for Arabzing Eritrea and selling young Eritreans to Arab slavery. 🙂
Hdmo May 3, 2013
To Dear Eritreans brothers and sisters
Peace is the power for everything if he accepts on the peace agenda more Eritrean can benefit because they are not on the right truck due to the mad and fake agenda of leadership in Eritrea.
God bless Eritrea.
Justice May 3, 2013
We Eritreans know what we want, regardless the brutal regime at home, which we are going to solve ourselves, we need no Woyani support. Woyani has its own even worse problems
Justice May 3, 2013
Correction, not Eritrea but Ethiopia:
” …. According to the ministry of foreign Affairs, Tedros expressed solidarity with the people of Ethiopia whom he said are continuously suffering due the regime’s “brutality and obstinacy to peace”. ..”
jonas May 3, 2013
Justice on
Who suffers the most? Eritreans do, that is why you adore the dick-traitor from abroad, you moron.
Justice May 3, 2013
Note !
1) Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a border war in 1998-2000 that has killed an estimated 70,000 people.
2) The masacre of christian Eritreans in Sinai & Co , i.e the supply station for organ harvesting [with no comparison] were the prerequisites for the present situation of de facto re-union of Eritrea and Ethiopia, unless USA and Israel don’t want it.
Presuring Eritrea until it kneels down was the strategy of the policy makers at the costs of the poor nationals who are their raw matrials.
jonas May 3, 2013
Justice on
You will never get tired of blaming someone else for the misery of Eritreans, the Eritrean ppl are victims of Isayas and no one else, probably you are doing ok watching after white ppl’s cars in the parking lot you work in the west.
hana May 8, 2013
A.A Yassin May 8, 2013
jgna May 19, 2013
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk badme? you have not forgetten it so far. you will not see it even during your night dream!
stop talking about badme. it belongs to Tigray and only Tigray, period!
Dawit Meconen May 8, 2013
History is a witness that there has never been any Ethiopian leader, with the exception of king Tedros, who could stand on his feet to challenge a threat.
To mention but a few: King Lbnedngle died fleeing from place to place,day and night, from the jihadist invader, Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi. He begged the Monks at Debre Damo to help hide at the monastry but they turned him down……………..
King Glawdewos was saved by the Portuguese and Bahri Negasi Isaac of Hamasien from Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi………………..
King Yohannes of Tigrai got the throne from the General Napier as a token of his collaboration in the murder of King Tedros………………..
King Haile Selase was brought back from his place of asylum,London, by British five years after he fled from the Italian Fascist invasion. Shamless as he was, he told the people he deserted to save his precious life that he defeated the Fascists and that Ethiopia was never colonized………
Mengistu Haile Mariam after he overthrew Haile Selasie, buried his remians in his toilet room and personally shot the cronies of Haile Selase could not face the Eritrean Revolutionaries; he had to bow to the Soviets to do it for him. The other price tag he paid was to convert himself and the country into Communism overnight and to dilapidate the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
Unfortunately for the Soviets, howevermuch war loggistics they shipped to the frontlines, they very quickly landed into the hands of the EPLFs. Even their war plans were turned to ashes by the EPLFs while parked in Asmera. But the crashing defeat they sustained at Af-Abet was their turning point that forced them to declare enough and to run back to the Soviet Union with their tails behind their legs. Mengistu followed suit for asylum in Zembabwe…….
Little woyane is EPLFs’ puppet, whom they purposely created for one purpose: to expedite Eritrean membership at the UN. And it loyally met its obligation in 1993.
senay May 9, 2013
First the Ethiopian government should get out from the Legally approved Eritrean land and that should be a way for Eritreans to get rid off this current government in Eritrea. Unless I will eat your bread and you must wash my dishes kind of politics is really not helping the Eritrean people to ask isaias to get off from his chair