Ethiopia Affirms Readiness for Dialogue With Eritrea
BY TESFA-ALEM TEKLE, 30 APRIL 2013 Addis Ababa — The Ethiopian government on Monday has reiterated its readiness to hold peace talks with Eritrea to resolve their decades-long border dispute During his meeting with the United Nations

Addis Ababa — The Ethiopian government on Monday has reiterated its readiness to hold peace talks with Eritrea to resolve their decades-long border dispute
During his meeting with the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York, the Ethiopian Minister of foreign Affairs Tedros Adhanom accused the Eritrean government of refusing to engage in peace talks.
Adhanom said his country is ready to sit down for direct negotiations with Eritrea without any preconditions regarding to level, time or venue.
But the Ethiopian top diplomat stressed “the belligerent party opposed to these talks has always been the Eritrean side”.
According to the ministry of foreign Affairs, Tedros expressed solidarity with the people of Eritrea whom he said are continuously suffering due the regime’s “brutality and obstinacy to peace”.
Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a border war in 1998-2000 that has killed an estimated 70,000 people.
The two East African adversaries remain at loggerheads since the disputed key town of Badme had been awarded to Eritrea by an international border commission.
Ethiopia’s current leader Hailemariam Desalegn, who assumed power shortly after longtime ruler Meles Zenawi died in August said last year that he was willing to hold face-to-face talks with Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki, even if he had to travel to the Asmara.
However, the Eritrean government has yet to respond to the offer.
Asmara has in the past said that Ethiopia should first withdraw its troops from the flashpoint border town of Badme before resuming to peace talks.
Source: ST
Hager May 1, 2013
Once again, diplomacy at it’s best from our neighboring to the south. DIA has failed in all fronts. He keeps on talking about the need for Ethiopia to withdraw from Badme; however he has fail to recognize that Ethiopia have the upper hand: militarily, economically as well as politically (diplomacy).
DIA should know by now that he doesn’t have the backing of his people for the sample reason that because he doesn’t have his people’s interest at heart.
Peace to the Eritrean people
Peace to the Ethiopian people
Peace to the horn of Africa
Tium May 1, 2013
I don’t think so you have any clu about the tyrant man in Eritrea
Meharenne May 1, 2013
If we read carefully what Tedros said:
….expressed solidarity with the people of Eritrea whom he said are continuously suffering due the regime’s brutality and obstinacy to peace..
It is going to be difficult peace with Isayas
Mike May 1, 2013
Well… let us see how far this initiative will go. A glimmer of hope. Speaking in terms of peace is always good.(Where are the Middle East friends of both Eritra and Ethiopia- they should jump in to this glimmer of hope)… Now, will the Ethiopians leave the flash point “Badme” first? No precondition or face-to-face means handing what is not yours to the owner or hand it off to a third part – in another term – abide by International law, first – then start on how to resolve the rest. But not having Badme handed over to Eritrea does not mean the gangs in Asmara should keep milking the cow under the pretext of “passive or active war” state abusing, molesting, raping, jailing, killing Eritreans.
Note, however, that I am waiting to the day that these inhumane junta in Eritrea to be scrapped and new and fresh leaders to come in. Any one from the inside who could do the real work to get rid off these people? As for the cyber lions of Eritrea – I have no hope…ow yea —that includes me also as one of the cyber lions.
Ow my Eritrea – when will you be born again!
A.A YASSIN May 1, 2013
“No precondition or face-to-face means handing what is not yours to the owner or hand it off to a third part – in another term – abide by International law, first – then start on how to resolve the rest.”
semere May 1, 2013
This is not news, its old same trick
A.A YASSIN May 1, 2013
The Ugums think they are smart.
A Iyasu May 1, 2013
negostiation is the way forward to a peaceful settlement!
A.A YASSIN May 1, 2013
What do you mean by negotiations?
solomon Frew May 1, 2013
As time passes by, Eritrea is going to lose a lot. No one is paying attention to Eritre’s plea under Isayas leadership. He must go by any means. Eritrea will be better without him.In his crazy mind, he is smarter than the rest of the world. But the world see him as a lunatic who held a promising nation hostage for his unsatiable ego. Eritrea will be a prosperous nation once this Ekey is out.
simerrr2012 May 1, 2013
Who is talking with a dying the talk about how to bury the higdef. Do you arrange wedding ceremony or burial ceremony to a person who is dying. Any talk with mafia higdef can not bring any worth result beyond prolonging the dying regimes life. Not talk but boxing to knock out is the last solution once forever to eradicate Higdef from the soil of Eritrea and bring peace andd freedom to the nation to live in respect and harmony with all people of the region.
abesolom May 1, 2013
Teregaga, you like or not, you accept it or not, you are irelevant. Eritrea has a govrnment, and peace should be stablished, erhiopia need to evacuate from badme and the talk should start.
Romay Abraham May 1, 2013
First, Weye-Ane should vacate our land, period.
Haben May 2, 2013
Roma issayas is not going to put on the table the precondition you are saying….he is a dictator. How many times do we have to see sun set in badme?
simon May 1, 2013
Let me put it in this way. Ethiopia has still occupied the land which belongs to Eritrea. In simple words. A thief comes to your house and steals and wants to leave the house and he asks for the owner of the house to talk before he leaves the house, he wants to negotiate with the owner. What would a sound minded person do? When the Ethiopian government reiterates for negotiations, do you you really think it is out of their heart. We know the world has not been fair.
Im not a supporter of the Government in Eritrea by all means. But fact is fact. We are sick and tired of hearing that Ethiopia wants to negotiate….How on earth can Normalization come when you already took a land which doesn’t belong to you.
Normalization starts when the land is first and foremost returned to Eritrea. Then Both party can sit and negotiate and normalize their relationships.
But, everyone has to understand this silly demand by Ethiopia. If the world has been fair and got a chance what really Ethiopia is asking, they would have found an easy reason to explain that it is not possible.
So, The people of Ethiopia, we love each other and we want to live in peace as ever before. Don’t let hate words apart us! And the Ethiopian people, you have a sense of humor and advise your government to take the first initiative for peace. “Leave Bademe, Because the court has already decided in which both countries signed for the final and binding agreements”. Then sit in a table and normalization is the next step.
But I don’t think the people in power (Ethiopia) really want to see peace implemented. Be wise Ethiopians, why in the first place the Wayne are doing this? Better be aware of this!
Peace Peace!
Petros Haile May 1, 2013
Although it is a smart move by the Ethiopian side, given the existing reality, which is the continuous isolation of the Eritrean government from the international diplomatic circle … but let’s not forget the question of withdrawal from BADME is not only PFDJ’s demand, but it is also the verdict reached by the international community, and a sovereignty issue to Eritreans as well. Besides the above arguments,and given Eritrea’s international standing, How should the Eritrean government respond to the offer on unconditional dialogue?
“Unconditional dialogue” a tricky phrase, that one has to pay close attention, and I may add the usual arrogant respond from the PFDJ clique would not do it, nor acceptance of the offer with out the outside advisers input …. I am referring many well meant intellectuals, and far sited Eritrean activists warned this “Go It Alone” approach of PFDJ will end up in disaster … as we witnessed it for the last 13 years of failed diplomacy …
Yes, Eritrea had the upper hand when the verdict came in our favor, however the lack of diplomatic skill, and the one man dictatorship turns the table around … Now, may be Eritrea’s second chance to come out of this quagmire, and Eritrean intellectuals who previously warned and extensively dealt with this issues, ought to be included, rendering their advice & service directly or indirectly … This project should be the opening of a new chapter to craft a permanent peace and stability two these brotherly nations …
Misghina May 1, 2013
Yes. ….. The border issue is not about DIA ….. Ethiopia has to withdraw without any condition from Badme. Decision made by the international community ….Period !!!! The issue of removing DIA is important but separate issue.
A.A YASSIN May 1, 2013
“lack of diplomatic skill”
Why do you speak in riddles? What do you mean by diplomatic skill? I want from you concrete points.
petros Haile May 1, 2013
Dear Yassin,
How many diplomats came to visit Eritrea, that refused cooperation from pfdj rule ?
The UN peace keeping force ultimatum to leave Eritrea !
Media organizations, invited but painted as foreign agents !
How many regional & Continental based organization defamed and characterized as submissive and sub-odinates to the CIA and other agents ?
Would this be concrete enough, or do you want some more ?