Eritrea’s Incommunicado Prisoners: Do They Know It Is New Year?
Michael Abraha The New 2018 is looming. Unfortunately, there is no sign of New Year presidential clemency or a move for public trials for thousands of Eretria’s political and religious prisoners. The charges leveled 16 years

Michael Abraha
The New 2018 is looming. Unfortunately, there is no sign of New Year presidential clemency or a move for public trials for thousands of Eretria’s political and religious prisoners. The charges leveled 16 years ago against the former ruling PFDJ Central Committee and Politburo members involve “acts of treason aimed to harm national sovereignty.” Then jailed without trial are religious leaders – among them, the ailing Patriarch, Abuna Antonios and the Moslem leader Hajji Musa Mohamednur, who only believe that religion does transform and create better citizens.
The Eritrean Government shuns pressures from human rights NGO’s accusing them of being hypocrites.
I agree to some degree. Many are credible while some lack integrity as I have observed and studied many of them as reporter in Juba and Nairobi. I found some of these NGOs are just money making machines enriching their founders, their CEOs and staff exploiting the misery of African countries in crisis.
Putting such NGOs aside for a moment and also temporarily shelving the idea of yet another possible war with Ethiopia, Eritrea has to do what is good for its citizens. Just, reliable and transparent judicial and prison systems enhance certainty and confidence in the country’s future.
Arbitrary arrests and imprisonment without trial create doubt, frustration and forces youngsters to take desperate actions detrimental to themselves and to their country. That is the reason why every month reports speak of at least 2000 youngsters running away to unknown lands out of desperation. There can be no economic growth under these circumstances. Nor is it ever possible to defend the country with a demoralized army whose members keep defecting to neighboring states.
The government should pull its head out of the sand without delay and embrace constitutionality and rule of law.
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Former Defense Minister Petros Solomon; Foreign Minister Haile Durue; Patriarch Abune Antonios; Hajji Musa
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Danilo December 30, 2017
Beh, “aytbke indyu zebkyeni ” the whole population is in prison. time after time, year after year, new degradation, depolarisation, desperation, humiliation to satisfy sadist isayas. Here we are so far. ዘይሰምዓካ ደብሪ ምምህላል ገዲፍና ፡ኣብ ዓሻ ጎልጎል ንዓርደላ ዓ/ም 2018 ይግበረልና ዳምበር ክሳብ ሕጂ ጹቡቅ የለናን።
Tesfom December 31, 2017
እዋእ! ኣንታ Danilo ሓወይ ኣብዘይ ሽግርካ ክትዓቱ። ካን ኣብ ዓዲ ሃሎ ክትዓርድ። እተን ኣንስቲ ዓዲ ሃሎ፣ እኽትመዉሊዕ እምባርዳእ ዛዉል፣ ዓዲ ኸልከልቲ፣ ዓዲ ገብራይ፣ ዓዲ ኸፈለት፣ ሕምብርቲ ብመንከሽከሽ ክጎያኻ። እሱ ዘይብሉ እዃ ብን ዘይቑሎ። ኣንታ ተራእየኒ እዃ እስኻ ስረኻ እንዳ ሞለቐ እሰን መንከሸን ሒዘን ደዲሕረኻ ክጎያኻ እስኻ ክትሃድም። ኣይፋልካን Danilo ሓወይ ኣብልብኻ ተመለስ፣ ብሓደ ኣፊቱ። እዛምኽረይ ኣይትጽልኣያ ምስ ጀጓኑ ኣደታትካ ኸይትባኣስ። ብኡ ዝመጸን እካ ዘይፈትዋ።
Danilo December 31, 2017
ከመይ ድሓን እቶ ተስፎም ሓወይ!መንከሽከሽ ገዲፍካ ተዛረብ።ኣንስቲ ዓዲ ከልከልቲ ቆጽሊ ኣውሊዕ ነስነስ ከብላ ቅጅል እንካ በለኒ።ክጸርፈካ ኣይኮንኩን።ዓጢቀያ ዘለኹ ስረ ዕጥቂ ዓማ ከይመስለካ።ስለዚ፡እታ ስረ ዕጥቂ ውጹዓትብሙኻና ጸርፊ፡ብድዐ ፡ንዮው በሎ ዳኣ ምበር “ማይን ሑጻን መታርፍቲ ” ሙኻኖም ኣይትዘንግዕ።ንንጉስ ዓዲሓሎ ፈሰስ ጥራሕ ክፈል።ግን፡ሓደራ ከም ጸርፊ ከይ ትወስዶ ለበዋይ ተቀብል።ኣብ 2018 የራኽበና ዝሓወይ።
Tesfom January 1, 2018
Danilo ሓወይ! ጻዕዳ ዘረባ። እንተኾነ ግና እዘን ጀጋኑ ኣደታትናን፣ የሕዋትናንንሰብኣይ ስረ ከዕጥቐኦን ከፍትሕኦን ኣይጽግመንን እዩሞ ጥንቅቕ ክትብል ኢለ እየ። ኣየወ ዲግዲጊት መዓንጠኤን ሸጥ ኣቢለን ንድርፎ ቕልቕል ኢለን ” ንዓ ዝወደይ ናብ የሕዋትካ ህዝባዊ ግምባር ኪድ ኣብ ኣስመራ ምማት ብጦርሰራዊት ዓሰርተ ሞት እዩ።” ኢለን ደቐን ንበረኻ ዝሰደዳ እየን። እዚ ሰብኣይ ድማ ኣብ ልዕሊአን ገዚፍ እምነት እዩ ዘለዎ። እቲ ምስጢር ድማ ሕብረተ ሰብኣዊ ባይታኻ ምድልዳል እዩ። ኣብዚኣ ድማ ምስ እዚ ሰብኣይ ኣዝየ እየ ዝሳማማዕ። ምኽንያቱ ካብ ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ምፍጣር ካብ እግዝኣብሄር ዝወሃብ ጸጋ ጥራይ እዩ ክብል ዝኽእል እምበር ዓማ ድኣ ስረኣ ፈቲሓስ ኮሮኮን እንድያ ተራእያ። ብኣንጻሩ ንስኻ ንራህዋ ህዝብኻ ፍትሒ ክነግስን ትጣበቕ ስለዘለኻ ዘለኒ ኽብሪ ኣብ ቦትኡ እዩ ዘሎ። ኣነን ንስኻን እንፋላለየሉ ኣብቲ ስልቲ ኣቓልሳ እዩ፣ እምበር እቲ ዝበልካዮ ትኽክል እዩ። ርሑስ ሓዲሽ ዓመት!
Tesfom December 31, 2017
Danilo ሓወይ እዛ ምኽረይ ኣትጽልኣያ። እተን ትድርብየን ጸርፍታት ግን ኣይተኽብን። ሰብ ሎሚ እናረቐቐ እዩ። ሩሑስ በዓል ሓዲሽ ዓመት ድማ ይግበረልካ ኩቡር ሓወይ።
almaz December 31, 2017
Betrkan eti arutn derbika asmera keyreakaya nab america atika. Xegemka nsa eya. Eba endacheneka america atika. Eti chena nay eba aygedefekan. Dihri 27 amet shenkolel abey kemtebil kinrieka ena.
Tesfom December 31, 2017
ኣንቲ almaz! እንታይ ትብሊ ጓለይ! እቲ ዒባ እኳ እቲ ሽትኡ ብዙሕ ኣይፊትወዎን እዩ። እንተ እቲ ኹቦሞ ምስ ነደደ ሽትኡ ኣይጸልኦን እየ። እንተ እታ በትሪ ኣስመራ ገዛማንዳ ስለ ዝዓበኹ ዕድል ኣገበርኩን። ኣመሪካ ደኣ ጽቡቕ ኔሩ፣ በየን ዕድለይ ኽረኽቦ። የቐንየለይ ኣልማዝ ሓፍተይ ፍሽኽ ኣቢልክኒ። ሩሑስ ሓዲሽ ዓመት!
almaz January 1, 2018
Geza banda tilyan do belka tesfom. Emo geza banda embear ab adi gebray alaya. Ashikani. Eta ebaka ka nay adi gebray eya tichenu zela. Hadish amet niakan nikulom adi gebrayn.
amanuel December 30, 2017
There is no picture te see from left to right, did assenna cut it out? However, i like all eritreans including many reasonable hgdf, totally agree with your analysis that no development can be expected as long as citizens are left to rot in prison without trials. As long as the productive force is wasted in the deserts till they become hopeless simply to control them and avoid protests. Compare eritrea with ethiopia. We were at the same level 27 years ago. Now ethiopia is a country that can draw a mega project and execute it effectively within time relying 100% on its own resource ( experts, money, man power). It is a country that can make mig fighter jets, helicopters, buses, cars you name it. To the contrary, we do not have water in our tap that ones were runing during mengistu time. Iseyas and his cliq know it yet they prefer to stay in power at the expense of the country and the people.
k.tewolde December 30, 2017
Wait a minute now amanuel,I heard they just invented self driving cars.Next year the headline will read unmanned spacecraft blasted to the space-station for minor repairs from adi halo………just putting a little light to the situation.Happy New year y’all.
almaz December 31, 2017
They heard a jergling sound and thought it was space craft. Later confirmed to be iseyas farting in his adi halo office.
Tesfom January 1, 2018
ኣንቲ almaz ሓፍተይ ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ እንዲኺ ተመኒኽለይ። ምኽንያቱ፣ ኣዝዩ ገዚፍ ዘይነዓቕ ሃብቲ ናይ ኤርትራ ኣብ ኣዛ ዝጠቐስክያ ዓዲ እዩ ዝርከብ። ንኣብነት ወዲ ባካሮ መንግስተ ሰማያት የዋርሶ ካብ እዛ ዝጠቐስክያ ዓዲ እዩ ዝውለድ። ካልኦት ሃፍታማት እዉን፣ምጠቐስኩልኪ ኣብ ኣንጎላ ጅባ ወዘተ። ብፓሎቲካ ድማ እዞም ከባቢ ኩሉ ነገር ኣብ ትሕቲ ቑጽጽሮም እዩ እንተበልና ምግናን ኣይኮነን።ስብሓት ባርዳእ እሳያስ ጸሎት ፍሊፓስ ጸሎት እቶም ቀንዲ ቦታ ኣብ ሃገራዊ ድሕንነት ከምኡ እዉን ተወርዋሪ ሓይሊ ዘለዉ ካብዛ እስኪ ብምስትንዓቕ ዝገለጽቅያ ዓዲ ይዉለዱ። ሕጂ መን ንመን እዩ ማይዶ ጸባ የብል ኣሎ ናብ ሕልናኺ እገድፎ። እንተ ኣነሞ በቦይ ብርኪቶ እትበሃል ዓዲ ብኣደይ ድማ ካብ ሓዋጹ ዓረት እ ዉለድ ። ከባቢ ዓዲ ቐይሕ ማለት እዩ። እዚ ዝብለኪ ዘለኹ ክንደናይ ከይትነኽስዮ። ካብ እቲ ኣዛራርባኺ ንእሽቶን ሰብ ጌርዎ ኢልኪ ናብ ኣሰና ባይታ መቓለሲ ዝመጻኺ ትመስሊ። ኣብ ኣሰና መቓልስቲ የሕዋ ከም ዘለዉኒ ግን ዘይስሕቶ ነገር እዩ። ርሑስ በዓል ሓዲሽ ዓመት ኣልማዝ ሓብተይ/ ጓለይ።
Danilo January 1, 2018
እዛ ብርኪቶ ዓዲ ደጊያት ሽፍርሓንስ? በል ኣባትር ከይዓልበካ ጥንቅቕ’ድኣበል።
ብዝኾነ፡2018 ኣልዒላቶ ዘላ መዝሙረ-ሓቂ ( ያህለለ ) ሙንጡው ከብለካ።
” ዲሞይ ዳዲሞይ፡
ዲሞይ ዲሞይ ኖራ
ሞስቆራ ሞስቆር-ሞስቆር ጉንዶ።
ጉንዶ ! ስብሪቂ፡
ስብሪቂ ሰባር-ዓይኒ ብርኪ፡ትጻእ’ዲኣ እታ ሓቂ!!!…።
Kalighe December 30, 2017
Thanks a lot Michael Abraha for calling on your government to stop arbitrary arrests and bring to court those in jails for decades.
This is what we want every Higdef member to do. They should stand with their people. You are setting a good example for the so-called government supporters.
AHMED SALEH !!! December 30, 2017
When they condemned your life indefinitely to live in darkness where days
and nights have no meaning anymore , holidays or new year celebration
become like out of touch children’s dream to enjoy the festive atmosphere .
My heart will always share their pain until the day justice against wrong has
prevailed . Bunch of corrupted military officers might criminalize our people
for political reasons but their day for judgement also will come , it is only a matter of time ( SEB HIMAK GHIBRI MEALTOM ALEWOM ) .
Happy holidays and New Year to you all .
almaz December 31, 2017
Am sure if they are asked what year we are all would give different answers.
Happy new year every body minus hgdfites.
Kalighe December 31, 2017
“ዓጢቀያ ዘለኹ ስረ ዕጥቂ ዓማ ከይመስለካ”
Brother, you insulted the freedom fighters who. defeated and destroyed the Imperial Army of Ethiopia.
You hate Iseyas but you are using his language.
Read books written by ex-Ethiopian Army officers to learn how the ELF defeated the second largest army in Africa. How someone makes a sarcastic joke of it now ስረ ዕጥቂ ዓማ ??
I feel sorry for you.
Danilo December 31, 2017
Dear kalighe, you are right! I used the language of shaebiya but I don’t mean to insult ELF fighters. .I was a fighter in both ELF & EPLF for some extend but know little about them. Of course I hate the ቅያደል-ዓም in both sides but not the ordinary fighters. ስለዚ፡ነገሩ ( ጃዳ ኢሎም ጃዳ ኢልና ) መታን ከይኮውን ኣቀዲመ ይቅረታ ይሓትት።