Eritreans residing in Bergen Norway and it’s environs celebrate independence day anniversary.
Eritreans residing in Bergen Norway and it's environs celebrate independence day anniversary. The first anniversary ever in the history of the city by justice seekers was great in number and warmth. Speaking on the occasion in

Eritreans residing in Bergen Norway and it’s environs celebrate independence day anniversary. The first anniversary ever in the history of the city by justice seekers was great in number and warmth.
Speaking on the occasion in which representatives of “deleyti fithi Bergen” and guest speakers, and high number of people in Bergen and it’s environs participated.
The band with lead singer Amanuel Tesfagabir, Medhanie, Dj Haben and organist Tesfalem gave a great deal of warmth to the occasion also..
The occasion was a blow to the so called “Eritrean community in Bergen” and uplifting to the majority of the eritreans in Bergen whom they serve the interest of the regime in Asmara, and it showed that people are from time to time siding with their people and are abandoning the regime.
Justice Seekers from Bergen, Norway.
Wedi Hama May 27, 2014
Ajokum deki ereyyyyy
Teme May 27, 2014
Good job.
Abo May 28, 2014
Misisai aytyftewu zom dekey, waga yeblun.
rezen May 27, 2014
I second the congratulatory expression:”Good Job!
And may I take this opportunity to re-post my commentary of 16 May 2014 on this website — for what it is worth.
“Greetings! [in alphabetical order): Abe, Bergense, Denden, ZEGiRM
I was delighted to read your comments. And I thought perhaps you could make HISTORY; a pride to yourself and compat
My humble suggestion
1. AGREE to Dedicate 20th of May as a Memorial Day to all the Eritrean people who sacrificed their precious Lives for the pursuit of Freedom, Justice and Equality
2. ESTABLISH , immediately, an ad-hoc group (not more than nine) to bring Item 1 to fruition
3. AGREE that the First Memorial Day be the 20th of May 2014 [regardless of the number of initiators]
4. AGREE to establish ERITREAN CIVIC GROUP of Bergen, Norway
5. AGREE that the Ad-Hoc Working Group be entrusted for the development of the objectives, administrative arrangements, rules and regulations, etc for the Civic Group.
6. AGREE that the collection of voluntary contribution at the FIRST Memorial Day be used as a platform for the beginning of the Civic Group.
Civic Groups representing the entire community can play effective and healthy roll: strengthening the relationship of the community; becomes effective representative of the community to the local government; providing social activities, modest library [call it reading room]; cultural education for children, sport for young and adults; be a focal point for many other services. The advantage is endless. Let me add: If you do your part, I have absolutely no doubt that your Norwegian local government would fully cooperate with you to make your honest project a success. I admit, I have a soft heart for the Scandinavian people.
Finally, a successful Civic Community in beautiful Bergen, Norway can be an example and catalyst to all Diaspora Eritreans around the Globe. Let us not sneer at the idea. Everything begins from a scratch.
Crucial Note
If the above suggestion proved to be IMPOSSIBLE on account of RELIGION, TRIBALISM, RACISM and other cancerous parochial matters, then “ERITREA” has NO HOPE of becoming a viable nation- state. NEVER! In that scenario, external force(s) will determine the fate of “Eritreans”, as always.
Respectfully yours
Just an Internet buff
wedi Oslo May 28, 2014
Bitami tseibuk sirah!
Abo May 28, 2014
Misisa aitftewu zom dekey, waga yeblun.
Tesfu Kbrom May 29, 2014
Atene Getatchew May 29, 2014
Yes, i hate HIGDF, we need to have peace with Ethiopa. That is why i love Assena & Asmarino , because they truly want our Eritrea to be united with our beloved true country of Ethiopia. We need to return to our motherland. Stop with all the lies, we are all Ethiopian and we should not be ashamed of it. Who gives a fuck about self reliance? Who is Eritrea trying to act like they are the best in Africa? They are destroying their own people. We need to stop Issaias the Dictator!! Down Down Issaias!! We love jebha and everybody who fights the PFDJ! Lets unite the Ethiopians & Eritreans together to fight down the regime in Asmara. Lets help Ethiopia with Assab. VIVA ERITREA! DOWN ISSAIAS AFWERKI WEDI MEDHIN BERAD!
Bergense May 30, 2014
Dear Atene, i am wondering why you are here. You must be one of those PFDJs who try to creat havoc among Eritreans or you might be one of those Ethiopians which didn’t swallow Eritreas independence.
By any means you are out of topic and no right minded Eritrean will want to unite with Ethiopia, i as eritrean and one of the representative of ” bergen deleyti fithi” assure you we are united above your expectations and there is no room for people like you. Wedehanka.
FMN July 13, 2014
No help Ethiopia with assab
Daniel May 29, 2014
Wel-done Deki Erey, Deleyti fthi.
Etom brebha eznom axmimom zelewu tehababerti nay HGDEF kea mihret yewrdelkum!
Trgta lbi hizbikum ente tisemu mhashe! Tarik keyferdekum!!!
Mengis June 11, 2014
We can cooperate and live in peace side by side with a great ties economically socially and culturally but not as one country be realistic!