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Economic Growth Forecast for African Countries to 2012

In the World Economic Outlook October 2009, the International Monetary Fund projected the GDP annual percentage growth for most African countries.  In 2010, the fastest growing African economies are projected to be Republic of Congo

In the World Economic Outlook October 2009, the International Monetary Fund projected the GDP annual percentage growth for most African countries.  In 2010, the fastest growing African economies are projected to be Republic of Congo (12.2%), Angola (9.3%), and Ethiopia (7%).  In 2011, the fastest growing African economies are projected to be Ghana (22.5%), Liberia (9.2%), and Botswana (8.5%).  Angola (8.4%) follows closely behind Botswana in 2011.  In 2012, there are several double-digit growth projections – Botswana (13.8%), Liberia (12.8%), Mauritania (13.1%), Niger (12.9%).

To get further information and explanation for growth patterns, check with the appropriate government department for each country.  Typically, the department of trade or an embassy can provide assistance.

The following table lists the projections for each African country covered by the World Economic Outlook.

Click on this link to see the table

Review overview
  • arcobaleno November 9, 2011

    Hgdefite , idiots, his exellency Prime Minister Melles will sweep you all bastards off Eritrea. Then eritrea will be Freeeeee!!!!
    and a Constitutional system will be installed. People with different religions and ethnics will live together in harmony. This savage regime does not delegate us at all. this regime has been stirring up so far seeds of hatred and angst amond us. We have rumbled WEDI MEDHIN BERRAD

  • truly, Truly i say to you November 9, 2011

    Part 2
    Kozami , without any shame you told us this:- “
    “If you take the average asmarino in Eritrea nowadays; he/she wears designer clothing, has a cell/mobile phone (plenty iPods and berry), entertains in top notch bars and cafés, and would actually pick the tap for you. At home, they chose to view Eri-TV or the dozens of satellite dish channels, most now go to private English classes and speak impressive English and are very confident and ambitious.”well if it is this your lexurus and economical growth understanding, could you tell us how many of the population affording to use that by themselves please? I mean is there more than 2% who can last to buy mobile phone or to go to bar to drink coffee or beer with their own salary? Didn´t 95% of them surviving under the help of their diaspora relatives help? Or are you going to tell us people those have that are getting that because of the wise leadershipment of your dictator? What a joke! To your surprise just my relative because his son fled and because he have no access to know where his son is, I mean weather survived or dead, asked me to send him mobile . So if you see him incase with Mobil phone do you think he is living luxuriously? How saddened your economical growth version.

    • Kozami November 9, 2011

      Just to clarify, I said Indians would leave to the west given half a chance, and didn’t criticize the their leadership or country. However, as you are of the devil and not God, your pronouncements of the holy scripture is the work of the demon Crocell that appears like the angel. It serves your other demons namely: Gaap (who intensify hatred) Payro (Prince demon of lies and falsehood), Sonneillon (higher evil of hate) and Kasdeya (the 5th Satan). The demon King Zagan (of deceitfulness) has seduced your lost soul with Deumos (the female of lust) and you would do anything for Succorbenoth (the sexless demon of gates). I say to you repent, love your brother as yourself and free your soul from the abyss of infernal torment.

      • Tsahaye November 9, 2011


        It is so amazing! I am now stimulated to read my Bible. Thanks.

  • Maazza November 9, 2011


    Kozami is not a serious person. He does not take things at heart. I realized that some rme ago when he addressed the grave issue of the Heros rotting in prison in a light and non chalant manner. I remember pointing out how he would have reacted if one of his loved ones was to be in that predicament his very unconcerned attitude was so shocking! I think Kozami is a sham.

    • Kozami November 9, 2011


      Please try to listen to your own voices…”unconcerned attitude”, “sham”, “light and nonchalant” …. just a heap of superlatives, no idea, no fact, no credibility and nothing else. Pure n simple superlatives! IMO you might as well cut n paste Webster’s online dic. up here for all I care. AS to the imprisoned 30 or so individuals, I stated time and again my wish to see them freed and failing that a family oriented unpolitical campaign be given a chance to build a momentum for their release. Try to read with the intention of gaining understanding than for unpicking others views to feed your delusional self aggrandizement. In any case, there is no magic superlative that would do that for you. Humility is the path to greatness.

      • Tsahaye November 9, 2011


        I am glad you are still around. Without the voices such as yours, would have been a boring place to visit. I believe you are a person of great humility, and I truly find your comments very insightful and intriguing. I hope those who are so tuned to the culture of group-thinking would have the opportunity to learn from your comments. What your comments won’t change, however, is the minds of the barbaric woyane’s agents.

        • Kozami November 9, 2011


          Thank you for your kind remarks and leading by example that as Eritreans, we can have diverging views but are one and the same in our respect and love of to one another. The woyane inspired so called ‘opposition’ has really sold their soul and I am afraid they are well aware that there is no going back for them. Eritrea needs a credible opposition of your sort that when the push comes to shove, would have the guts to stand up and be counted to hold out for their own.

          • Zekhtam Eritrawi November 9, 2011


            They say, lol stands for laughing out loud. I must have brought that up after reading your pat-on-the-back comments as credible opposition is mistaken for a confusion.

          • Tsahaye November 9, 2011


            We are all together in this, and I have no doubt that the nation that we love so much will one day be transformed into an oasis of liberty and brotherhood. One thing that I would like to mention on my way is about the guy who called your comments “mistaken for a confusion”. Do you remember who he is? He is the guy who once told you he was away for a week to visit his relatives and got a stomach ache because all his relatives had fed him nothing but hamli and shiro. Sounds familiar? He is back with a different name this time. I thought he went to Ethiopia to either participate in the coming meeting of the warlords and their supporters or to visit his family members in Addis or Mekele, Tigray. What is so unique about his assumed name this time is he has got a name that truly describes him superbly well: nai aEmro zekhtam.

  • Kozami November 9, 2011

    Zekhtam Eritrawi

    Firstly, my apology for interpreting earlier, your term ‘synopsis’ as referring to the pairing of two homologous chromosomes that occurs during meiosis at prophase I. You now have clarified it and I thank you for that (oops…I guess the mid air swaggering foot turned out to be mine!!!)
    As to the position I take on credible opposition vs selling out is I hope clear to you by now. Tsehaye opposed the refusal of the sadistic woyane to recognize Eritrea’s sovereign territorial integrity under the ruse of normalization first, equivocally. I honor his patriotism unreservedly. He also opposes the current GoE based on his conviction and belief. As his fellow Eritrean, I can only stand to benefit from his competing views. And for that I would hold him with the high esteem accorded to a respectable brother who is worth his salt. ‘Confused’ is a word that would comfortably sit with Maaza in mind, but for Tsahaye, IMO it couldn’t be further from the truth.

    • Kozami November 9, 2011

      please read …couldn’t get further from the truth. thnx

    • Zekhtam Eritrawi November 9, 2011


      When a person vacillates between bashing anybody who opposes the regime in Eritrea and in the meantime throwing jibes at the regime in Eritrea, one doesn’t have to scratch his or her head to look for a word, simply because that is a clean cut confusion. I shouldn’t be sweating to talk about that kind of person simply because “blathering” about him is the same as running after an experimental mouse as it runs in a wheel ad infinitum. Having said that, I would say, it sure is uncalled for on your part as your judgment about Maaza yea the one and only Maaza is misplaced to say the least. It is not only that she owns an incredible command of the English language, her clarity of ideas is an envy to an on-looker as well. Let me push it a bit further: I am sure, you’ve had those kind of moments as you walk into a bar and as you skim around to see if your buddies are somewhere, your eyes sort of land on a girl as she happens to be sitting with your buddies. And as you introduce yourself hoping that she would be single, you would hit on a conversation with her where you feel like you’re talking to a well-rounded girl. And as that happens, your heart would drift in to a world of dreams and wish if she was yours and only yours but you find yourself caught with a bit of jealousy as her guy walks into the group and kisses her on the cheek.

      • Zekhtam Eritrawi November 9, 2011

        Please read, “All rounded”

        • Kozami November 10, 2011

          Zekhtam Eritrawi

          I must, first, strongly protest your brazen act of replacing “well rounded” by “All rounded” I refuse to pass your amendment bill. Motion denied!
          On a serious note, however, Maaza can not articulate a complete sentence without crossing the fine line between the person and their opinion. Her vector of respectful discourse only spans the bounds of conformists to her and the sold out opposition. Outside of that she is all superlative and no substance.

  • truly, Truly i say to you November 10, 2011

    part 2
    As about me I will not stop from quoting God´s word,because God´s word is a lamp to guide me, and a light for my path and I believe to those who likes to listen God´s word too. When I say this I am not saying I am a very pious person without sin and failure, but I am hopping and trusting the God´s mercy, pity, righteousness only. It is true, “ Anyone who does evil things hates the light and will not come to the light, because he does not want his evil deeds to be shown up.”( John 3;20) If you mean this word is from a deciever Satan not truth,why not you confirm us then, why your god isayas makes everything in the dark when he imprisoning people? If he has truth why not bringing their case to the light? Why he give mercy two times to Bezabeh Petros and 100 tausend Derg prisinors? Because they are his country men and were coming to destroy our nation? Why to the British detainees? Because he fears for his life or because he is justiceful like you try to fool us?Didn´t you tell us they committed serious crime? but why not mercy for our heroes or atleast for the belief prisoners?Because they are Eritreans? How justicful is your God (Devil Isayas!)

    • Kozami November 10, 2011

      “If a man say, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 1 John 4:20” As, I said you are not of God but of Prufulas (the demon who has the head of an owl and who provokes wars and squabble). In tigrignia we say “wokharia si tsadiq k’mesil zewaw’e y’asir”

  • truly, Truly i say to you November 10, 2011

    Sorry i wrote the 1st part of my message to kosami but un fortunately couldn´t see it on the screen. Because of that i tried many times to send it. i think i have got it technical difficulty. if in case sent double, i will ask Assenna staff´s to apologize me.

  • Kozami November 10, 2011

    According to AFP (just released) the sadistic woyane has now accused Andualem Arage (Ethiopian opposition leader) and Eskindr Nega of ” receiving from the Eritrean government weapons and explosives for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities in Ethiopia,” AFP reported Shimeles Kamal saying while reading from the court-issued document. And the Eritrean wannabe “opposition” busy with boot licking Meles, would tell us about who cares about Ethiopian issues! Yet, their swindle motto goes as “if human rights is violated against one person, then it is human rights violated against all humanity” Then again, Keshi zeblo imber zi gebro aytgber.

    • Zekhtam Eritrawi November 10, 2011


      After the charges are pressed or laid against them, does the government haul them into undisclosed prison location where their loved ones are completely kept in the dark or do they bring them to the court of law so that the defendants could challenge the charges where they are allowed to fight the charges through either a government appointed lawyer or their own lawyer? You see, the two stated options are fundamental where they indicate that, when the former is the modus operandi of a rogue and mafia style “government” the latter is a prototype of a responsible and accountable government. I am sure you’re too familiar with the former where ten years and counting erstwhile high government officials (G-15) are yet to see the light of day in a court of law. Mind you, I am not by any means condoning the charges of the two Ethiopian defendants for I don’t know the details however, the legal procedure seems to be with in the parameters of the articles of the constitution.

  • Kozami November 10, 2011

    Zekhtam Eritrawi pt1
    Here is a section from HRW 2011 Country report, I hope it would guide our perspective:
    “Hundreds of other Ethiopians have been arbitrarily arrested and detained and sometimes subjected to torture and other ill-treatment. No independent domestic or international organizations have access to all of Ethiopia’s detention facilities, so it is impossible to determine the number of political prisoners and others who have been arbitrarily detained. Torture and ill-treatment have been used by Ethiopia’s police, military, and other members of the security forces to punish a spectrum of perceived dissenters, including university students, members of the political opposition, and alleged supporters of insurgent groups, as well as alleged terrorist suspects. Secret detention facilities and military barracks are most often used by Ethiopian security forces for such activities.

    • Kozami November 10, 2011

      Zekhtam Eritrawi pt2
      “Although Ethiopia’s criminal code and other laws contain provisions to protect fundamental human rights, they frequently go unenforced. Very few incidents of torture have been investigated promptly and impartially, much less prosecuted. Torture and ill-treatment of detainees arrested on suspicion of involvement with armed insurgent groups such as the Oromo Liberation Front and the Ogaden National Liberation Front in Somali region remains a serious concern. The Ethiopian military and other security forces are responsible for serious crimes in the Somali region, including war crimes, but at this writing no credible efforts have been taken by the government to investigate or prosecute those responsible for the crimes” IMO Your “prototype of a responsible and accountable government” may be lying behind your back…very much their nature!

      • Kozami November 10, 2011

        Zekhtam Eritrawi pt3

        The problem is that the sadistic woyane is far more barbaric and callous than any regime in Africa. Unfortunately, it has the knack to identify those who are pron to shut their eyes whenever their belly fills up and thus managing to extend its years of impunity albeit for few years.

        • Zekhtam Eritrawi November 10, 2011


          I am not sure what the HRW report means. Simply because it is absolutely beyond the point. We are talking about specific incidents where the said individuals are brought to justice on serious charges and the legal procedures seem to be falling in place. Again, as much as you’re well versed in the Biblical narratives, I am sure, you can’t possibly be remiss the “Ab ay’n’kha zelo gundi keyraAkhas ab ‘nda matka zelo………”. Moreover, as much as you’re an Eritrean at heart and zeal, one would expect you to narrow down your judgments on the imperatives and discourses of Eritrea where the rule of law is of an utmost concern. When your credibility and integrity are hanging in the balance, you must be detached (read dissonance) from your real self as you try to absolve the regime in Eritrea by pointing your fingers somewhere else when PFDJ is an epitome of a gross human rights violation. Let Era-Ero and ‘Mbatkala inter alia attest to that effect.

          • Kozami November 10, 2011

            Zekhtam Eritrawi

            I am certain that you are clear with the intended implication, yet your deflective skills an astute politician aside, allow me to state the obvious. When our sold out “opposition” are telling us to overlook the sanctity of our sovereign territorial integrity and entrust it in to the hands of a known “war criminal” “torturer” “abusive” “ethinocentric” “genocidal” “corrupt” “beholden to foreign interest” clique of lies and duplicity then it is in fact “ab aynina zelo gelie and not that of endamatna” I am not trying to resolve their issue, rather bring to light the nature of the sold out opposition’s bed fellow. Tell me who your friend is, for me to tell you who you are! One way of recruiting youngsters to “gang land” is to shower them with undeserved gifts, scholarship is not far fetched either.

  • truly, Truly i say to you November 10, 2011

    part 1
    Cosami, actually I know only the voice and the name of my God “JESUS CHRIST”, who has said it, “ I am telling you the truth: I am the gate of the sheep.” (John 10; 7) and “ I am the good shepherd…I know my sheep and they know me too.( John 10; 14-15) like wise, this same unchangeable God, I knew when Moses once asked God (Jesuis Christ) like this:- how will anyone know that you are pleased with me and you send me to tell the truth unless you go with me ? I know the god who replies, (Don´t worry Mosses, I will go with you, and I will give you victory…. I will do as just you have asked, because, I KNOW YOU VERY WELL, YOU ARE MINES !”( Exodus 33; 12- 17). So Kosami, first I was not much wonder when you named and called all your boss and servants Devels name by name, because it is must like God knows his servants name the Devil also to know his servants and his boss satans name Beelzebul. Because of that I was almost decided to ignore you and run away, because I realized you are possessed by Demons(Legion) and in which spirit you are forcing to speak.

  • truly, Truly i say to you November 10, 2011

    part 2
    To come to the point, like the Satan disguise himself self to look like an angel of light, you quoting and asking me this,( “If a man say, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? „ well actually it is a good question. But when you talk about brother love and respect whom brother love you mean? Isayas the devil and his cult worshipers like you, or the whole population under repression? Specially about those 300,000 youngsters under slavery, about they dieng in Mediterranean sea about those unjust-fully imprisoned etc… ? Please don´t make our conversation to be individual, above in my comment i asked you, why for instance your Devil Boss released the Britsh detainees
    why not atleast release all belief prisoners? Is their crime is bigger than the British according your aligation?

    • Kozami November 10, 2011


      Your attempt to run away could have been the best decision for your troubled soul, albeit inadvertently. You say that “…Isayas the devil and his cult worshipers like you, or the whole population under repression? Specially about those 300,000 youngsters under slavery, about they dieng in Mediterranean sea about those unjust-fully imprisoned… ?”
      Since that you need a good mirror to bring you down from your ivory tower, please study the following words of our heavenly father. Exodus 23:1 “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness” Obviously, your soul is sold and you need to find a way to find it back. James 1:26-27 “26-Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 27- Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”

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