Burkina Faso opposition parties, African Union reject army takeover
By Mathieu Bonkougou and Nadoun Coulibaly OUAGADOUGOU, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Burkina Faso's opposition parties and the African Union rejected the army's seizure of power in the West African country on Saturday after the resignation of

By Mathieu Bonkougou and Nadoun Coulibaly
OUAGADOUGOU, Nov 1 (Reuters) – Burkina Faso’s opposition parties and the African Union rejected the army’s seizure of power in the West African country on Saturday after the resignation of President Blaise Compaore, setting the stage for fresh protests.
The military top brass named Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Zida, deputy commander of the elite presidential guard, as head of state on Saturday. A power struggle within the armed forces was resolved by sidelining the chief of staff.
Zida, who has operational control over the army’s best trained and equipped unit, had declared himself interim president in an early morning radio address, overruling military chief General Honore Traore’s claim to lead a transitional government following Compaore’s departure.
One of Africa’s long-serving rulers, Compaore stepped down on Friday after two days of mass demonstrations against his attempts to change the constitution to extend his 27 years in power. At least three people were killed after protesters stormed the parliament building and set it on fire.
On the dusty streets of Ouagadougou, the capital, protesters voiced anger that they had driven out Compaore – who seized power in a 1987 military coup – only to have another soldier imposed on them.
“The victory of the popular uprising – and consequently the management of the transition – belongs to the people and should not in any way be confiscated by the army,” a coalition of opposition parties and civil society groups said in a statement after talks on Saturday.
“Our consultation reaffirmed that this transition should be democratic and civilian in character,” it said, announcing a demonstration in the vast Place de la Nation for Sunday morning.
The unfolding crisis in the poor, landlocked nation is being closely watched by the United States and former colonial power France, which were close military allies of Compaore. Under his rule, Burkina Faso became a key ally in operations against al Qaeda-linked groups in West Africa.
The United States could freeze military cooperation if it judges a coup has taken place. Washington on Friday urged a peaceful transition to elections, respecting constitutional rules.
Under Burkina Faso’s 1991 constitution, the head of parliament should take office if the president resigns, with a mandate to organise elections within 90 days. However, the army has dissolved the legislature and suspended the constitution.
In a statement issued by military leaders after meeting to appoint Zida to power, they said the form and duration of the transition would be decided in consultation with all sections of society. Troops loyal to Zida patrolled the quiet streets of Ouagadougou on Saturday following his early morning radio announcement that he was taking over as head of state to avoid a descent into anarchy and to ensure a democratic transition.
“This is not a coup d’etat but a popular uprising,” Zida said, dressed in military fatigues, in the studio of BF1 television. “I salute the memory of the martyrs of this uprising and bow to the sacrifices made by our people.”
He appealed for the African Union and West African regional bloc ECOWAS to show their support for the transition.
But, in a strongly worded statement, the African Union called for the military to hand power over to civilian authorities. It said the Peace and Security Council — the arm of the 54-nation bloc that imposes sanctions for violations of democratic process — would discuss the situation on Monday.
“The Chairperson of the (African Union) Commission … stresses the duty and obligation of the defence and security forces to place themselves at the disposal of the civilian authorities who should lead the transition,” read the statement.
In the Place de la Nation, the epicentre of this week’s massive demonstrations, many people voiced anger at what they saw as an attempt by the military to subvert their uprising.
“It’s ridiculous. It’s just replacing Blaise with a little Blaise,” said Frederic Ouedraogo. “The presidential guard opened fire on the crowd. If were able to get rid of Blaise, then he (Zida) will not be able to stop us. He is going to go, too!”
The events in Burkina Faso will also be carefully followed by other governments in West and Central Africa. Several long-serving leaders are reaching the end of their constitutional terms in several countries in the region, including Benin, Congo Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo.
The government of neighbouring Ivory Coast said on Saturday that Compaore had arrived there with his family and entourage but did not specify his location. Military sources said he was staying at a presidential retreat in the coastal resort of Assinie, to the east of the economic capital, Abidjan.
It was the seventh time that a military officer had taken over as head of state in Burkina Faso since it won independence from France in 1960. It was previously known as Upper Volta.
Troops loyal to Zida deployed at strategic points across the capital on Saturday night, though an evening curfew was pushed back by three hours to 2200 GMT. The airport was also reopened. Land borders remained closed.
Despite being one of the world’s poorest nations, Burkina Faso positioned itself as a key mediator in regional crises under the stewardship of the imposing Compaore, popularly known as ‘Handsome Blaise’, who was renowned as a skilled negotiator and a wily, ruthless politician.
A taciturn former soldier who had survived several bids to oust him after he seized power in a 1987 military coup, Compaore initially sought to defy the calls for him to step down once the protests turned violent on Thursday.
Diplomats said Compaore – widely blamed for the death of his friend, the leftwing revolutionary Thomas Sankara, in the 1987 coup – was alarmed at the possibility of prosecution on rights charges if he left office.
But his bid to cling to the presidency – and its lavish trappings – angered many young people in a country stagnating in 183rd place out of 186 countries on the U.N. human development index. With an average age of less than 18, most of the country’s 17 million population have never known another leader.
Crowds danced, cheered and blew whistles in Place de la Nation on Friday after Compaore’s resignation, before the army announced it was taking charge.
“This is a ‘sub-Saharan Spring’ and it must continue against all the presidents who are trying to hang on to power in Africa,” said law student Lucien Trinnou on Friday, referring to the Arab Spring that toppled several long-term leaders. (Writing and additional reporting by Daniel Flynn; Editing by Gareth Jones, Larry King)
Daniel November 1, 2014
Wedi medhin berad will be the next.
Abraham Haile November 1, 2014
Hope of the African bright future starts to spark on people for a new change!!!!!!!!
It’s a matter of time that the issue of Eritreans to glow up on time for the first time, Right now, I believe these are blessing within ourselves and it is closing down so fast that the Tyranny couldn’t control it, instead getting ready for exit as long as we are ready for it. Let us be UNITE now.
TRUE LIES November 1, 2014
Abraham Haile,
I really want to share your enthusiasm ,but there is what we call reality ,that is interferring in my hope.You make it sound it is like getting a number at the Deli in the supermarket ,okay ,now serving # 23 Burkina faso ,the next will be #24 Eritrea .I do not believe it goes like that ,while my wish is with you & it pains me to burst your bubble, do you really think it has any relations burkina faso men ,being men ,with us Eritreans watching our men & women being raped by bedouins compliments of pfdj will suddenly rise up because burkina faso toppled it’s dictator ? I hope you are right,but because your neighbour is eating lamb or chicken and you can smell the ERitrean butter smelling mouth watering does not mean you will be next ,you may have to stick to your lentils & stinking spinach.
Hakim November 1, 2014
Eritrea is next for sure change is coming soon & Isayas & Kisha will embezzle all the money & Eritrea will be broke first we have to find Kisa the money bag alive by any means God help us.
ahmed saleh November 1, 2014
True Lies
I didn’t see any reason to respond for Abraham this way .
And in case of Burkina Fasso political turmoil we need to
learn from their experience . Military personnel forces
unconstitutional effort to grab power sends wrong message
to the future of the country .
In Eritrea the only force expected to bring change are people
associated with military and to share power depends on their
intentions . Otherwise , our opposition groups are not ready
yet on maintaining solid leadership and our people inside the
country are under mercy of their fearful tactics .
TRUE LIES November 1, 2014
Brother Ahmed
I am frustrated & I guess landed it on Abraham.Although there is truth in what I said it seems a little pessimistic ,it is just i don’t see the solution.Can you ?
Keren November 2, 2014
ህዝባዊ ናዕቢ ዘለዎ ለውጢ ከም ናይ ቡርኪና ፋሶ፧ በየናይ ዓቕምና፦
ንሕና ደኣ ነቶም ብሳሕሳሕ ራሻይዳን በደዊን ዓረብን ዝዕመጹን ዝጋሰሱን ዘለዉ ምድሓን ይትረፍ፤ ኣውያት እኳ ዘይስማዕናሎም። ያኢ ሳሕሳሕ ዓረብን ከደምቱን ከይቅየሙ ተባሂሉለይ።
ንሕና ደኣ መንነትና ታሪኽና ውርሻና ቋንቋና ዘሕፍረና ናይ ምሁራት ደናቁር ዶ ኣይኮናን።
ጽባሕ ንግሆ ኢሳያስ ሃዲሙ ንቀጠር ምስከደ ክንርኢ ኢና። ኤርትራ ካብ ሶማልን የመን እንተበሊጻ።
መንነቱ ታሪኹ ዘይኽብር ሰብ እትረብሕ ነባሪት ሃገር ክምስርት ብቕዓት የብሉን። ወረን ታህዲድን እሞ መሊኡ።
ናይ እናዳማትካ ታሪኽን መንነትን ተተለቂሕካ።
TRUE LIES November 3, 2014
ከረን ሓወይ
ይርድኣካ፣ምንም እኳ ኣነን ንስኻን ከምዚ ተስፋ ቆሪጽና ተስፋ ነቝርጽ እንተመሰልና፣ስቕ ኢልካ ኢንሻላህን ፣ንፋሶም ይንፈሰናን ስትራተጂ ኣይኮነን።እንታይ ኢና እቲ ዝስዕብ ዘይንርእዮ፣ካብ ብሃይማኖት ዝኾረየ ፣ብቐቢላን ኣውራጃን ዝኾረየ ይበዝሕ።ነቲ ክዉን ኩነታት ነጺግና ፍቕርን ሕብረትን ምትእምማንን ዘይብልና ከመይ ጌርና ኢና ነገራት ባዕሎም ክዕረዩ ንጽበዮም።እቶም ብጣዕሚ ሊበራል ዝኾኑ ብሌን ከማን ናይ ባዕሎም ናይ ብሌን እንቅስቃሴ ጀሚሮም፣ምኽንያቱ ብሽም ኤርትራ ናይ ኩላትና እያ መሬትና ተዘሚትና እንዳ በሉ ፣ብገርሂ ህዝቢ ምልጋጽ እናተንቕሖ እዩ።ኣነ ናይ ሓው ኣሕመድ ሳልሕ ሞራል ብጣዕሚ እየ ዘድንቖ።ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ጀሚርካ ክሳዕ ክራይሲስ ግሩፕ ክሳዕ ማሕበር ኤውሮጳ ትወድቕን ትጠምን ተተካኢ ዘይብላን ሃገር እናበሉ ኣብ ፋል ናይ እንዳ መድሃኔ ኣለምን እንዳ መስጊድ ማርካቶን ድየ ክኣምን?ኣምላኽ እውን ነቶም ነብሶም ዝሕግዙ እኳ እዩ ዝሕግዝ።
M.HAGHOS November 2, 2014
Sorry to say that but please please please do not be aggressive towards Eritrean opposition more than enough we have to be honest there are a lot of reasons why our opposition organisations are weak one of those reason us (Eritrean people )we are not enough strong and there are not any country support Eritrean opposition organisations including Ethiopia so we can not blame them but when the MAFIA dumped from Eritrea even every single Eritrean is going to be strong and do not worry about who is going to run the country