Breaking News: Eritrea’s Minister of Mines, General Sibhat Efrem has been injured from a gunshot.
Eritrea’s Minister of Mines, General Sibhat Efrem has been injured from a gunshot according to sources in Eritrea. The incident took place in Asmara yesterday evening. He is being treated in a hospital the sources added. General

Eritrea’s Minister of Mines, General Sibhat Efrem has been injured from a gunshot according to sources in Eritrea.
The incident took place in Asmara yesterday evening. He is being treated in a hospital the sources added.
General Sibhat Efrem, who served as Minister of Defence prior to his current post is one of the prominent leaders of Eritrea’s armed struggle for independence.
Esaw bereket December 22, 2018
Atum Sebat Sle Tegaru Sle Ze Equobu entay bedelu. Nihnamo Anglosaxon endina. Nai sibhat zeitigebru. eti nezi ziketele anchiwa gedai elu mifikar yihisho.
Asmara Eritrea December 22, 2018
Wow, my 2019 prediction seem to be fulfilled so quickly – can’t believe it! As a reminder, this is what I predicted will happen in 2019 a day before Sibhat was shot and unfortunately seems to have lived, at least for now.
My 2019 Prediction:
1. Isaias will be dead;
2. Dr Abiy will be removed from power;
3. Infighting between PFDJ will last for most of 2019 [I can now add it has started];
4. Ethnic infighting in Ethiopia will unfortunately increase and last beyond 2019.
There it is my prediction number 3 has started to be fulfilled. I would have preferred for my predications to be fulfilled sequentially but can’t complain.
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.
sennay December 23, 2018
Comngratulations, brother, on a predication so quickly fulfilled. Wish the same for the remaining ones!
Senu December 24, 2018
Jackass hope all ur dream won’t be true n don’t worry abt it him he will be fine
Eritrawi December 24, 2018
this is not your prediction it’s just your wishes here is .. my prediction in 2019. .. you will get fucked in your ass and all weyane will vanish from your Ass.
Haile December 24, 2018
Its not 2019 yet moron!
Mulat December 25, 2018
may be u r one of the weyane dreamers those wishes to be happened in both countries. Belive me nothing will happen but expect weyane to be vanished.anytime.
Simon December 22, 2018
I blame PFDJ because they opened the border and they are letting in many Agames into the country while our youth are running away to the other side and in the process you get a lot of Agames who will go to Eritrea with a bad intention. For all I know majority of Eritrean ministers do not have good security protection hence why TPLF are exploiting this by sending a mission to eliminate each minister. PFDJ leadership need to wise up or else the next victim will be Isayse Afworki himself.
Sol December 23, 2018
Simon,Tigriyans are not responsible on the killing attempt of SF because he is their son-in-law it is one of the dirty games of the psychopath dictator.
Asmara Eritrea December 24, 2018
If the TPLF get Isaias, I will drain out every bit of Eritrean blood from my body and become a proud “Agame”
Genet-Original December 26, 2018
Asmara Eritrea
TPLF/woyane will never get DIA, because he is doing what they want to do to Eritrea. If they wanted to do that they had a golden opportunity, when that Mola the Demhit guy was in Eritrea. I am sure they regretted now, because DIA is now best body with Abiy and he is going to make them pay for everything they have done to him.
Simon G. December 22, 2018
መቸም ከምትፈልጡ ባባ ኢሳያስ ናይ ዓዲ-ሃሎ ተሌፎን ስለዝገደፈለይ (ምስ ጸሓፊቱ) ብቀጥታ ክረኽቦ ካብዝጅምር ዳርጋ ወርሒ ኣሕሊፉ። ‘ዛናይ ስብሓት ምሰማዕኩ ድማ ይድውለሉ።
DIA: ማንኪ ኣይትረብሸኒ ምሽ ኢለካ።
Simon G. ማንኪ ኣይኮንኩን
DIA: ‘ቲ መን ኢኻ ትብሎ: ቲ ዓሳውርታ ዲኻ?
Simon G. Well, በደይ ‘ኳ ኣለውኒ: ግን ኣነ ሳይሞን ‘የ።
DIA: ሄሄሄሄሄሄሄሄ….. ሳይሞን ታዕባን! ጠፊእካ ንዲኻ
Simon G. ኤእ! ኢሱ ኣይጠፋእኩን: የግዳስ ሓንሳብ ስዑዲ: ሓንሳብ ዒማራት: ሓንሳብ ሶማል: ዋላ ኬንያ: ዋላ ጎንደር ኴንካ
DIA: ኤእ ሳይሞን: ጎንደር ‘ኳ ሓንሳብ ‘የ መቓብር ኣብሓጎይ ዝበጻሕኩ። ምግናን መቸም ናትካ ‘ያ።
Simon G. ሕራይ ሕራይ ‘ታይ ደኣልና ንሰምዕ ዘለና? ወዲ ኤፍረም ከሪቡ ሰሚዕና።
DIA: እንታይ ክኽርብ ያኣኸ። ዕሸላት ልኢኽካ ትርፉ ንሱ ‘ዩ።
Simon G. ‘ስኻ ዲኻ ለኣኺ?
DIA: ጠንቃም! ኢሉ ግብ ኣይብላን ነዛ ተሌፎን። ቀዲሙኒ ዝተረገም።
Tsegazeab Kifle December 24, 2018
Killing a general or aprecident is going to solve one small problem.We should think much better than thought killing.Killing a person triggers another worsen problem to the country.We Eritreans are the last to idpendance ;now we start disteblize the very fragile country.Every Eritrean want to a president.Every Eritrean is wise .No true not good