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  • k.tewolde January 19, 2020

    Authentic and honest call from a peer,every generation has an identity, despite all the adversities you will carve out a positive one,you the narrator are a good example,our homeland has never been so desperate to be rescued from a ruthless abductor,be a hero and take back what is yours and passed it on to your children and you will be remembered as a gen. who took the stand,a knight with a shining armor who slayed a gang of impostors and saved our nation from extinction.It is a legacy worth fighting for.Make the historical speech of Hamid Idris Awate,Bitweded,Haj Mussa be your weapon and gut through which to achieve your goal,you gonna need it.Don’t the fallen down!!!!! It is not fair.

    • k.tewolde January 19, 2020

      Read “Don’t the fallen down”….”Don’t let the fallen down’. Thanks.