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Review overview
  • k.tewolde June 1, 2020

    Once upon a time on star studded night watching a celestial pyrotechnical display on a pitch dark sky lying on top of a stilt in the shores of Barrassolli waiting for our logistics ship to arrive I had a dream, a dream one day I will retire here and go fishing and swimming with my kids and grand kids in these pristine waters,I had a dream one day a modern port will rise from this ground abuzz with dozens of robotic arms of huge cranes loading and unloading thousands of containers on huge cargo ships,a dream a shimmering port city with residents that reflects the diversity of the nation,one of the gorgeous accessory jewel of our beautiful nation——- I had a dream!! that picture above never crossed my wildest dreams. Folks this enemy we nurtured from within has us face down and his knee on our neck asphyxiating the life out of us.>>>> I once had a dream but it was never in this compromising position. Afariyayi we shall overcome.

  • Zeregabir Teaghes June 2, 2020

    Please understand the mission of Isayas Afwerki, his mission is to evict and doom the Eritrean people. Thus he is doing his mission to eliminate the society. Look:
    1. There is no report on coronavirus in Eritrea.
    2. All prisoners are not free, prisoners who do not know their trial and Verdict.
    Let us stand to get armed and eliminate the Dictator.