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Australia: SBS Interview With Amaniel Eyassu Part 1

Amaniel Eyassu is the founder of Assena foundation. He was invited to talk to SBS/Tigrinya during his recent visit to Australia. This is part one of the two parts interview with SBS/Tigrinya. To Listen Click On:

Amaniel Eyassu is the founder of Assena foundation. He was invited to talk to SBS/Tigrinya during his recent visit to Australia. This is part one of the two parts interview with SBS/Tigrinya.

To Listen Click On: SBS Interview With Amaniel Eyassu Part 1

Review overview
  • sarah January 31, 2014

    Amanuel Eyasu you are a coward woyane agent. You got free education, free food, free scholarship from the people and government of Eritrea. You were supposed to return from south Africa after your scholarship ended in South africa. Endeed you was contacted by the woyane agents in South Africa and get Asylum. You are hadami who betrayed Eritrea or Eritrean wannabe Eritrean raised Tigraway.

    • Sala January 31, 2014

      sarah…still bitching gahtaf

      • ahmed saleh February 1, 2014

        Know your limit in this forum to show respect otherwise you will get a nasty response in return if that satisfy your weak ego .

    • Abraha Kisara January 31, 2014

      ኣንቲ ሓብትና። ቀዳማይ ነገር ንኣማኒኤል ኣይፈለጥክዮን ዘለኺ። ምኽንያቱ ኣማኒኤል ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ ረጊጹ ኣይፈልጥን ኢዩ። ስለዚ እቲ ወያነ ኣብ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ ረኺቦምኻ ትብልዮ ዘለኺ በዚኣ ጥራይ ፈሺላ። ኣረጋጊጽኪ መታን ክትፍሕሲ ግን ኣማኒኤል ኣብ ዓዲ እንግሊዝ ኢዩ ተማሂሩ። ብገንዘብኪ ወይ ገንዘብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘይኮነ ብገንዘቡ ኢዩ ተማሂሩ። መረጋገጺ እንተደሊኺ ንዓሊ ዓብዱ ሕተትዮ። ንሱስ ደይ ወያነ ኢዩ ደኣ ክይትብልኒ እምበር። ካብኡ ዝተረፈ ግን ከምዚ ኣብ ልዕለይ ዘሎ ጅግና ዝበሎ እንዳሰማዕኪ ከይቀብሩኺ በጃኺ ኣይትደቅሲ።

    • Genet January 31, 2014

      Sarah Zombie

    • February 1, 2014

      Take your (Medicine ) before you long in here it might do damage to what ever left from your already dead brain

  • Mesinas January 31, 2014

    ክብርቲ ሓብቲ ሳራ መጀመርያ ምስ ዘይሰብ ወይውን ምስዘይኤርትራዊት እዛረብ ከም ዘለኹ ከየረጋገጽኩ ይጽሕፍ ብምህላወይ፡ ኣቐዲመ ንነብሰይን ንኣንበብቲ’ዚ ርእይቶን እቕሬታ እሓትት። ከም ሰብ ዚሓስብ ኣእምሮ እንተኣልዩክን ኤርትራዊት እንተኴንኪን ግን እንታይ ዚብል ምስላ ኣቦታትና ኣሎ ይመስለኪ፥ “እናሰምዐ ዝሞተስ እናሰምዐ ቅበሮ!” እመንኒ ክብርቲ ሓብቲ፡ ብኸምዚ እንተ ቀጺልኪ፡ እዚ ሕንዳ (ንሕስያ) ዘይብሉ ጨካን መላኺ እናሰማዕኪ ክቐብረኪ’ዩ። እዚ ኸኣ ንኣይን ንኸምዚ ከማይ ጽቡቕ ህዝቦምን ሃገሮምን ጥራይ ዝምነዩ ሰባት ከጒህየና’ዩ። ቅድሚ ተዓሚትኪ ብዘይትፈልጥዮ ጸድፍን ገደልን ምጓዓዝ ግን ደጊምኪ ደጋጊምኪ ንነብስኺ ሕተትያ! እንታይ እየ ዝገብር ዘለኹ? እንታይ ንኽረክብ ወይውን እንታይ ንኽኸውን ኢለ’የ ነዚ ጉጅለ’ዚ ዝድግፎ ዘለኹ? ሓወይ እናጠፍአ ኣነ ጽቡቕ ዋላ እንተሃለኹስ ኣኹልድዩ? ብዘይካ ናይ ቃል ምዕባለን ናይ ሓሶት መብጽዓንከ ኣብዚ ዝሓለፈ 22 ዓመታት እንታይ ራህዋን ቅሳነትን ኣስተማቒረ? ካብ ስደተይ ናብታ ብስዋኣት ዝተረኽበት ሃገረይከ ስለምንታይ ዘይተመለስኩ? ወዘተ. ብምባል’ሞ ንነብስኺ ሕተቲ። መልሱ ልብኺ ክነግረኪ ስለ ዝኾነ ንእኡ ጥራይ ስምዕዮ። የቐንየለይ።

    • Genet January 31, 2014

      Dear Mesinas
      A very smart Eritrean. I like your comment to Sarah.
      Sarah is a perfect product of Isyas’s propaganda machine. It may seems to you that the issue of our country and people should be clear to all of us. But for zombies like Sarah, it is hard to understand what is right or wrong. Those Zombies are OK to sacrify the whole nation of Eritrea for Isayas. They are lost souls and they are going to die with Isayas. Sharing information never been better, but they are not going to get it to their head. It is just sad.

  • ERITRAWIT January 31, 2014

    Aman, Simply the best that is journalist should do well done wedi Hager wedi hzbey Kulu skay Hzbna Tekalho Zeleka kab hgdef see Terfna ena. We love you Brother.

  • Michael mebrahtu January 31, 2014

    Amanual Eyassu you are hero don’t listen to Iseyas puppets it is their character. That is the way Iseyas work, in their dictionary any one who oppose them or say the true is said to be Woyane.
    Your scholarship is not from HGDF it is your people’s money, feel free to say any thing you want to say you are in democratic country. In fact the commentator is exposing HGDF “they give scholarship to the puppets”

  • rahwa January 31, 2014

    this interview shows how journalism is not only Amanuel Eyasu’s job. it is his life. on top of that his love for his people and his country make him a rare gem. a true Eritrean who is a human being first and who would not consider using journalism for his own benefits. many envy him for succeeding in whatever he sets out to do, not asking themselves why that was so. the answers to that question are hard work, passion, love, dedication mingled with in-depth knowledge about Eritrea and its people’s history. but he is also loved by those he thinks are the most important to him as a human being – the oppressed people of his beloved Eritrea.

  • bilen January 31, 2014

    kburat ahwat deleyti fthtin fetewti hzbomn!!!
    nhna dea beAkaydanan srhanan atehasasbanan nsmern nhbern ember. etom ena reAyu zeyriEyu, ena semU zeysemU zkhonu hgdefawyan weyOm bsemayn bmdrn kqtsU makhanom ayResU. ab kndi n Amlakh zsegdu neti seytan isaias goytan amlakhn geyrom ygaAzu alewu. asab meas gn ayfeletkun???? hgdefawyan bdewkum metkum zelekhum ikhum emo, amlakh mengestesemay yewarskum.

  • Ghebre January 31, 2014

    Well done!

  • sarah January 31, 2014

    mesinas I am not your sister, I have no traitor brother. I am not born to Dergi soldier and Tigraweyti shermuta. I am a proud Eritrean, go search your sister in Agameland or oromo. Agames bebelea nada wey gud.
    And to the others kedemti, guhafat, hamema. Pente, Johova, Evangelic and homosexuals.
    Emanuel Eyasu is like all of you, he have to pay back the money of Eritrean people which helped him to get free education, health care and scholarship.
    Ghebre what do you mean by well done, are you patriot or traitor.
    Awet n’Hafash, mot n’telemti.

    • abdu January 31, 2014

      I think kola hamimatna ; beliski mehrat balu yelgesliki segab ablebiki temlsee.

      • Genet February 1, 2014

        Sarah’s illness is terminal. what she need is hospice.

    • abdu January 31, 2014

      Look ; Sarah
      The people you are insulting & disrespecting are the people who are trying to freed you from mental slavery ; the slavery that you are tied by golden chain that you are not even aware of ; how is it possible for some one to hate for some one else who is trying to help you & take you out of darkness; unless you are sick a kind of dementia as well as Issiaswian syndrome .
      Sister ; a doctor only treat only for the people who are sick. So; we are all your brothers & we are all in perfect health ; we could help and all we can say and pray for you to see the doctor because we don’t need one .
      Again and again we will pray for your well being.

    • Genet January 31, 2014

      Sarah Zombie
      Eritrea is not a garbage container. Go find your place ASAP! Or can you tell us where your family are from? No body is going to take you seriously. With love.

    • Metkel February 1, 2014

      Sarah – Knucklehead,
      You said “Awet n’Hafash, mot n’telemti”. You sentenced yourself to death because you “animals” are the “telemti”.

    • Ahmed Omer February 2, 2014

      You are sickness racist as well as Asyas in rubbish bin you and him

  • esu January 31, 2014

    ati gual alula. Reski ayhashekn dyu. hahahahaha kulu gzye crying like your monster boss.

  • Joe January 31, 2014


    You are f*** bitch. Heavy weight SHARMUTA

    • Footscray February 2, 2014


      kemuu aybehalen eyu. nmntay kinduu tiHarQ? kekinduu endHir HariQka d’ea edmiekha kiHaxr endyu. Please if you are that much temper you don’t need to read such kind of writing.

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