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ASSENNA Interview with Dr Bereket Berhane – ኣብ እዋናዊ ምዕባለታት ኢትዮጵያን – ጉዳይ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣብ ኢትዮጵያን – June 24, 2018

Review overview
  • Keshi Mars June 25, 2018

    Hello Assenna,

    Thank you very much for the interview with ተጋዳላይ Dr. Bereket Berhane and thank you very Dr. for the updates. I appreciate what you have been doing and God bless you.

  • Berhe Tensea June 25, 2018

    Excellent interview, nothing will change and the peace process will have no effect on the thousands of refugees living in Ethiopia,

  • Agame Assai-Afar Power June 25, 2018

    Game Over Colonialist Eritra Word, Good Luk, Game Over , Colonialist Word Eritra ,game Over, finish, clouse it, try to have originale Name, Simmer, Hiber, to defend your Dignity, Freedom, Sovereignity, Right, Peace for Unity of Beloved People of Metahit Kebessa Tigriy Tigre Bahri Habesha. Mekele – Nakfa, Akssum – Asmera, Massawa- Shire, – Assab- Adwa, Smret Hibret of our beloved People can’t be under Colonialist Name Eritra. So it obbligattory to remove it for Sovereignity of the people Kebessa Metahit Tigre Tigray Bahri Habesha Joke of Colonialist idea is over in 1941.. Game Over, Game Over, Game Eritra, Eritra Eritra Over Over Over, no more illusion, dellusion finish, Hiber Smer Mekele – Asmera , Akssum- Nakfa. Assab- Adwa, Rehaita – Shire. Irob People are the First defenders of Tigriy Tigre, Assawrta, Afar Freedom, Dignity, Right. So be ready for Unity from Welcait to Massawa against Colonialist. Game Over Weyanne Issayas./ Unity Mekele – Asmera.- Nakfa- Ras Cassar.

    • Wedi Hagher June 26, 2018

      You need to see a doctor man .!!!