Action Needed Against EU Policy for Funds to PFDJ to Control Refugee Exodus
Action Needed Against EU Policy for Funds to PFDJ to Control Refugee Exodus By Dr. Russom Mesfun The entire diaspora community cannot be silent as the EU has decided to reward a dictatorship by providing it with

Action Needed Against EU Policy for Funds to PFDJ to Control Refugee Exodus
By Dr. Russom Mesfun
The entire diaspora community cannot be silent as the EU has decided to reward a dictatorship by providing it with even more funds. By helping maintain a brutal regime in power, the policy will only result in yet more Eritreans fleeing their home country and ending up at the shores of Europe.
This is a plea to all Eritreans to write letters, make calls, demonstrations and contact civic and government leaders. Our opposition and civic leaders would have even more clout to help out on this.
The policy is a slap to our aspirations to do away with the very regime that is responsible for the mass exodus of our people from their beloved country.
Fanko March 25, 2015
Assenna has inadvertently ignored some important regional news, such as the collapse of Yemen and today, Saudi Arabia has started air bombing the Shia/ Huthi positions in Yemen. The best way Iran can play this game is by arming the Saudi Shias of eastern Saudi Arabia inhabiting the the oil rich corner of the land. The oppressed shias deserve every right to be counted as full citizens of the Gulf region and Yemen.
Al Jazeera reports: “Saudi Arabia and a coalition of regional allies have launched a military operation in Yemen against the Houthi rebels, who deposed the US-backed Yemeni president last month.
Adel al-Jubair, Saudi ambassador to the US, said on Wednesday that a coalition consisting of 10 countries, including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), had begun airstrikes at 7pm Eastern time.
The operation is to defend and support the legitimate government of Yemen
Adel al-Jubair, Saudi ambassador to US
“The operation is to defend and support the legitimate government of Yemen and prevent the radical Houthi movement from taking over the country,” Jubair told reporters in Washington ..”
Natnael March 26, 2015
I myself will not only resist the ugly approaches of EU concerning the Refugee Drama in particular und its shameless and untolerable HORN policy in general.
They get rid the refugees out of their warm homeland with their evil and conspired policy and now we observe very attentious what is going on – the real face of its conspirtacy as from the beginning at the cost of the indigenous people of Eritrea.
Questions that we had in mind rise now – was it the EU from its hideout who was managing the SINAI and mediteranean Cruelty that still goes on, so that no strangers from Africa cross the EU-Borders (Frontier,….etc), but vise versa!
Now EU is on the verge of exhausting its remaining moral resposibility. If EU feeds the refugees in Europe, this doesn’t mean we keep quiet while it recolonizes our Red Sea region/HORN in cooperation with DIA & Co.
Down, Down EU ! where is your sister/brother ? This question is directed to EU !
The exloitation begins now, and we will see how the indegenous people of the area fight against the unipolar world super powers with AXE, stones and sticks!
EU must defend its SOVEREIGNITY in BAB-EL-MENDEB/Red Sea with Saudi’s Cooperation !!!!!!!
Hidat March 26, 2015
nitfet March 26, 2015
Well, you would like to deal with the symptoms. We prefer to address the real desease. We have a good idea where the cancer is and we are doing something about it, even if we have to face with people in denial who refuse to see the desease spreading like wild fire. Please wake up.