A Public Dialogue on Diaspora Engagement in Irregular Migration and the Eritrean Refugee situation in Europe
The United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees project team (Telling the Real Story) in close collaboration with Eritrean Diaspora in the UK would like to invite you to dialogue afternoon to discuss the Eritrean refugee situation and the
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Berhe Tensea May 25, 2016
There is no hope from Eritrea diaspora, they are not like the Syrians Iraqis, and many others.
Most of the Eritrean diaspora are hypocrites, and with slave mentality.
Other diaspora like Cubans were and are the hope of their people, and even they influenced the American government to change its policy.
Eritrea’s vast majority diaspora is too ignorant and coward to understand, issuesthat affects them, exception are individuals, such as Amanuel, Radio Erena,radio Medrek, Aron in Canada who worked hard for the of 2% in Canada to make it illegal and not to be collected.
The Eritrea that had thousands of volunteer martyrs inherited by too many coward officials and stupid diasporas.
The only thing I say is there will be a pay back time.