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Review overview
  • rezen April 25, 2015

    Good Wish message

    Congratualtion! Michael Sibhatu.

    You are now a true FRRE man with all the opportunities to purse and manage your personal Life. It is up to you now.

    At the same time one hopes that your needed profession of communication/journalism will help during the struggle for Liberty, Justice and the establishment of Democratic Government in Eritrea.

    Good Luck

  • Berhe Tensea April 25, 2015

    Good for him, welcome to freedom and breath the fresh air.

  • Danny April 25, 2015

    I am glad he made it safe.

  • Teclay April 26, 2015

    A failed state with out a journalist,with out a professional army and police force ,with out education ,with out young, in short with out any thing but mountains and deserts.
    Historians must prepare their books about a ppl who fought long and hard against his own history successfully.They must prepare a reference book to the world not to repeat the same mistake again.
    What about we ? we have lost for good. If anyone still believes Eritrea will be a normal viable country ,he must be from another planet.
    I know that is a very bitter pill but real.

    • Sol April 26, 2015

      Teclay (The Evil Teacher)
      Even the die hard Amhara’s who were dreaming to restore the old system of hegemony has given up about all their dreams while you like the Japanese soldier who after long years discovered that WW2 ended, oneday you will recognize that Eritrea is an independent country.

      • Timnit April 26, 2015

        Kubur Haw Ato Teclay,
        There is a wise saying that goes : don’t go down and wrestle with a pig, you get dirty, tired and unhappy and the pig likes it (getting dirty and messy).
        Don’t go down to their level as you are too advanced for them and let them be (The Evil Historians) of WW2 or the coming of their fantasy WW3. Just simply keep teaching our young all the truths.

        • Anti-Higdef April 26, 2015

          Teclay you must be the son of a traitor, else, you would not insult Eritrea and its people.

          • Genet-orginal April 28, 2015

            Teclay is one of the great-grand-son of Alula Aba Nega the Tigrayan terrorist.

        • Teclay April 26, 2015


          Thank you sister.
          The problem is:our brothers do not like to face the reality,but entertaining too much the fantasy world .

          • Genet-orginal April 28, 2015

            Mr Teclay
            You are the son of Alula Aba nega the Tigrayn terrorist by your admission. Now, don’t get ahead of yourself. You have proved to be a zealous anti the nation of Eritrea. I am sure, you are one of those confused people who can’t fit in either with the good people of Tigray or the Eritrean people. Because you don’t feel you can be comfortable with eigher group of people, you chose to be anti Eritrea and its people. I feel sorry for you. Take an identity and deal with it. Your barrage of insult at the nation of Eritrea and Eritreans is not going to give you a mental rest. What is new? Teclay and company are insulting Eritrea and Eritreans at Assenna, What is new? It is just pity!

          • Genet-orginal April 28, 2015

            Only Wedi Alula Aba Nega talks like that, when it comes to the Eritrean people.
            Deke Alula leave us alone! We Eritrans are not related to you!. We don’t need you.

        • Genet-orginal April 28, 2015

          “Don’t go down to their level as you are too advanced for them..” Who are them? Any way, can someone tell this know it all Teclay wedi Alula aba nega get the heck out of Assenna. May be he should try “AGA-online” for a change, or get hisown web.

    • brhane April 26, 2015

      Tecalay(teclay) I am sure you don’t have any eritrean sentiment at all your comments. And you are a bad teacher.not for me but for the young that read comments and learn something from it. And you don’t want to see any collaboration between eritreans.
      “Aybelnado endabelka kinebr eka tideli”. Btami weak man.
      Be a good teacher, say something which is positive and constructive for the change of the dictator regime & the unity of the nation.if no please leave give comment for Eritrean and go to to your plat form.
      Please teclay we don’t want to go back words like you. Thinking i

      • brhane April 26, 2015

        Please we don’t want going backwords like you thinking in the time of andnetawian awragiawian, religious fundamentalism, or feudalism etc. We are above this grade.
        We are not living in the time you thinking like bahiri negasi, mleliki haile slasie. Don’t mention this feudalistic idea ,it is nothing connection with the peresent problems.
        We are in the 21 century we must thinking about a soverian state of Eritrea. With all the ethnic groups, with all regions, and religious groups. We are not stragling for one ethnic groups & one language,
        And also the problem in the middle east it is really affects us but it is not our problem.
        Last things I want to mention is, you like it or not the only problem we have are
        1.He may be your relative, the dictator president and his higdf part.
        2.Not sure national security with ethiopia.
        3.And that all knows boarder conflict and not settled.
        Condolences for all victims of libia & the sea eritrean and ethiopian.

    • rezen April 26, 2015

      A short message to Teclay,

      Permit me to be audacious and give you a little advice! Please continue to exercise your natural endowment of being a FREE person to express your honest and dignified opinion on any matter under the sun, especially on matters close to your heart. Every Eritrean is free to express his/her opinion on any subject matter — why not you? If you are denied that RIGHT, then all of us are denied the freedom to express our opinions. We should remember that there are others who have their own standing agenda [they are free to do so] for their own benefit, based on their own image of Eritrea. If they can have their say freely, why not you and me? If intimidation, of one form or another, is the norm TODAY, imagine what would happen TOMORROW in independent Eritrea with such forces at the helm of the country to do what ever they wish to do, purely on their own standard and belief of how to govern a country? May the good Lord save us from that catastrophe.

      • Genet-orginal April 28, 2015

        Mr Rezen
        when someone is precoccupied with the conviction of insulting one group of people, that is NOT dignified opinion. Being a “FREE” person doesn’t give you anyone to insult others or country. Beside one can’t get a true image of any country, if he/she doesn’t belong physically or psychologically to a particular country. See, Mr/Miss Rezen, Mr Teclay was extremely upset when ISIS killed those Ethiopians. I never heard of him this upset, when Eritreans die. He criyed for his ancestors including Alula Aba Nega the terrorist. And you are hear to inable him. Birds of a feather flock together. Enjoy insulting the Nation of Eritrea. No doubt it is your time. I suggest, you stop being hateful and immature old people and use your time and talent, if you have one to good things. You both have proved, you have not use for Eritrea or its people.
        It is pity!!

    • Genet-orginal April 28, 2015

      You said, “WE” who is “WE”?

  • Timnit April 26, 2015

    Like the rest of them once he gets his residence papers he will be asking for the higdefs “taEsa” papers/forms and will be back to their guylas that is wegaH tibel leyti. What is new here?

  • Rora April 26, 2015

    Why you conguratulate to those who left the country, if ther will be change in Eritrea there should be people (youth) inside not the other way round.
    We should incaurage youth to stay home…..with out them there will be no Eritrra.

  • Aida April 26, 2015

    we lose evrything no dignity,no freedom,we don’t have hero man like Wedi Ali,we only escape like ratsss no one want fight the evil,, we are loseress,the only happy is the Evil Isias Wedi Medhn Berade with his criminal hgdef

  • Concerned Eritrawi April 26, 2015

    Hi RorA,
    You start going back and I will congratulate you. Do not be selffish.

  • Meharena April 26, 2015

    The next to leave Eritrea would be Esayas Afewerki with his daughter, son and wives (mistresses).
    But the big question would be to which country a country that doesn’t have many Eritreans, may be China or Singapore or may be join Mengustu H/mariam in Zimbabwe – Africa! But without him I am afraid there would be more problems. Sometimes as they say it ‘watch what you wish for’ because your wish may be more disaster!

    • Anti-Higdef April 26, 2015

      Iseyas will be buried at sea.

  • Hag pag April 26, 2015

    ዝቃለስ ዘየለደኣሞ ምህዳም ከድሊ ኢዩ፡ዝብኢ ኪሳብ ዝደሊ ይሕንክስ ካብተባህለ ምምላስ ከድሊየና ኢዩ

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