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ናይ ሓዘን መግለጺ

ናይ ሓዘን መግለጺ ንተጋዳላይ ኣማረ ገብረማሪያም ድምጺ ጠፊኡና ድምጺ ዲሞክራሲ ዘይምሕር ዘይንሕፍ ዘየናሕሲ ዘርኢ ሰናይ ይግደፈልና ራሕሲ ኣቦ ጽጉም ዘይብሉ ኣባሲ፡ ሓይልና ኔሩ ብልቡ ስንቅና ኔሩ ብገንዘቡ ንቕሓትና ኔሩ ብሓሳቡ ኣቦይ’ዝጊ እንደሞ ሰናይና ጠሊቡ፡ ተስፋና ኔሩ ብዓል ራኢ ዋሕስና ኔሩ ተራታዒ ዕግበትና ኔሩ መተርንዒ እንታይሞ ‘ዛ ዓለም! እንድዒ፡ ሃገር

ናይ ሓዘን መግለጺ

ንተጋዳላይ ኣማረ ገብረማሪያም

ድምጺ ጠፊኡና ድምጺ ዲሞክራሲ

ዘይምሕር ዘይንሕፍ ዘየናሕሲ

ዘርኢ ሰናይ ይግደፈልና ራሕሲ

ኣቦ ጽጉም ዘይብሉ ኣባሲ፡

ሓይልና ኔሩ ብልቡ

ስንቅና ኔሩ ብገንዘቡ

ንቕሓትና ኔሩ ብሓሳቡ

ኣቦይ’ዝጊ እንደሞ ሰናይና ጠሊቡ፡

ተስፋና ኔሩ ብዓል ራኢ

ዋሕስና ኔሩ ተራታዒ

ዕግበትና ኔሩ መተርንዒ

እንታይሞ ‘ዛ ዓለም! እንድዒ፡

ሃገር ከውሕስ ብነጻነት ብሓርነት

ከምኣ’ሉ ስለዘየዕረፈ ብኡነት

ኣምላኽ ሰማይ ይቀበሎ ኣብ ገነት

ጽንዓት ድማ ይሃብ ንስድራ ቤት፡

ተጋዲሉላ ሃገር በላዝቦ

ተሰዲዱ ቃልሲ ዝኣከቦ

ተቃሊሱ ካብ ሽዓ ብዓንተቦ

ምኩር ብጻይ እንከን ዘይርከቦ፡

ጓሳ ህዝቢ ጓሳ ናይ ብጾቱ

ድሕሪት ዝተሰደ ካብ መሳቱ

በይኑ ምስ ተረፈ ኣኺሉ ስዓቱ

ዝበለወ በብዘለኹሞ መክቱ፡

ኣቦወንበር ነበር ህ.ድ.ም.ኤ.

ድሕሪት ዝተረፈ እንከይሰግኤ

ዝገለፈ ብሰውራዊ መስኤ

ቃልሲ ዘሰወደ ብዳግማይ ትንሳኤ፡

ተቃላሳይ ይሓልፍ፣ ቃልሱግን ቀጻሊ

ኣሎና ብጾትካ ጻዕርኻ ነለሊ

ድሓን ኩን ሓርበኛ ሰጥበል ኢለ መሬት ክንቕንቕ

ይፋንወካለኹ እንዳበለኒ ሕንቕንቕ፡

ድሓን ኩን፣ ክንራኸብ ኢና ኣብ ሰማይ።

ብጴጥሮስ ተኽሉ (ሓላዪ)



Tribute to the true fighter of democracy



We all collectively the opposition ( Eritrean democratic movements) in diasporas,

We have lost our voice “Amare Ghebremariam” the voice of democracy.

He is our voice ‘A.G.’ he is our voice and echo.

He is the voice in our hearts and soul.

He is our toughness in his thoughts.

He is our feistiness in his principle.

He is our inspiration in his dedication.

We worked for him, with him and against him,

But had nothing except admiration and affection for him.


(Petros Teklu)

Review overview
  • Truly truly i say to you May 16, 2013

    RIP Amare Gebremariam! But my question, if his family need to bury him in Eritrea would the evil dictator allow or would he refuse like Naizgi Kiflu corpse? We Eritreans are going humiliated day to day because of one evil dictator? What a disgraced shameless nation and people!

  • Justice May 16, 2013

    Unfortunately, you’re right !

  • Grmay Abrha May 16, 2013

    Abona mengiste semayat yewarsku
    nbetese kea tsinaet yhab

  • Druy May 17, 2013

    I knew Mr. Amare Gebremariam as a devoted teacher when I was his student at the Eritrean Refugees Secondary School in Kassale Sudan. Although I disagreed and still do with his political views when it comes to Eritrean politics, I would like to express my profound sorrow over his untimely death. He waa one of the teachers at UNESCO school who produced many success stories of Eritrean students, where he selflessly committed himself to excel his students. May he rest in Peace,
    Druy wed Keren