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Review overview
  • rezen September 3, 2014

    The commentary by “EVENTS”, 3 Sept 2014, above, may sound harsh but by the Good Lord it hits the Eritrean story to the centre point without ambiguity. Especially, the last paragraph in block lettering (re: the KUNAMAS) hits at the hollow message of EDA. Let the Qernolious[forgive me for the spelling] saga be the historical witness to the duplicity of the Eritrean Democratic Alliance!!! DEMOCRATIC?!?! ALLIANCE?!? OH, LORD! What more surprises do you have for your humble servants!

    • SAVING YOUNG ERITREANS September 4, 2014

      Rezen ,

      My comment was deleted & my cyber name disallowed ,i am trying to behave & try to be part of the herd without losing my principle ,just not expressing them to the satisfaction of my emotions & yes Eritrea is on the way to …..I better not say it ,I do not want to be disallowed again & again.

      • rezen September 4, 2014


        I Like the meaningful name you chose >>> “saving the young Eritreans”! Ahhhh….indeed, after all, whether we like it or not, the “old” generation is already an existing dead entity! And they cannot blame anybody but themselves. Too long and repetitious to narrate it again. But in short, it is called TRAGEDY

        I like also your coming to terms with yourself and promise to yourself to check your emotions, as much as you can. Not doing so can be disastrous. Read on.

        I also love that you wish to keep your PRINCIPLE and avoid the sleeper road to join “the herd” blindly and hypnotically — you didn’t put it in those exact words but I feel your sentence structure & meaning. In any case, the effect of runaway emotion is glaringly manifested in what has happened to the “old” generation of Eritreans with disastrous consequences, but still they refuse to admit and mend their ways!!! That is why we use the term “living dead”. Or as one Eritrean Poet put it: “they die to live”

        Finally, I also like your promise to respect the rules and regulation of who are doing exemplary job in providing a platform for sane people to express their experience, ideas, opinions, etc in civilized manner (hopefully!.

        I think, I said enough. Thanks for giving me the space.

        • rezen September 4, 2014


          3rd. Para. Please correct “sleeper” to read >>> “slippery”

          And in the 4th line I was too generous to the website by adding one more “w” instead of “www” smile!

        • rezen September 4, 2014

          3rd para
          Please correct “sleeper” to read “slippery”.

        • SAVING YOUNG ERITREANS September 5, 2014

          Respected Rezen ,

          i am proud of what you said ,While I admire intelligence (that you do posses)..Wisdom is on top and through your thoughtful advice you manifested.Indeed I will control my emotions ,although respectable Rezen my anger is towards my age group ,older generation ,..WE ARE DEAD ,IT IS JUST WE HAVE NOT REALIZED IT YETY.
          And last but not least ,YOU ARE ON THE SPOT ABOUT AMANUEL…You have read it how many outrageous comments of mine were allowed ,eventhough so many ,including the great artist Messinas called for banning me.
          And about not following the herd ,you are right..I WOULD NEVER EVER FOLLLOW THE HERD ,UNLESS IT IS EDUCATED CONSCIOUS & ORGANIZED HERD,,,.
          I AM EXTREMELY PROUD OF YOUNG ERITREANS comments on the ungrateful articlE of tadesse ,birnningham….SECONDED BY FELLOW “TEGADALAY” STEPHANOS TEMOLSO.

          We Eritreans lack grace due to gedli culture.Thank you Rezen.

  • the noble teacher September 3, 2014

    rezen ,

    Unfortunately it got removed ! well, atleast you read it.

    • rezen September 4, 2014

      there is something wrong here!!!
      My CORRECTION also disappeared but came back — after I posted it again in short version!!! Well let us keep our COOL.

  • Kabbire September 3, 2014

    It has become a norm to see independent comments appear in Assenna for few minutes and get deleted after. We need to hear all comments here, and let the readers judge what they read.

    I don’t expect the opposition to make any positive inroads in Eritrea even if Issaias dies tomorrow of heart attack induced by his hard drinking habit.

    We all know Eritrea is long dead when its so called elite burned their own identity and languages. How else can you explain for a person who grew up in Mendefera, Asmara and Keren to hate his own languages and identity?

  • rezen September 5, 2014

    To Management

    This is a TEST and for your information.
    I tried several times to send one commentary without success. I tried several computers. If somehow you find my string of commentary, please delete them all, EXCEPT THE LAST ONE. Thank you.