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መስከረም ኔት ንእተእንግዶ፣ንደላይ ፍትሒ ህዝብና ዝንዕቕን ዝዘልፍን ጽሑፋት መልስና።

[gview file="ክንዲ-ብጽይና-መሳርሕትና.pdf"]

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  • Tewelde Tesfamariam Tdla July 26, 2015

    Well, done brothers I really fucking hate this “” site it is a site with no dignity and no respect to our Eritrean people. They always come with the negativity of the people who are justice seekers in order to bring them down. But God almighty is with us and the Geneva Demonstration is the real out come of the Eritrean unification that is coming soon. you fucking bastards I hope the Eritrean suffering come to you all and fill what our people are filling. ” What Goes around come around” Right?
    Tewolde Tesfamariam

    • Sarah M. July 26, 2015

      Mind your language boy. You should use your street “f” word in your street world and not on respectable Assenna’s public forum. May be as they say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks but still the old dog has to learn proper manners when on public places. In short, respect other commentators.

  • weygud July 26, 2015

    bezi hji nereyoo delenaa deaa genaa ne kula seb kikesewaa eyom ezi kemezi eyu enabelu haneti nehena kinebela delena gena eseakum ab hegi kenebexihakkum eina bedhereyeu des debelekum tezarebu hji gena gal menegedi ayenehezen eina enda hgedef

  • Nathinet Hadgu July 26, 2015

    ብዝኣረገ ሽጣራ ኣይትገደሱ። ሎሚ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንናጽነቱ እንዳሓለወ፡ ንሓርነቱ ክጎናጸፍ ኣብ ምሽብሻብ መድረኽ ኣትዩ ይርከብ።

    ናጽነት ሓድጉ

  • Berhe Tensea July 26, 2015

    Meskerem net was and is ownedd and funded by the Tembein regime. This site is meaningless as far as justice and rule of law is concerned.
    Meskerem net and its administrators the enemy of the people and they will be asked to account and pay dearly in the future.

  • Gerimuna July 27, 2015

    HGDF finance Meskerem. HGDF is Meskerem. The case is closed. They are using heroes of ELF as a cover up to attract visitors using Naz as innocent entity. They are the enemies of ELF to ones surprise but that is a trick of divide and confuse strategy. Those who make lecture in the site except the ELF former heroes such as Hurai are agents of HGDF at night.
    Shabait is HGDF. Meskerem is disguised Shabait.
    By the way the dictator had already Alem Goitom in his red book of targets for insulting Dr Rezene by the dictator’s origin of Tenben. If Dr Rezene is Tenben, we all the opposition we are Tenben.
    we detest the dictator not because of where his origin is but how wicked and sadistic maniac he is.
    Dr Rezene is our hero and we love him even more now that he shook meskerem net and HGDF’s cohorts.

  • Simon G. July 27, 2015

    ዋና መስከረም ነት: ረሳሕ ስብ ምዃኑ ‘ዩ ዝነግረና ዘሎ። ረሳሕ ወዲ ረሳሕ! እቶም ንዑኡ ዝድግፉ ይገዱ። በዓል’ዚ ኣብ መዝገብ ክጸንሑ ኣለዎም። ደሓር ክስሕንዋ ‘ዮም ድማ: ኣምላኽ ተዘይመንጢሉዎ። ‘ዞም ተቓወምቲ ኢና ትብሉ ሕጂ ኢኹም ኣትሪርኩም ክትቃወሙ ዘለኩም። እዚ በዓለገ ወዲ ሃይለስላሴ ጀነራል: ንደቀባት ኤርትራውያን ከምዘይ ደቂ ሃገር ጌሩ ከቕርብ ከሎ ሸለል ክንብል የብልናን። ከዳዕ ዋሒድ!

  • TOM July 27, 2015

    dr rezene keep UP the good work .we are all dr REZENE.

  • k.tewolde July 27, 2015

    Thanks again to those relentless unsung heroes who fought ,and are still fighting this brutal regime in the forefront and behind the scene , continue doing what you doing , the results are showing. This is one spark HGDEF can’t extinguish. The raging flames of mass uprising will consume them soon. My gratitude is immense for the work you do.

  • Tes July 27, 2015

    Alem and his associate are working hard to undermine any progress made against their financier. They are extremely crook and team of shameless rotten old people. They work tireless to blackmail individuals especially if a person assumed by them a threat to their boss. The good thing this time is that almost every Eritrean is aware of their old trick that is why they have negligent impact against their intended goal. They give citizenship and they take citizenship, if that didn’t work they came with other such as awrajawie, jehadist, lowlander or agent of Ethiopia or CIA. When they exhaust all their tricks, they throw anything toward justice seekers. They turn mad! Alem and his associate have no shame what soever. The best way to deal with them at this point and time is to blank them until the time of judgements.

    Dear Geneva demo organizers, I will take this opportunities to congratulate you for your extraordinary achievement. You shock the root of PFDJ and it is inevitable to see the dogs barking in all direction. Your action was a game changer and anything thrown at you after that shows their defeat. Keep going and don’t divert you attention to this nonissue. PFDJ need another punch or so and then game is over. PFDJ will be in its right place us our dark history and their agents if not themselves their off springs will pay the price. Justice will be served soon or later. Congra again.

  • ኣርዓዶም July 27, 2015

    መስከረም ኔት ብሕጊ ዘይሕተተሉ ምኽንያት እንታይ ኣሎ ኢዩ ? ኣብ ዓዲ ሕጊ ኩልና ኣለና፡ በዚ መሰረት ንመስከረም ነት፡ ናብ ሕጊ ምቕራብ ክንቓልሰ ይግባኣና። ምክንያቱ
    መስከረም ኔት፡ ብስለያ ክትክሰስ ትኽእል ኢያ፡ ዘኽስሳ ነጥብታት ብዙሕ ኢዩ፡ ንህዚቢ ኤርትራ ብምንዓብ ስለላ መርበብ ብምዅን ኣብ መንጎ ህዝብታት ጥርጣረታትን ፍርሕታትን ስለዘንገስት፡ ብኣግኡ ብሕጊ ክትሕተተሉ ዘኽእል ጭብጥታት ሒዝካ ምቕራብ ኢዩ። እቶም ምሁራት ሒጊ ኢና ዝበልኩም፡ ማለት ብግሮፕ ትራኸቡ ዘለኹም፡ ክልና ተሓባብሪርና፡ መስከረም ኔት ኣብ ሕጊ ትቐርበሉ ጉዳያት ከነዳሉን፡ ንዝምልከቶ ኣካል ሓቢርና ክንሰርሕን ይግባእ። እዚ ድማ ግዜ ዝወስድ ወይ ገንዘብ ዝጠልብ ኣይኮነን። ኣብ magistrate court ጥራይ እኹል ኢዩ።

    • ሓቀኛ ኤርትራዊ July 27, 2015

      ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣዳላዊ መስከረም ነት ወይ ከምኡ ዝበሉ ፡ ሓደ ክልተ ዕሱባት ፡ ኣፍ ልቢ ኣደታትና ብንብዓት ጠልቅዩ ከሎ ፡ ኣይኮነን ማይባ ሃሪሙዎ ዓድና ለምለም ኮይኑ ዝብሉ፡ ኣቦታትና ኣፍልቦም ብጓሂ ክሓርር ከሎ ጮማ ይጠብሱ ኣለዉ እናበሉ ዝሕጭጩ፡ ንሶምን ኣቦታቶምን 7 መኣዲ ልሒሶም ንሓንቲ ኩላሶ ናይ ሰብ ዝቃጸጹ፡ ዕሱባት ፡ ጥልመቶም ብውርሻ ኣቦኦም ቀሺ ድመጥሮስ ዝተረጋገጸ፡ ኣድላይ በትሪ ሓፋሽ ኣብ ልዕለኦም ምስዝውርወር ጥራይ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ መስተርሆት ይረክብን፡ ነንሕድሕዶም ፡ ከም ዓሳ ተበላሊዖም፡ ይጠፍኡን፡፡

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