መልቀስ ንመምህር መዋእል መብራህቱ!!!!!!
መልቀስ ንመምህር መዋእል መብራህቱ!!!!!! ወየ!! ኣነነ!!!!! ወየ ኣነ!!!!!! ወየ!! ኣነ!!!!!!! ኣብ ካሊፎርንያ!!! ኣይጥዑምን ወረ ኣብ ሳንድያጎ!! ኣይጠዓመን ወረ ኣብ ኣመሪካ ተረኽበ ሓዘን ዝመረረ ኣንታ መንእዩ? መርድእ ዘበሰረ መምህር ናይ መማህር ዓሪፉ ሓደረ። ኣንታ! እንታይ ተረኽበ ሎሚ ቕነ መምህር መዋእል! ከይዱ ወርሒ ሰነ ሓረስታይ ዓድና ዝዘርኣሉ

ንመምህር መዋእል መብራህቱ!!!!!!
ወየ!! ኣነነ!!!!! ወየ ኣነ!!!!!! ወየ!! ኣነ!!!!!!!
ኣብ ካሊፎርንያ!!! ኣይጥዑምን ወረ
ኣብ ሳንድያጎ!! ኣይጠዓመን ወረ
ኣብ ኣመሪካ ተረኽበ ሓዘን ዝመረረ
ኣንታ መንእዩ? መርድእ ዘበሰረ
መምህር ናይ መማህር ዓሪፉ ሓደረ።
ኣንታ! እንታይ ተረኽበ ሎሚ ቕነ
መምህር መዋእል! ከይዱ ወርሒ ሰነ
ሓረስታይ ዓድና ዝዘርኣሉ ረኸበ ሰኣነ
ኣይጥዑምን ወረ ናይ ለንቀነ
መምህር ጽዒሩ ንፍትሒ ከይቃዘነ።
መምህር መዋእል ተስፋ ህዝቢ
ትምህር! ትምዕድ! ንእሽቶ ምስ ዓቢ
ክትምረጽ ፓርላሚ ከም ሹም ንህቢ
ዓንሰባ ዓድኻ! ሓማሴን! ካብ ከባቢ
ኣብ ባይቶ ትምድር ከም ድቢ
ብዓል ሰፊሕ ኣእምሮ! ብዓል! ዓቢ ልቢ።
ኣብ ባይቶ ኢትዮጵያ እንከለኻ
ኣድልዎ ምስተገብረ ኣብ ቅድሜኻ
ዘንባዕ ኣዋጅ! ክእወጅ! ስለ ዝርኤኻ
ካብ ባይቶ ወጻእካ ደቂ ኤርትራ ኣኻኺብካ።
ኣባል ከለኻ መርማሪ ኮምሽን
ብሕጊ ትኸይድ ብዘይ ጉምብስ ድንን
ንሓደን ኣይትተክል! ንሓደን ኣይትነቅልን
ፍትሔኛ ነበርካ ንኹሉ ተማዛዝን።
ንሜዳ ኣቶኻ ክትጋደል ክትስለፍ
ኣብኡ ጸንሑኻ! ብዓል! ዘይዕጸፍ ዘይትንከፍ
ናይ ኤርትራ ሽግር ዘይውዳእ ዘይሽረፍ
መምህር! ቃልስኻ! ዘይጽንቐቕ ዘይኩለፍ
ትምህርቲ ይኹኖ! መንእሰይና! ይሰለፍ።
ቃልሲ በርቲዑ ምስ መረረ
ተጋዳላይ ንስደት ኣምርሔ ተባረረ
ፍትሒ ንኽደሊ ንዓለም ውን ዞረ
ሃገሩ ከይተመልሰ ኣብ ስደት ተቐብረ።
ህግደፍ! ባድመ ወሪሩ ምስ ጎበጠ
ኣቶ መዋእል መደረ! ኣፉውን ረምጠጠ
ብዓመጽ መርየት ከምዘይምለስ ስለዝፈለጠ
“ እጀታ ዘየጽናሕካ ኣይሰልጥን ብጎበጠ”
እናበለ መደረ! ህዝብን ከ! ሰሚዑ ኣስቀጠ።
መምህር ናይ መማህር ካብ ከደ ኣርሒቁ
ዝደንዘዘ ኣእምሮ ንክበራበር ነቓኒቑ
ኤርትራውያን ተንስኡ ፍለጡ ኣዳቕቁ
ጸገም ህዝብኹም ምሃሩ ኣዕምቑ
መምህር ኣይምለስን ከይዱዩ ኣርሒቑ።
መምህር ዝሓዘካ ሕማም ዘየቀኒ
ምስ ግዜ ዘይኸይድ ዘየዳኒ
መላእኽቲ ይውሰዱኻ! ናብ ክርስቶስ ጎኒ
ንዓናስ ምሕሸና ነይሩ ተትቕኒ
ንዓለም ካብ በልካያ ድሓን ኩኒ
ንሙሉጌትን! ንቄሳርን! ርኸበልና ብለን ዓይኒ!
መስዋእትኹም ይኹነልና መወዳእታ ሕሰምኒ
ንስድራቤት ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም ኣይትበሉ ከበድኒ
መምህር ዓንዲ ማእከልዩ! ብዙሕ ኣይትሕዘኒ።
ተኻፋሊ ሓዘን
ሃይለ ገብረትንሳኤ
ኢንድያናፖሊስ ኢንድያና 21 ሰነ 2014
Kinfe Weldegeorgis June 25, 2014
Dear Mr. Teklay,
I thank you very much for your friendly and brotherly response. It is no wonder that we have different viewpoints regarding the past historical events possibly because we had differnt experiences and different information or different orientations and observations. It seems to me we grew up in different regions where the devilist Ethiopian rulers were oppressing, killing and letting die of natural catastrophy almost the whole peoples under their rules. The Ethiopian rulers in my young age were very ignorant and mercyless tyrrants. The king Hailessellassie, who called himself “MoA Ambesa ZemEmnegede Yuhuda, Girmawi Qedamawi Haileselassie, Neguse Negest Ze Ethiopia” was the most backward and dark minded tyrrant stealing my and possibly also your ancient ancestral history. He came top over us like God sent and played upon the people. The next one who tried to look more modern came with the then political and ideological fashion of Marxism-Leninism and played upon the people. Both of them committeed extreme cruelity upon Eritrean peoples, animals and the whole eritrean environment. In Ethiopia they only forgot the peoples alone to natural catastophy alone except as you mentioned some short time the Dergues regime used their Red Terror to exterminate EPRP. But this was very tiny as compared to the crimes which were committed in Eritrea and Eritrea was left alone exposed to natural disaster in any case. Eventhough I believe that the criminal regimes in Ethipia have committed crimes to the whole Ethipian peoples cannot compare them with those in Eritrea, and I hope you will have similar judgement to mine. All the democratic and fair mined people have similar fair judgement. The killing in Eritrea were all times throughout from the 60tie to the 90ties indiscriminately. Until now I have only hinted a tiny bit of the very inhuman character of the Ethiopian tyrrant, not their political nature. One point in your text is very true in my conviction but from a different perspective from yours. The killings which were committed in Eritrea were not a cause but a concequence, a political consequence, true. Eritrea and modern Ethiopia of Menelik are not historically compatible to become one nation. The present Ethiopia has expanded by Menelik the 2nd southwards to include other parts of Africa but escaped and left Eritreans alone. Since then the formation of nations concretized in Eritrea and Ethiopia each one alone as a nation. The annexation of Eritrea was simply a coertion and conspiracy, not by true peoples’ referendum. So the vast majority of the Eritrean peoples were not convinced but forced to be part of Ethiopia. The King was also politically not fit for that. So the cause for the killings was political by nature similar to what colonialist used to do in Africa when their were faced with colonized peoples’ uprisising, though Haileselassie was in the wilderness of his feudal mentality. I mean immediately as eritrean political questions were raised, he began killing eritrean politicians and eritrean nationalists, so terrorism of that time was born in Ethiopia in the Kingdom of Haileselassie. Whether we are brothers with Tigray is a different question, because nationalism and blood or historical relationship are two different things. If a people has going or developed through different historical processes, then they can be forced to have different constellations and national formations just as it happened between Germany and Austria for example. Our common ancestral history of the Axumite Kingdom (Axumite Empire),therefore, has nothing to do with the present time (Modern Nationhood). For what you are trying to claim to be true, then the ancient Roman Empire must come back also, from byzantine to Rom and others. Our brotherhood can help us in peace and cooperation and when a time comes in which nations come together to form a broader union like that of the Europians, then ours can be quicker because we do not have language and cultural barriers. The War in Eritrea was not a seccessionist war but a national democratic revolutionary war for two causes, one is national revolution to retrieve national sovereignity 2) democratic revolution because the backward and darkest feudal system of Hailesselassie had completely disolved the traditional democratic laws (Higi Endaba)of Eritrea as well as the modern ones introduced by Europian colonialist like the democratic parliament of Federation.
So That is why the Genius Aboy MewaEl Mebrahtu was struggling for the national and democratic rights of the Eritreans in particular and for the rule of law, democracy and justice in Ethiopia in general because that is the true and inevitable solution for the problem of Eritreans and Ethiopians. For that matter Aboy MewaEl Mebrahtu struggle wisely and corrageously and it would have been the best solutions so early before the destruction of the two nations and loss of uncountable lives.
I hope you will understand me dear brother
Kinfe Weldegeorgis
Teclay June 26, 2014
Dear Mr. Kinfe (2)
Thank you again for your approach and i can say very good presentation.
To make my point of view about the issues you raised ,i will go one by one.I believe it will be easier for you to identify easily.
-” It seems to me we grew up in different regions where the devilist Ethiopian rulers were oppressing, killing and letting die of natural catastrophy almost the whole peoples under their rule” ,,,, May be, i was grown up in Kebessa and i was too young to know what exactly happened in 60s and early 70s .But it was relatively peaceful Kebessa in between the end of 70s and end of 80s.
-About Haileselssie`s back wardness ,,,,yes, but Eritreans could have fought along other Ethiopians to replace him
with a proper one.
-“Red Terror to exterminate EPRP. But this was very tiny as compared to the crimes which were committed in Eritrea”
How ? Although a single life is valuable one can not compare at all.As this point have raised by many let us try all of us to find at least the approximate figures.
-“modern Ethiopia of Menelik are not historically compatible to become one nation”,,,Why not? i saw central Ethiopia in 1989,i found no difference with Eritrea ,contrary to the songs i used to hear” back wards Donkeys Amhara”.
– “Whether we are brothers with Tigray is a different question, because nationalism and blood or historical relationship are two different things.”,,,this is good point.But your example do not serve the purpose IE.We witnessed the rush unification of E and W Germany after the collapse of USSR.We will see the same rush scenario with Austria if American imperialism collapse just as it was 1938.I expect also the same between N and S Korea.
-” The War in Eritrea was not a seccessionist war but a national democratic revolutionary “,,,What democratic??? i said a secessionist it is a COMPLIMENT. To tell you frankly i do not have a name for this war even though 3 of my brothers were in the EPLF .And my older brother AA student who i do not know him very good died there.But he died in vain. Democratic Revolutionary ?=Let us see the 2 fronts in short :
-About ELF, you just try to find the article from the same brilliant writer Haile which was published two years ago.I remember one commentator call that article like Ghedli history for dummies.
-About EPLF ,listening Tesfay Temnewo`s and Yemane T/Ghergish`s eye witness narration you just conclude EPLF was one man enterprise and all our brothers were simply slaves, even they were not workers or employees but real slaves.It is bitter but true. So brother with all respect secessionist is really a compliment.
Ok, Thanks Brother,in fact it is the best explanation that i have read so far.
sammy mike June 25, 2014
oromay nhade jegna colon msmoten hadeanet gerka eka tgelsto nmntaisi intemotewn nalama sle zmete kem bsrat gerka twesdo if u understand you dot explen the word my way is haway okaye thanx
Kinfe Weldegeorgis June 26, 2014
Dear Teklay,
If you grew up in Kebessa, then we do not have difference, may be we grew up in the same region of Kebesa also, but might have different ages. In the sixties I was very young man and my puberty started in the seventies. But throughout all this years I witnness very criminal and horrondous action in Eritrea by Hailesselassie’s Komandis and Tor Serawit. As a studen in the junior and senior secondary schools I was conciously witnessing all the political and human crimes in Eritrea and I was comparing also with what was happening in Ethiopia for example the killings of students in the Addis Abeba University and peole who were dying of hunger in Wolo. I could mention you also the mass murder and horrific killings by the Dergue every where. How can you guess peoples who are being hundled different can come to act toghether, in the first place they are two different peoples in historical process in different regions with different languages? What unifying factors do they have? I did not mention the differnce of human values or human lives, but only that the killings were in mass in Eritrea but not in Ethiopia. I agree with you that every human life is equally valuable. Amharas donkey is simply a language of ignorants or emotional and a word of hatred caused by the killings and oppressions of the regimes using many Amhara aristocrats or elites to serve their regimes.You tried to mention some weakness of the national and democratic revolution mentioning the two organisations, ELF and EPLF. Yes, there were errors because the two organisations were not organisations of angels but of peoples with many weakness, sometimes intentional errors because a whole people cannot be one in ideas and deeds. What the speakers or writers like Tesfay Temnewo of the EPLF or those of the ELF wrote is my own experiences and I have many to accept and to reject. The Eritrean progresive national democratic revolution was sandwitched from all sides, from outside and from inside. So the revolution was tempted by many forces, also from the then super powers. No wonder, therefore wenn the revolution had erroros in the process of history. About the similarities you saw in Ethiopia in 1989 is no wonder, we Africans have many similarities, Eritrea and Sudan, Ethiopia and Sudan, Djibuti and Eritrea, Ethiopia and Djibuti… etc. But these similarities cannot make us one, we are also different. Do not try to condemn the eritrean revolution as secessionist simply because it had obstacles from inside and from outside, and never justify your believe with the final result in Eritrea, something has gone wrong on the process because of the compexity of international politics and global/strategical interests which gave the Ethiopian feudalists and psydo-marxist-Leninists an opportunity to claim Eritrea as part of their country mentioning Eritrea as the cruddle of ancient Ethiopian civilisation, the fiction of 3000 years of civilisation. So never condemn the Eritrean revolution which had true cause to rise but faced complicated hinderances in the process as secessionist and justify it with the final result which has still another cause. The end result cannot justify the beginning. I hope you can follow me, brother.
Kinfe Weldegeorgis June 26, 2014
Dear Teklay,
If you grew up in Kebessa, then we do not have difference, may be we grew up in the same region of Kebesa also, but might have different ages. In the sixties I was very young man and my puberty started in the seventies. But throughout all this years I witnness very criminal and horrondous action in Eritrea by Hailesselassie’s Komandis and Tor Serawit. As a studen in the junior and senior secondary schools I was conciously witnessing all the political and human crimes in Eritrea and I was comparing also with what was happening in Ethiopia for example the killings of students in the Addis Abeba University and peole who were dying of hunger in Wolo. I could mention you also the mass murder and horrific killings by the Dergue every where. How can you guess peoples who are being hundled different can come to act toghether, in the first place they are two different peoples in historical process in different regions with different languages? What unifying factors do they have? I did not mention the differnce of human values or human lives, but only that the killings were in mass in Eritrea but not in Ethiopia. I agree with you that every human life is equally valuable. Amharas donkey is simply a language of ignorants or emotional and a word of hatred caused by the killings and oppressions of the regimes using many Amhara aristocrats or elites to serve their regimes.You tried to mention some weakness of the national and democratic revolution mentioning the two organisations, ELF and EPLF. Yes, there were errors because the two organisations were not organisations of angels but of peoples with many weakness, sometimes intentional errors because a whole people cannot be one in ideas and deeds. What the speakers or writers like Tesfay Temnewo of the EPLF or those of the ELF wrote is my own experiences and I have many to accept and to reject. The Eritrean progresive national democratic revolution was sandwitched from all sides, from outside and from inside. So the revolution was tempted by many forces, also from the then super powers. No wonder, therefore wenn the revolution had erroros in the process of history. About the similarities you saw in Ethiopia in 1989 is no wonder, we Africans have many similarities, Eritrea and Sudan, Ethiopia and Sudan, Djibuti and Eritrea, Ethiopia and Djibuti… etc. But these similarities cannot make us one, we are also different. Do not try to condemn the eritrean revolution as secessionist simply because it had obstacles from inside and from outside, and never justify your belief with the final result in Eritrea, something has gone wrong on the process because of the compexity of international politics and global/strategical interests which gave the Ethiopian feudalists and psydo-marxist-Leninists an opportunity to claim Eritrea as part of their country mentioning Eritrea as the cruddle of ancient Ethiopian civilisation, the fiction of 3000 years of civilisation. So never condemn the Eritrean revolution which had true cause to rise but faced complicated hinderances in the process calling it as secessionist and do not justify it with the final result which has still another cause. The end result cannot justify the beginning. I hope you can follow me, brother.
Teclay June 27, 2014
Dear Mr. Kinfe (3) last
Tank you again for your brotherly approach.Let me go one after the other the main points you raised in short.
-“very criminal and horrondous action in Eritrea by Hailesselassie’s Komandis and Tor Serawit. As a studen in the junior and senior secondary schools …..” I expected you was grown up in Barka,but in Kebessa such exaggerated killings? i will try to ask,those who was old enough.But i am also interested how many civilians may have died (61-91) in Eritrea ?. I expect the killings in Ethiopia was much more.(!00,000)
-About your clam they could not fight together ,they are different ppl with different languages ,,,,,Why not? Had they fought against Italian colonizer together?what about Dogoli and Gundet? do you know about the village Hamasien Sime Turu around Sheshemenie? what about all the world heroes Zeray Deres ,Bashay Awalom and others. What about General Aman ? so please be fair
– “You tried to mention some weakness of the national and democratic revolution mentioning the two organisations, ELF and EPLF. “,,,,,again minimizing factor,,brother , Suria Addis,Falul ,Menkai,Yemin etc were only mistakes and weakness? then the Killings of Toserawit also a mistake? What about the civil war ELF vs EPLF,,, ElF vs EPLF +TPLF again that is also a small mistake ?
-“Do not try to condemn the eritrean revolution as secessionist”,,,,, ELF = Brother i said secessionist it is mild ,because i do not want to hart the feelings of some brothers ,otherwise ElF was a simple terrorist organization.Among many examples the hijacking of civilian Ethiopian airlines to Pakistan,,blown up of civilian infra structures like Rail way, Bridges ,,Cold blooded murder in the cites etc .
-EPLF = it is not easy to find a name for EPLF,it can be anything but not a liberation organization.There was one, only one mafia boss and thousand and thousands of slaves,true slaves. I mean including may own brothers.
-About your answer to Eritrean Patriot,,,,First of all E .Patriot is talking about kinder garden ,or just 5 th grade propaganda it is not your standard ,Secondly the most important what you mentioned about Yosief G = Yosief unlike most of the so called Eritran intellectuals is not coward and opportunist.He is the only courageous Eritrean intellectual But unfortunately he came late.Had we had like Yosief in 60s,70s ,80s we would not have ended up like Gipsy today.
-“Modern unionist”,,,,Brother,now nothing is remained to be united ,if the whole KEBESSA is in Diaspora or on their way ,what is remaining is the mountains and planes. So,if there is no population to be united there is no “Modern unionist ” you do not need to worry. The union of brothers which you afraid to much and you blind nationalists fought hard is dead .Who want to celebrate along Egyptians can celebrate WEGAH, TIBEL, LEYTI:
Ok ! Brother thanks for your civilized approach again.I hope you will consider the points with your free mind not one sided mind.
The Eritrean Patriot June 26, 2014
Hi All,
The issue of Eritrean nationhood is simple. Eritrea as a European colonized territory like all African countries has every right to nationhood like all African countries. Any other argument does not hold water. It is a case closed argument sewaled by a UN approved and monitored referendum and recognized by all countries in the world including Ethiopia. Trying to reverse history is reckless and will not work for the Eritrean people have spoken. What is left of Eritrean people is to speake about how how to govern themselves: dictatorship/totalitarian vs constotutional democracy.
The Eritrean Patriot
Kinfe Weldegeorgis June 26, 2014
The Eritrean Patriot,
your point is short but right. But there are modern unionists who want to turn the wheels of history taking the present situation as an opportunity and nitpicking some errors in the process of our national democratic revolution for independence. The old Unionists could not change history, let alone the modern ones like Yosief Gebrehiwet who try to find acadamic faults to undermine our revolution and try to condemn it by some subtle means after all is settled on national and international levels. My argument is based on this observations. The point you mentioned about democratization and developement of the nation is another very very big and inportant question which requires wisdom intellect and in leadership and unity in action and thought with far-sightedness.
Dala ksha June 26, 2014
Genuine Eritreans
I am saying this again and again No Eritrean national will quotation the rightness of struggle for independent ,be smart some Ethiopians are meddling in our case ,they acting like Eritreans to write in this forum,don’t confuse your self.
Dala ksha June 26, 2014
Pls don’t sweat to convince those people they are doing their job,people just hiding behind the computer and dumping their idea.
Kinfe Weldegeorgis June 27, 2014
Dear Mr. Teklay,
Your thought is too extreme in the direction of blind and artificial unionism just like that of the darkest feudal Haileselassie and his fanatic Amhara feudals with their Amahra Ethiopianism. You are ignoring the genocide in Eritrea just as Haileselassie’s regime and the late commer Dergue used to do who always said they killed only Wenbedies. Are you refering the propaganda texts of these past Ehiopian government when you write to me? If I tell you the human and animal genocide which I saw in Eritrea you will be shocked. You are trying to tell me that 100000 were killed in Ethiopia. But exept that of the EPRP and some MeEsons of Haile Fida, all the deaths were caused by natural disaster. I know exactly how many EPRPS and MeEsons were killed during the Dergues regime. They are not more than some hundreds. I cannot guess where you referred for the 100000 killings in Ethiopia. Your stand point is also contradictory because some times you support the backward and criminal regimes by excusing the genocide they were commiting and you are repeating their propagandas but at the same time accusing them for killing 100000 in Ethiopia. The Ethiopians never fought against Italian, Turkish or other aggressors together with our Eritrean ancestor; they always fled from battles and looked from a distance leaving our eritrean acestors alone. They were only plundering on the Eritrean peripheries if they could get a chance. The history of DogaAli, Gundet and GoraE are also not in favoure of your stand point, they had other historical tasks. The Heroes like ZerAy Deres, Bashay AwAlom Adwa, Aman Michael Andom, Deboch Abraha, Mogos Asgodom had a very differnt mission in history, they were heroes against colonialism in general. Most of these heroes, like their ancestors, were against the colonisation of Eritrea including Ethiopia by Europeans. This does not mean they were fighting as Ethiopians. I told you our Eritrean national revolution was not a revolution of Angels, or of a perfect human beings. There was no perfect human being since the existence of humans. But humans try to be perfect, but in the process they fail. So were the mistakes of the Eritrea national democratic revolution made to achieve internal perfection, which was difficult. The genocide of the backward and criminal Ethiopian regimes were different by their very nature, silencing political question, if not mass extermination. Therefore it was all about looting what they do not own. I think also that you do not know any thing about MenkaE, Suriya Addis, Yemin or others. Any one can use them as propaganda for a purpose. The brotherly war between the ELF and EPLF was also a struggle of ideas for the better and perfection of Eritrea, it is natural to have different ideas or political opinions. I say only it was a mistake, when I see the method of its solution. To call the ELF a terrorist organisation is completely a historical crime, shame on you. The ELF has enlightened the Ethiopians who later started to change their situation and be free from the reign of terrors and darkness. All these began in the Addis Abeba University, thanks to the ELF, the national democratic organisation. All the Ethiopian organisations including EPRP and TPLF have got the best democratic orientation from the ELF and Ethiopia is beginning to have open windows to the world now, if Ethiopia is fit for that. So the ELF helped the Ethiopians a lot. You mentioned about hijacking of airlines and blowing up of bridges. It seems to me you are simple minded, at least when it comes about what war means. But at the same time also you did not mention the napalms and sofisticated peaponary the backward and reationary terrorist regimes of Ethiopia were using. You are subtly excusing them for their crimes in Eritrea. Your judgement is completely one sided, may be you belong to this side of the story or stuffed with their propaganda. If you are not so try to be fair in your judgement or try to see things as they were, at the least. In one of your sentences you told me that the ELF was terrorist, in another you told me the Eritrean movement was secessionist but not fully convinced with this termonology. You can find as many terminologies as you liked and use them alternately to serve your purpose just as hailesselassie and the Dergue did but in vain. They are already collected by Hailesellassie propaganda dictionary, brother. Don’t you have the dictionary of Ethiopian propagandas? Patriotism is never mentioned nor known in kinder garden; or what kind of kinder garden do you know? My mentioning Yosief Gebrehiwet is the most important point for you. But I did not mention it as improtant in connection with Eritrean intellectuals but simply to mention how historical objective realities are distorted by opportunistss in the name of intellectualism with academic languages to mislead people for their own interrest. Yosief has said nothing intellectual about the hisitory, the politics or about the over all situation of the past but repeated the propaganda of the Ethiopian regimes at that time and pitnicked the Eritrean nation revolution by seeking errors, even the smallest to prove his argument. Nationalism or internationalism does not emerge as you would wish or would like it, but is result of historical process with which you have to comply or follow. Eritrean nationalism and its developement forward will continue, wether we like it or not. Eritrea shall continue. What you mentioned is only temporary. What I am not sure about is wether Ethiopia will continue as it is now or not, but there are many factors for not, dear Tekaly. But from all your arguments you do not seem to observe this reality.