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  • February 10, 2012

    Congrats Congrats Congrats brother redeee *enkuae nabzi abkeaka dima neaka* yohana yohana .

  • 1234ghebar February 10, 2012

    I will buy it, but I am not going to read it, as I have already read it.

  • Shishay February 11, 2012

    Do you have shopping center in Ethiopia?

    • ahmed saleh February 11, 2012

      Not only in Ethiopia I hope it will reach inside Eritrea too, God willing.

  • Mussie February 11, 2012

    Interesting,i would like to buy it,how could i get it? plse send to ISREAL,OPEN shopping store

  • Selamawi February 11, 2012

    I cannot wait to read the book. Compatriot Ato Redee Mahari is not only an informer but he is excellently versed in the Tigrigna language. Having read his postings particularly at, his knowledge of the Tigrigna culture is transparent.

    No matter what his critics and opponents say about him, Alena – Redee Mahari – will go in history as one good face of the Eritean fabric: his hard work, his courage to stand up to the PFDJ machine is commendable.

    As to the content of the book, I will wait eagerly.

    • ahmed saleh February 11, 2012

      I understand the disribution of the book is not an easy task, but for those who could
      not find it I think better have an address to order . Thanks.

      • Abnet Tesfai February 11, 2012

        it is excellent contribution for this and next generation that documentations for traitors,their brutality and crime on their our people. killing them is minor thing but to document and distribute their crime to the public is historical lesson.
        what lovely in our modern time is that no hidden information remains out of the sight of the public.

  • Semere February 11, 2012

    Congratulations Alena!!! This is a real breakthrough!! Let the evil of the Dictator be exposed. I am sure some will call you Agame, woyane, CIA and other cheap names. Do not mind!! You have done a noble service to the people of Eritrea. History will reward you smartly. I wish someone translates the book into other international languages, for creating wider public opinion. Now Eritrea is reaping the weeds (zer’i krdar) of Isayas. But soon we shall reap the wheat of Alena and other courageous Eritreans!! God bless you Alena!!!

  • kiflemariam February 11, 2012

    TeAwet Alena!!!!!!!!!!!Smerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • berhane February 11, 2012

    Redee you are our special hero and you are a great father and brother and a symbol of change, dignity and prosperity of the on going youth movement. Your outstanding work will pass a real message for the new generation to make concrete foundation of unity and determination to stand on a real and open lawful fear less ground in our country.

    Please note, I would like recommend you that, it would be great if you publish this book in English and Arabic language versions. Because the world had have learned from Adolph Hitler perhaps the world should look isometrically as his ancestor is still leaving in the same character but different colour and named Isaias.
    Oh.. let me tell you my beloved brothers (Eritrean Youth Movements around the world) as Isaias is devil, his parents were hoped to have a blessed son that’s why they choose the name Isaiah but when he reborn from devil thereafter he changed his name (without recognition of his family) Isaiah to Isaias because, he do not have the courage to call prophets and saints name since he became devil.

  • FACT-is-FACT February 11, 2012

    Dear Alena:
    Congrats ! and only History will judge and place your contribution in its rightful place.
    If your book is narrating the truth, the only truth, that your conscience, soul and mind witnessed with very minor exaggerations that can be overlooked and reasoned out as trivial unintentional misplaced insights, then only then, the shelf-of-History will have your book as one of the embodiment ; quintessence ; epitome of -The Truth that was deliberately SEALed by the SEALers from the Owners of it (The true independence strugglers those who struggled for one & for all) !
    በቲ ተራእየ በቲ – ኣብ መወዳእትኡ ታሪኽ ነዛ መፅሐፍ እዚኣ ኣብተን ናይ ታሪኻት ከብሓ (Historical shelves) ክትሰርዓ’ያ ፥፥ ህዝቢ’ውን (እቲ ዝጠራጠር – rightfully so) ነቲ ዝተፈፀመ 100% ሓቅን ዘይግኑን ምዃኑን ምሕታቱ ባህርያዊ እዩ!


  • FACT-is-FACT February 11, 2012’td part (2)
    Originality of the Facts on this book are vital to the current & coming generation of our soceity. Our soceity has been in a mess for more than 1/2 a century due to overlapping Historical distortions deliberately to confuse and bog it down. And adding salt to its injury isn’t a good thing.
    Thus, if this book is far beyond ዘይተኮሓሓለ ዘይተቆናጀወ ዘይተወቐረ ዘይተወቐጠ (ኮታ ቡቛል እቲ ሓቀኛ ታሪኽን ክውንነትን ) then this a is a Historical Stone .. this will be one of those books who would be etched in Eritreans’ minds & souls.

    ንስኻ ግን እታ ግደኻ ኣበርኪትካ ኣለኻ። ከም በዓል ኣለምሰገድ ተስፋይ (ፀሓፋይ 2 ቅነ ኣብ ድፋዓት) ንታሪኽ ኣብ ዂናት ምስ ኣስናን ገያፅን ቀታልን ጠያይታ ዝገጠመ ክንሱ ….


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