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ዕድመ ናብ ዝከበርኩም ደለይቲ ፍትሕን ሰላምን ኤርትራውያን ብምኽንያት መዓልቲ ናጽነት ኣብ ከተማ ሉጋኖ

ናብ ዝከበርኩም ደለይቲ ፍትሕን ሰላምን አብ ኤረትራ ብምክንያት መዓልቲ ናጽነት ኤረትራ ንዕለት 25 ግንቦት 2013 እምቢ ንምልኪንለዓል ንፍትሒ  ብዝብል ተማ,  አብ ከተማ ሉጋኖ   ዞባ ቲቺኖ  ሃገር ስዊዘርላንድ ዓቢ ናይ ምዝንጋዕን  ብዛዕባ አብ ህሉው ኩነታት ሃገርናን አብ

ናብ ዝከበርኩም ደለይቲ ፍትሕን ሰላምን አብ ኤረትራ

ብምክንያት መዓልቲ ናጽነት ኤረትራ ንዕለት 25 ግንቦት 2013

እምቢ ንምልኪንለዓል ንፍትሒ  ብዝብል ተማ,  አብ ከተማ ሉጋኖ  

ዞባ ቲቺኖ  ሃገር ስዊዘርላንድ ዓቢ ናይ ምዝንጋዕን  ብዛዕባ አብ ህሉው ኩነታት ሃገርናን አብ ሲናይ ንዘጋጥም ዘሎ ሽግርን ጠንቁን አፋታትሑኡን በቶም ነቲ ሽግር ንምፍታሕን ሂወት ንምድሓንን ከይተሓለሉ ዝሰርሑ ዘለዉ መብሪሂ ክወሃብ እዩ. ከምኡውን በቶም ወናማትን ህቡባትን ጉጅለ ባህሊ እምቢ ንምልኪ ስዊዝ ወጋሕ ትበል ለይቲ ከምዘሎ ንኩሉኩም ደለቲ ፍትሕን ሰላምን አብ ልዕሊ ኤረትራ, ምሳና ሓቢርኩም ክትሳተፉ ብክብሪ ንዕድም.

አዳለውቲ ኮሚቴ ምድላው ባዓላት ስ.መ.ኤ.ድ.ሃ ደቡብ ስዊዝ ካንቶን ቲቺኖ/ሉጋኖ

Address     Via Die Plattani

6900  Lugano – Massagno

Switzerland ( CH )

ብደሓን ምጹ !   

ቢንያም ተወልደ  20. 04. 2013

Tele  +41 (0)76 310 59 11

Review overview
  • haile April 23, 2013

    Keeping fighting for Cheng that is the only away we could have soluatio onece forever

  • HOPE LESS ERITREA April 23, 2013

    ዝኸበርኩም ስዊዘርላንድ ፣

    ዘይንዕወተሉ ጸገምና እዚ እኮ እዩ ።እንድሕር ነጻነት ኢልኩም ትጽውዕዎ ኰንኩም ድኣ ንምንታይ ትቃወምዎ ፧ ጸረ ነጻነት ኢኹም ማለት ድዩ፧
    ኣንጻር ባርነት እንተኴንኩም ምሳኹም ኣለኹ።ጉንበት 24 ሸፋቱ ባርነትን ፣ጾታዊ ምዕማጽን ፣ምሕራድን ሒዞም ስለ ዝኣተዉ ነዚ ሸፋቱ ዘውረሱና ባርነት ናብ ነጻነት ንምቕያር እንተኾይኑ ምሳኹም ኣለኹ።ንሳቶምሲ ብድሙ ድሙ ስለ ዝተመረዙ ነጻነት ዘምጽኡ ኮይኑ ይስምዖም ይኸውን።…What is your excuse..and don´t give me that aHwatna iyom crap ,Hawi yblAyom. They were stealing peasant´s livestock & now they are doing it in towns .Well same difference.

    • Kalighe April 25, 2013

      በጥ ኣቢሎም ክገርፍዎ ኩርማጅ ዝፈቱ
      ጃንሆይ ኣትዮም እንተሃብዎ ናጽነቱ
      ኣድጊ ሳዕሪ እምበር ምዓር ስለ ዘይትፈቱ
      ባንዳታት ደቂ ብሉቕባሽ ተረፍ መረፍ ዝለመዱ
      ክብረት ኣለርጂ ጌሩሎም በረኻ ፈርጠጡ
      ነጻነት ኢሎም ባርነት ሸመቱ


      It’s indeed difficult to tell who is who in the internet (you could be even be dog), but what you have been writing about Eritrea tells it all, for the moment there is no other way to tell who you are. Your writings clearly show your are someone regretting to be called Eritrean. You say: “ጃንሆይ ኣትዮም እንተሃብዎ ናጽነቱ”,”ባንዳታት ደቂ ብሉቕባሽ: ተረፍ መረፍ ዝለመዱ” “ነጻነት ኢሎም ባርነት ሸመቱ”. Isn’t this a proof that you are an Ethiopian or one who is not sure about his identity ?. Isn’t that an insult to the people of Eritrea and their history ?.
      Now tell me how a person like you can claim to be an Eritrean ?

      • HOPE LESS ERITREA April 25, 2013

        Kaligne ,

        I stand by my comment ,if you think your ..Underground prisons ,hunger to the point of famine ,rape of girls by Colonels ,using women as sex slaves in the trench ,endless conscription..turnning our young to fox & the beauty of independence…I am proud to be quoted the sober logic I present. It is because we have too many Eritrean Niggers & few proud wise ones that we are suffering.
        2000 yrs ago a blameless son of man was crucifued while freeing a lawless criminal Barnabas.That did not make it right just because many Jews at the Time were from Eritrea..Fools & Airheads.

        thanks your
        fellow Eritrean except wise

  • April 24 ,2013
    A statement released from the Eritrean military movement

    The Eritrean military movement would like here to announce to the people of eritrea, inside and out side that it continuous its struggle against the dictator isayas and his few juntas.The movement is still in its firm position to return Eritrea towards a democratic state.In this respect it demands from the dictator certain unanswered demands to be activated or performed.These are:-
    1.Notification of all political prisoners,their current condition,where they are kept openly to the public using all the country’s state media,
    2.The immediate release of the political prisoners ,after their notification,
    3.The ratification of the constitution,
    4.Allowing the practice of free press,
    5.Allowing the practice of multiparty system,
    6.Esablishing a national independent commitee to perform the above objectives and openly notifying this to the public,
    The Eritrean military movement expects positive attempt from the government.If the above public demands are not fulfilled it will be the duty of the military to bring law and order in to the country.Hence we demand them to be performed until the end of may.If they are not answered every official of Eritrea will pay a higher price,that may be life along with their children.
    The Eritrean military movement strongly advises sara haile to change the mind of her husband before a great danger approaches him and his family,
    The Eritrean military movement advises general sebhat efrem to leave office,before death approaches him,
    Eritreans in asmara are adivised to follow the updates of the military movement,if there might happen an exchange of fire they must not be out of their home,
    victory for the Eritrean people!