ናእሽቱ ደመና
ናእሽቱ ደበና ኣብ ላዕሊ ከቢበን እንተ ዝሰምዓና እቲ ንዛረበን ጽሙእ ምረወየ ካብ ዓሚ ሎሚ ዘመን ኣትን ደመና ንዕነ ተኣከባ ዓዲ ከይተውዕላ ‘ዛራይት ሩባ ብጠመታክን ዓይኒ ኣይተረብርባ ናይ ካልኦት ዓለም ዘረር እናበላ እዘን ናታና ግን ላዕሊ ዝስቀላ ጸሓይ ድያ ንፋስ ትምንቀየን ዘላ ቕናት ደመናክን ኣበይ’ያ

ናእሽቱ ደበና ኣብ ላዕሊ ከቢበን
እንተ ዝሰምዓና እቲ ንዛረበን
ጽሙእ ምረወየ ካብ ዓሚ ሎሚ ዘመን
ኣትን ደመና ንዕነ ተኣከባ
ዓዲ ከይተውዕላ ‘ዛራይት ሩባ
ብጠመታክን ዓይኒ ኣይተረብርባ
ናይ ካልኦት ዓለም ዘረር እናበላ
እዘን ናታና ግን ላዕሊ ዝስቀላ
ጸሓይ ድያ ንፋስ ትምንቀየን ዘላ
ቕናት ደመናክን ኣበይ’ያ ጠፊኣ
ነዊሕ’ኮ ጌራ እንካብ ዘይንሪኣ
ቦታ’ዶ ቀይራ ግብርክን ጸሊኣ
ንሳ እያ ኔራ ምሳክን ተራክብ
ናይ ምድሪ ጥርዓና ኣባክን ተቕርብ
ነጎዳ ኣንጕዳ ዝናብ እተስርብ
ኣብ ካልእ ቦታስ ኣላ ተዓጢቃ
እንሆ ትርኤ ዃዕ’ላ ደሚቓ
እዚ ናትና ግና ኣበያ’ መሊቛ
ከይተመቃቀልክን ዘይትኮና ሓንቲ
ቀትሪ እንተጸሊእክን ዘይትዘንባ ለይቲ
ሓጋይ እንተመሪሩ ኣሎንዶ ክረምቲ
ጣዕሚ ዘይብሉ ዝኣረገ ማሕላ
ሕፍረት ኣቃሊዑ ቀዲዱ ነጸላ
ሓዲኡ ክወለድስ ይፍትሓላ በላ
ጽንሕ ኢልካ ካፋ ኣለና መበሊ
ኣይ ንሳዕሪ ኣይ ንምበቖል እክሊ
ሕማቕ ጠመተ ዓይኒ መሐውለሊ
ኣጆክን እንዳበለ ዘይነቅጽ ባሕሪ
ቃላቱ ፈዂሱ ኮይኑ ተባራሪ
ክጭቅን ቀሪቡ በዚ ናትክን ሰሪ
ጆው እንዶ ኣብልኦ ይንጎድ ነጎዳ
ዕቡራት እንስሳ ኹለን ክስውዳ
ሃገር ከተተንፍስ ከምልማዳ
በራካን ምድረ ኣጻምእን ክሕጎሱ
ወሓዝትን ኣፍላግን መሊኦም ክፈሱ
ጸልእቲ ኣዝመራክን ከብዶም ክሕመሱ
ኣዒንቲ ዕውራት ኹለን ክክፈታ
ዕምባባታት ምድሪ ጥዑም ክሽትታ
ሓረስታይ ክድሕን ካብ ልቃሕ ሸመታ
ዓይኒ ማያትክን ቆሪጸን ተስፋ
ብዘይ ልሙድ ረስኒ ስለተገረፋ
ዓይነን ዓዊሩ በዚሕዎን ሃፋ
ለኣካን’ዶ እታ መለዃዅቶ
ቅድሚ ዝናብ ‘ትብል እቶ እቶ
ጸገም ክቅንጠጥ ክወቅዕ ‘ቲሸቶ
ጓህን እህህታን ካባና ክሃድማ
ኣዒንተን ክዓውራ ኣእዛነን ክጸማ
እዚ ኩሉ ጸሎት እዚ ኩሉ ምህለላ
እንታ’ዩ ጸገምክን ወረ እንታይ ትብላ
ሽግር’ኸ ኣሎ ድዩ ዘይፈትሖ ዋዕላ
ሓሪምዎም ድቃስ ለባማት ብፍርሒ
መእሰሪ ስኢኑ እዚ ናትክን ጕርሒ
ግናይ ከይውለድ ድሕሪ መሪር ቀዝሒ
ግደፋ ኢድ ባሕሪ ኣይትስበራ
ይትረፍ ናይ ትማሊ ናይ ሎሚ ግበራ
ከብዲ መን ተድርር ኣነ ኢልካ ፈከራ
ንሕናን ንስክንን ሃየ ንግበር ዘተ
ጎልሓም ዝብል ዓይኒ እንከይትዓመተ
ወርኡ ኣይጥዕምን እናረኤ ዝመተ
ትብሎ ዘይብልካ እዙይ’ምበር ኾይነ
ፍጡር እንተ ኣእተካ ኣብ ሕማቅ ፈተነ
መፍኾሲ ሚዛን’ዩ ፈካራ እልካ ኣነ
ሕቶ ንዘልዓለ ንምፍላጥ ኣበሳ
ገሊእክን ትንእሳ ገሊእክን ትነገሳ
ገለክን ትከበዳ ገለክን ትፈኾሳ
ኪዱ ሕተቱ ንሕንሳስ-ልደ ፋና
ንዓይ ንዒቃ ፍላይ ማንታ ባና
ኣይፋል ዝበለት ንግስነት ደመና
ነዚ ምስ ሰምዔት ማና ቦኹሪ ገዛ
ነጸላ ደርብያ ተስእነ ዝሕዛ
ሞጎተ ኮነ ጠጠው በለ ኣከዛ
ድሕሪኡ ከኣ ፡-
ባና ከይሓሰበት እናሃበት መልሲ
ንጸንሔ ቁስሊ ኾይና መራከሲ
በዚ ምክንያት’ዩ ስኢናሉ ፈውሲ
ዶ ? ……………..
እህምም ኣይውረድ’ዩ ዘብል
ሃና ክትቀንዕ ባና ትዝንብል
ማና ክትበኪ ፋና ትዕልል
ጽቡቅ ዘይፈትዋ ነገር ዘባልሓ
ህርዲግ ዝብላ ብኣፈን ክረብሓ
ፈተውቲ ኣበሳ ኣሎዋ ዝመርሓ
ኣብ ግዜ ሰላም ተነጸፍቲ ኣጎዛ
መዓልቲ ጸበባ ሰፈረን ዝሕዛ
ሓደ-ሓደ ኣሎዋ ኣንጻራ ንኣከዛ
ናይ መን ከዲንካ ናይ መን ክቅላዕ
ኣቦ ዳስ ግበራ መኣዲ ክስራዕ
ቁሩብ ትሕዝቶክን ብኣገባብ ክብላዕ
ኣይግድን ሕንፍሽፍሽ ዕዳጋ ሕምባሻ
ጮው ዘላታ ናተይ ሕብስቲ ቅመሳ
ናይ ኩለን ብሑቕ’ዩ ናተይ ተጠቢሳ
ሕስብ’ሞ ኣብላ ኣይጥፍእ ቀልብክን
ቀጥዒ ግበራሉ እዚ መኣድክን
የማነ ጸጋም ከቃልብ ንዓክን
ብሩህ ቆላላሕታ ንልቢ የሐጉሶ
ቅኑዕ ምግባር ንጌጋ ይድምስሶ
ወጊድ በልኦ ሰራም ዝቀደሶ
ጎሮሮ ነቂጹ እንተበለ ስመራ
ዘመን ፍለያ ኣፍቀርቲ ዳንኬራ
ዓይኒ ሰም ክብል ቦታ ኣይትቀይራ
ሓጋይ’ሲ ኣይትድለ መሓዛ
ዘይናታ ኣይትጠምት ናታ ሒዛ
ግዜኣ ሓልያ ትፈጽም ትእዛዛ
ስልማት ምድሪ ኣህዛብ ምስ እንስሳ
ትንፋሱ ሒዝክን መሰሉ ኣይትግሰሳ
ደበና’ውን የላን ጸሓይ እንተነጊሳ
መረጸ ኣስመላሽ April 1, 2013
Paradiso April 3, 2013
Long time ago many fool Eritreans thought, they were Arabs and there are still many “Abeeds”, as the Arabs call them, who think so.
Read the Amnesty International report posted in afriquejet.com
Egypt, Sudan to stop kidnapping of asylum-seekers
Amnesty International urges Egypt, Sudan to stop kidnapping of asylum-seekers – Amnesty International on Wednesday urged Egypt and Sudan to stop asylum-seekers and refugees being kidnapped from camps in Sudan, forcibly transported to Egypt, and being severely abused in the Sinai desert.
The global rights body said in a briefing note that for over two years, refugees and asylum-seekers have been kidnapped from in and around the Shagarab refugee camps in eastern Sudan, near the Eritrean border.
It said the vast majority of victims are Eritrean. They are then trafficked to Egypt’s Sinai desert, where they are held captive by Bedouin criminal gangs while ransom payments are demanded from their families.
Amnesty International said it had received repeated reports of brutal violence used against captives in Sinai, including rape and sexual abuse, beatings, burning and other violent and cruel treatment.
The captors reportedly telephone their victims’ relatives while inflicting violence in order to extort money, often demanding ransoms of up to US$30-40,000.
…. 2
Paradiso April 3, 2013
According to the rights body, some refugees and asylum-seekers are murdered when their families are unable to pay the ransom, while others die from injuries or because of the extremely harsh conditions of captivity. One teenage boy held for eight months in Sinai witnessed seven deaths among the other captives during that time.
The organization called on the Egyptian security forces to investigate urgently reports that refugees and asylum-seekers are being held captive in compounds in northeast Sinai.
“The Egyptian authorities have a duty to protect any individual on their soil, and must urgently take steps to free all people held captive and subjected to appalling abuses in Sinai, and provide them with immediate medical attention and access to asylum procedures and support,” said Claire Beston, Amnesty International’s Eritrea researcher.
Amnesty International urges the governments of Egypt and Sudan to make significant efforts to bring anyone involved in the crimes of kidnapping and human trafficking to justice.
It also calls on the countries along the trafficking route – running from Eritrea through Ethiopia and Sudan into Egypt – to work together to bring an end to the kidnapping, trafficking and horrific abuses, and to increase engagement with international agencies’ initiatives to tackle these crimes.
Said April 3, 2013
you giving a great details on the event will I give you a credit for that but at the end of the day your daddy’s the dictator selling them . it’s not the arab fault is your father I guess you fell to see that. if you working with the wadi afewreik get over it. united against dictator.
Daniel Teclegiorgis April 4, 2013
ዝበለጸ ምሩጽ ኣበሃህላ’ዩ ኣቶ መረጸ። ይልመድካ!