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መስከረም ኔት ንእተእንግዶ፣ንደላይ ፍትሒ ህዝብና ዝንዕቕን ዝዘልፍን ጽሑፋት መልስና።

[gview file="ክንዲ-ብጽይና-መሳርሕትና.pdf"]

Review overview
  • kiros mengstu July 27, 2015

    deleyti fthi ezi b HGDEF ztexahfe xhuf entay elu kxhf txbeu alekom. nqalsi wxuat nmtenqaf betom alewu zbehalu nay hgi kielatat nzgber zelo qalsi xelaela sle zbelo kxawero ab zey kelelu edme sltanu zhaxrelu sle zqerebe nfthi zqalesu nay hgi kielatat kab hzbi nknxlom zegebron zey yblon yeblun hzbi gen neqihulu eu lomi trgum yeblun zbele ente bele seatka akila eiya belwo.shmagle awahahadit selamawi selfi Geneve haqenatat qusli hzbom terediewom mealebi nkgebrlu zqalesu jeganu Eritrawyan eyom zesekf yeblomen.eti zblwo zelewu gen menenet nati eukuy setan merahieom tarik hiwetu zey gelx mkanu kfeltu ygbaom ymesleni.shmagle awahahadit Geneve ajekum nsegum tray nhna kemti zbehal eti gemel ykeyd kelbi dma ynebh eu gdefwom ynbhu srahna nsrah tray deki Eri.qalsi ztewexun wexa kem zelo zamnun eyom zqalesu emo ajekum lsan eti wxua hzbi zkonkun shmagle Geneve. Norway

  • yoni July 27, 2015

    free press they can right whatever they want and the public will take what is relevant for them. democracy democracy and free press go together

    • Asghedom July 27, 2015

      yoni democracy , democracy is meskerem net democratic or the voice of detector. please I don’t buy your democracy and you are only HASAWI

    • Gerimuna July 28, 2015

      It shows that you are one of the logger headed supporter of the defunct dictator. Giteer nxilul merahi. Tele wala tinfer. our people is suffering through individuals like you, Testa di Gaeillina..

  • Stefanos Temolso July 27, 2015

    ኣቱም ሰባት፡ ሓደ ገልዒ፡ ጽያፉ ዘይከትት ሰብ ተዛሪቡዶ ጽሒፉ ኢልኩምስ ክንድዚ ተገዲስኩም መልሲ ትህቡ? ንሱ ደኣሞ ሊሚ ድዩ ኣንጻር ረብሃ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ደው ኢሉ? በጃኻትኩም ረስዑዎ። ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ጀነቫ፡ ብኢኢትዮጵያዊ ድዩ ኬንያዊ፡ ኣመሪካዊ ድዩ ጀርመናዊ ተመሪሑ ብዘየገድስ እቲ ዕላማ እንታይ ነይሩ እዩ ዘገድስ። ዝመርሐ ይምርሓዮ፡ ዝወደበ ይወድቦ ዘገድሰና ዕላማ እዩ። እቲ ዕላማ ቅኑዕ ስለ ዝኾነ ህግደፍ ኣምዐ ከም ዝተንከፎም ጸላዕላዕ ኢሉዎም ጥራይ ዘይኮነ፡ ኣንፈቶም ኣጥፊኦም ገና ክሳዕ ሎሚ ብዛዕባኡ ጥራይ ዓንገረር ይብሉ ኣለዉ። ስለዚ፡ ዋና መሽረፈት ይኹን ካልኦት ወይጦታት ግደፉዎም መንጸሮር ይሓዞም። እዚ ውዜማ እዩ ገና ካልእ ክገሃድ’ዩ በሉዎም። ንሕና’ኮ ንኢሰያስ ትግራዋይ ኢልና ኣይኮንናን ንቃወሞ፡ እንታይ ደኣ ጨቋኒ ብምዃኑ። ስለምንታይ ደኣ ንበዓል ኣቶ ወልደኣብ ይኹን ካልኦት ስለምንታይ ብሕማቕ ዘይነልዕሎም? ኣማእት ኤርትራውያን ኣንጻር ኤርትራ ሰሪሖም፡ ኣማእት ተጋሩ ወይ ኢትዮጵያውያን ድማ ስለ ኤርትራ ተሰዊኦምን ጕልበቶምን ሓንጐሎምን ከም ዘፍሰሱ ክፍለጥ ኣለዎ። ስለዚ፡ ኢትዮጵያዊ እዩ፡ ትግራዋይ እዩ? ዝብል ዘረባ ናይ ደናቍር ምዃኑ ፍለጡ። ዋና መሽረፈት ንባዕሉ ኣመሪካዊ እየ በሃላይ’ንድዩ? እሞ መን ይቐርብ ንኤርትራ ኢትዮጵያዊዶ ኣመሪካ? ንሱ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ፡ ዋና መሽረፈት ብሓቂ ንኢትዮጵያውያን ዝጸልእ እንተኾይኑ፡ ስለምንታይ ንደምሒት ተቓዊሙ ዘይጽሕፍ? ስለዚ፡ ንኸምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ሓደ ብዅሉ መዕቀኒ ሚዛን ዘይብሉ፡ ሰነፍ፡ ግብረ እከይ ሰብ ረሲዕና ኣብ ዕማምና ጥራይ ነተኵር። ወደሓንኩም!

  • samuel July 27, 2015

    መስከረም ነት ረስዓዮ !!! እንታይከ ዘይበለ !!!! ኣካለ ስንኩላን ኣከለጉዛይ ስለዝኾኑ ተረሺኖም ፡ ዝብል ሰብ እዩ

  • lemlem July 27, 2015

    I think by giving response to the PJDF dogs would be apportunity to keep attacking individuals. All the dogs need is to weaken the Unity of opposition and don’t forget this is monitored and controlled by PJDF intelligence. We need to move on and look at Our objectives.

  • Alem k July 27, 2015

    Meskerem dot net is the most despicable and garbage site. The man who runs the site has no principle and PFDJ disguised as “opposition”. it is just another “”. It is all exposed now. Who the hell is he anyway to ask about who is citizen who is not. I think we giving him more attention by visiting the site.

  • Josy July 27, 2015

    It’s been a very long time since this website has been hellbent on wreaking havoc among Eritreans. The owner of this website who is now busy baptising free-minded Eritreans as Ethiopians, has once benefitted life as a son of a general of the Ethiopian army and with the growing power of the Elf, he is said to have joined the elf though no one knows what he has exactly done as a fedain. And right now he is wagging his tails with the very regime that is leading Eritrea into a laughing stock of its enemies.
    So what’s there to expect from a website lead by an individual void of stand.
    Eritrea would be better off with young and dynamic intellectuals like Dr Daniel, than the old and conservative politicians like Monkey, whose political concept has long been outmoded.

  • Negusse July 27, 2015

    ስቲፋኖስ ተመልሶ;
    እኹልን ስፊሕን ብሱልን ርእይቶ አብ ውሽጥና በአውራጃ ክፈላልዩና ምዕዋት ምስሰአኑ ዝገብርዎ ጠፊእዎም ና

    • Negusse July 27, 2015

      ይቕሬታ ተባላሽያትኒ ክውድአ።
      የክቡር እስቲፋኖስ;
      ብቑዑን ብሱልን ጺሒፍኻ ” ዝብላዕ ዘረባ ” ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ጥራሕ ሐይልናን ሐሳብናን አወሀሂድና ብራብዓይ ማርሻ ንቕድሚት ንመርሽ ህግደፋውያን አብ ገምገም ጸድፊ ኢዮም ዘለው ቑሩብ ምንውናው ጥራሕዩ ዘድልዮም ስለዝተሰዓሩ እዮም ዝሕዝዎን ዝብልዎን ጠፊእዎም እዩ ዝበኽዩ ዘለው።
      ” ሎሚ ትማሊ አይኾነን።”

  • ERITRAWIT July 27, 2015

    I think you shouldn’t responed to this dogs and Mesherefet web.
    Dear Dr Daniel you are not the first person you been called Ethiopian, (kndaka zeyakla B ka ywla eu negerew) we proud of you keep it up Brother.

  • Ibraim July 27, 2015

    The son of Ethiopian General Alem is working hard to promote the divide and rule agenda of the regime through spreading ethno-religious and regional sensitivities. And attacking real justice seekers like the good Dr. Daniel is its main weapon.