ሓደ ካብ መልእኽቲ ሓዘል ካርቱናት ስነጠበበኛ ኣብርሃም ሳህለ – መንግስተ ሰማያት የዋርሶ ! July 11, 2015 3:09 pmassenna1808465Views SHARE
Aelm and Giorgio July 12, 2015
It is a very sad event to lose such a genuine eritrean with full of aspiration, artist and comedian as Abraham Sahle. He will remain for ever in our hart. My deep condolence for all the family and for all the people that loved him.
Weygud July 12, 2015
Mejemreya ne sedera beyetu xhineat yehabom mechem memeher Amanuel memeher eyom tebeleku teray eyu deakilo kulu neger beqhelilu negerat zeredeka Eyfereh hade gzeye happy new year eilom dewilomulu demxhi hafash ezi neay welehade ayekonen qhuxhiru meqheyeyar eyu eilewom eta dedelya melikiti amehalayfewa live Sele denebre dekone kigebru ayekealun abeti gzeye
weygud July 13, 2015
So sad to hear of the passing of Abraham Sahle. He was a great artist. May his soul rest in peace and my condolences to his family.
mesob July 13, 2015
wedigere July 14, 2015
rip sewit
kahsai kidane July 16, 2015
He will truly missed ,I knew him at his his young ages& he was so kind &intelligent